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Zeta Vandyke

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Everything posted by Zeta Vandyke

  1. After a long day at work its nice to get home, log in to SL and... work. But it has alcoholic drinks included, so at least that's an improvement!
  2. Redgrave still has system skins. Do not know if it the quality is what you seek but worth a try https://gyazo.com/5c5f94d540502891243617e73b77fdc8 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/REDGRAVE Skins Fashion/94/154/21
  3. About your sim and lack of traffic, you can not just create a SIM and expect it to attract loads of traffic right away. There are less people in SL and there is an overload of awesome content. So to get people visit your sim you need to advertise, be part of communities and get them interested in your sim. Organize events even. RP communities usually are already settled on their own sims and will not just leave there to go for yours. I invested almost L$ 90k in a commercial sim about 3 weeks ago, and no one just comes and visit out of the blue. You need to advertise, network (with people), have others spreading the word and so on. Took a lot of time and afford of multiple people to get to 25k(ish) traffic and still that is not high compared to "competition" sims. If your sim is as beautiful as you say it is, and can add value to an active community, give it time and most important effort, and you can steadily build up traffic.
  4. If it just happened out of the blue and worked good before, i always click as many "clear" buttons in the Catwa Masterhud as possible, and if that does not work, the Skin reset option. If it always happen with just this brow, check if it maybe came with a brow shape, or if your maybe wearing a brow shape from a different set. If other brows work well, and you only can not get this single one to work, throw it on a fire....
  5. Getting ready for the day, pondering on why I do not have a hot tub in rl.
  6. Hot cocoa, blankets, coffee with alcohol. I'm not leaving here anymore
  7. Indeed happy rezday! I remember you from 2007/2008ish on Flickr
  8. A bit late response but since you had no answer here yet, the hair is from Doux, recognize that much. Not sure exactly what model it is: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/168100?search[category_id]=17&search[maturity]=General&search =1&search[per_page]=12&search[store_id]=168100
  9. A bit off topic, but I see the URL, Gibson. Thats where Nexus Prime used to be long ago. Is Doomed Ship by the same designers?
  10. I have played occasional online MMO games and indeed always used the same nickname on those, and no problem sharing (limited) RL information or use voice chat, because it was just that, a game. In SL though I keep my RL and SL strictly separated and have a unique SL only name. Some people I know/trust do know quite some RL details, but nothing that would ever lead to full identity. I am a company owner in RL and I would dread to have a bad SL relationship or just a harassing troll that would somehow reach out to RL people or even employees or clients and jeopardise my credibility in that function. So for me there is no (detailed) RL / SL mixing.
  11. I doubted a very long time to go mesh body, I had around 15k non mesh fashion items that would no longer work. But from the moment I switched I have never looked back. I love shopping, and all the good stuff nowadays is mesh, and mesh only really works well on a mesh body. You can get it to work otherwise, but it will hardly ever fit as good as on a mesh body. My choice was Maitreya. No regrets. Deleted all my non mesh clothing too. Yes its quite a lot of L$, but you buy it once and get updates whenever released, and its a long term investment.You will most likely keep the body for years to come. Hair is a different thing. I like mesh hair, but if you prefer flexi you can still have that, you having a mesh body does not change that.
  12. That might fix half the problem. This kind of interaction usually requires two way communication and for someone who is less emotionaly expressive its very unnatural and forced to use emote in Sl like that. Thus the awkward feeling and destroying the mood. Have to add, last (and only) time I had an SL relationship was around 2008, well made animations and visualy attractive were not really a thing then haha
  13. Have the same card and was on 17fps last night. I did have all settings to ultra and shadows on. Must say, even on 17FPS the game experience was still good enough.
  14. Emoting is really awkward to me too. I am also quite the introvert so throwing around emotions is not generally my thing. But also I am very visual. So if someone comes up like "/me is sensually doing this and that to you" My mind goes: Hell no your not, your just standing there doing your general AO standing around stuff... Just does not work for me
  15. I can not imagine (second) life without mesh feet anymore! I have a Maitreya body that includes the feet. As a genuine shoe addict I have to say that all the best footwear nowadays is made for mesh feet. If though, like you say, you mostly wear boots anyway and are happy with the one or two pair shoes you already have, then its probably not needed.But not considering shoes, I really dislike the look of standard system feet when not wearing any shoes at all. Bare feet look much better with mesh too.
  16. Needed that dose of puppy cuteness! Only halfway trough the day and this would describe it best so far:
  17. Closing down of beautiful sims always felt really sad. Like Suffugium or Nexus Prime. Never been into RP but I loved discovering places like that and showing them to friends. Wandering around and making pictures. Also agree on the timezone. Most people I meet are from the US, im Dutch. So our overlapping time to hang out is quite small.
  18. Before the ban on gambling there were so many great poker paces, had lots of fun. So if you do find a great poker place, do share with us
  19. One more from 2007, when I just discovered bikes in SL, trying to look cool!
  20. SL and our avies have evolved quite a bit Though I love going trough the old pictures, not painful at all, lots of good memories. Noob days where the best days
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