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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. I particulary would love the Lab to implement this one, it would mean I could avoid all the people who would go to the snob club
  2. Not a creator its true just for info but I do look at avi's and the places I go there are still a lot of people in the standard avi's with system clothing. I look at them and I really don't see any creativity over and above mesh. The avi's don't look good and the clothes they wear don't look good.Now maybe I only see people that can't be bothered but I have yet to see someone in all system that looks anything like decent
  3. Where did I say traumatised I agreed extremes should be curbed, what I said was a certain amount of hurly burly between kids is to be expected and prepares them more than we see with the safe space crowd we are getting now where they try to have clapping banned as it might trigger someone. Pendulums swing both ways and it has swung much to far to the lets cotton wool people which is why we get the people at work now that burst into tears when they are told how crap they actually are at the job they were hired to do but are incompetent to perform
  4. No she was just of the opinion, I didnt want him to ask and he should have known it. He is a nice guy currently suspended without pay. Same level as her and most people including women think he is a nice guy whereas they think she is an arse We have all made our views known to management and told her we no longer wish to work with her
  5. While it would be nice to wrap all our children in cotton wool and never let them hear an opinion to the contrary that they are a special snowflake do you really think that helps them when they go out in the real world. A place full of thugs and bullies, ranging from your manager to the cop that pulls you over? I wouldnt argue a extremes should be moderated, however a certain amount of kids being kids should be allowed and once again its not boys being boys. Young girls are just as cruel. People need to be toughened to a certain extent else they join the workforce and end up in tears
  6. But that is the problem you see, you talk about unsolicited advances, so does she. You mean one thing she means another. Yes she is a major piece of work and was complaining everyone now hates her and wont talk to her which is when I pointed out why are you talking to me I don't want to know
  7. In case anyone is wondering about the post above I am currently peeved by a girl at work who is single, this was widely known. Two guys decided to invite her out one to a film the other to dinner. One she accepted the other she reported to hr for sexual harassment because apparently he should have known she wasnt interested. Her words, she was a friend now I told her to go fornicate over it and we argued about it today. Yes the guy she reported by her own admission it was the only time he asked. Her view being "well he is so ugly he should have known I wasn't interested"
  8. Ok not going to quote anything but speaking as I think a respectful male I have to say If I see you in a club and I am single and your profile shows nothing like a partenr or I am not interested then I may well im you and suggest we dance. If you dont like it and its unwelcome, sorry tough I had no way of knowing that before asking if you might like to dance. Its not about how you dress its about you being there , me liking what I saw and nothing saying I shouldn't. Now that may offend some but I see this bull***** every day. We aren't mindreaders. If we have no reason to think its unwelcome and we ask then get off your high horse most people take a simple no I am not interested quite politely. I do get the impression from some posts here that people should only ask those that they know want the offer. I would ask merely whats the difference between "Hello there, would you perhaps wish to dance?" and "Hello there, would you mind if I ask you to dance?"
  9. You forgot "Or I stop playing sl and the labs lose the 30$ a month they currently get from me" Which is what would happen. The subscriber base then falls dramatically and creators sell less. Landlords need less land and drop tier and the lab loses money
  10. Yeah do all that and watch the population drop like a stone. Some of your suggestions don't even make sense such as limiting land. You do realise that most of the money you spend in rent ends up in the lab account. Short answer if the lab tries to coerce people into subscribing I suspect most pepole will go bye
  11. I think those that say people will get turned off by up front video tutorials are right. Personally what I would do is have a tablet like object that each new resident gets. Something they can consult anytime. Break the options down so for example a what can I do section? People can suggest things to the lab to include as topics such as for example photography and the Lab then asks for submissions and chooses the best. Might be gives them a note card, a youtube link whatever. Put a small prize for a winning submission a 1000 or 2000 l$. It gets residents telling newbies what they could do here and it will be told with more expertise and passion than the lab could ever muster. Make it so when they add the tablet it comes up like a hud and each section has icons just like they are used to in the real world. Then they can learn at their own pace and dont feel they have to wade through a load of videos before they can start. More a hitchhikers guide to second life idea
  12. Under show your style it doesnt, apart from that in the first post all you see is a bit of two performers and a secretary type. The bit devoted to dress style is 100% as we have been saying. What I was saying is change two of those pictures out for the styles I suggested to at least not give people the impression we all dress like star trek aliens
  13. See beth gets it, have one image like that fine then something fetish, something high street fashion
  14. I am completely on board with the concept that what someone is interested in wont necessarily what someone does when they get in. You seem to be missing my point which is very few people are interested in that type of fashion. I would suggest that the reason most get interested in second life is so they can look sexy when it comes to clothes. I think the percentage of people who think those clothes look sexy is sub 1% and will probably put off more people who think everyone dresses like that than it attracts
  15. Apart from the thing you miss there is that most of those 800 people are going to go oh I want something from blueberry and head straight to the market place. We currently have a concurrency of around 50k at any one time many of whom, more than the 8000 you mention without doubt. We don't seem to ever have a problem getting into any popular store in world. Event yes that can be a problem but thats a function of their short time span. If demand is there extra event sims will be opened. You appear to be arguing that the lab shouldn't be trying to increase their customer base with your arguments
  16. Why would they all be trying to get into blueberry at the same time? They wont be signing up all at the same time? Simple fact is creators used to make those avant garde clothes They didnt sell so creators stopped making them Labs are better of targetting for adverts what actual real life users have shown them they want to wear rather than outfits that look to most people like they were designed by a drunk blind person after a bad acid trip
  17. No probably not but you seem to be missing the point, the percentage of people that like that sort of outfit is probably vanishingly small. The Lab has limited money to spend on marketing. Therefore they need to use it not to target the small niche populations that probably don't amount to more than 1% but rather target the 30 to 40% that want high st/ or non high st fashion that isnt the avant garde style
  18. Most of what you see in sl is very much high street style fashion, the other large percentage of what you see most definitely isnt high street fashion but it still isnt anything like those outfits. However how often in SL do you see outfits like those portrayed when you are out and about? I would bet almost never
  19. I think the point is you have to advertise in a way that draws in the majority not the minority. Avant garde and high fashion no doubt has its afficianado's I have no doubt but I suspect from anecdotal experience most peoples reaction is "wtf is she wearing I wouldn't be seen dead in that". Whether you like it or not most women really aren't into that sort of fashion. A slinky black dress yes, a dress made from binbags not so much
  20. Not being a necessity does not mean they have to price it to something suitable to you, it merely means they price it so they will make a sufficient income and if some people drop out because they see it as no longer worth it then they will shrug
  21. I am curious as to why you think this? people grow older and waiting till they are 40 to get them on SL doesnt give you any less target audience. I think personally that SL won't appeal to people in their late twenties like it does in their forties for the simple reason that in your late twenties you are out there doing the stuff you can do here more or less, either that or raising a new family. Those in their forties however have come to a point where kids are almost grown up and less dependent on you. You are settled and you have financial committments and time committments which preclude a lot of stuff you might otherwise go out and do. So they turn to SL
  22. Sorry Scylla I am going to pull you up every time you make these wrong assertions. If I talked about women the way you talk about men you would quite rightly pull me up on it. If you make assertions its only men that do something when its blatantly false then yes I am going to correct you. Just like Zeta did. We get it you are an ardent feminist, however all you do is turn people like me that support sexual equality against your whole movement. It is clear from many things you post you have an agenda and it show's in the language you choose. You don't see me pulling up most of the other women here on this do you. Perhaps you should reflect its not me its you
  23. Absolute twaddle, women are just as prone to do this but you aren't going to see that as you are a woman. Just like girls also send photo's of exposed body parts as a first overt contact. I know I have a folder full of them. Can we have less of its only men do that Both genders have their idiots
  24. Many of your points are about helping creators flourish then you drop in this gem. Surely this would make people not wish to buy stuff if they get a recurring tax on it
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