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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. just one thought: It uses llSay,... does this imply the mystery box must be within hearing range?
  2. Official video starts with a dude wearing another avatar... just saying...
  3. the smaller half of SL's population is at a clear advantage here....
  4. If we could 5 minute demo clothing would be a stupid idea - well it still is but for other reasons.
  5. Until you delve into the abyss of Skyrim modding.
  6. Mietzekatze ist schlecht in Ferndiagnose und Hellsehen. Mietzekatze muss das sehen. Ping mich heute abend einmal an dann seh ich nach und weiss vielleicht was es sein könnte.
  7. I understand it as a simulator message, the simulator just does it's job after someone get's banned but stays on the parcel. Don't believe me? Add a stunt victim on your parcel (alt) to your not allowed list manually. Compare messages, they will be the same. Now Phil's mystery is how the heck we get from llSay(0, (string)agent) to someone getting added to said list. Something must do that. Question is WHAT???
  8. not technically correct - in theory 99% of mesh body specific outfits technically qualify as "fitmesh" as do the mesh bodies themselves. So yes, of course: NUX can wear fitmesh - NUX rigged fitmesh that is.
  9. have you tried unpacking it (might work with no copy scripts)?
  10. Now going down wild guesses road: is your parcel set to an expirience so your neighbour's orb might accidentally be allowed to act on your behalf?
  11. he didn't tell so it's a free for all guessing round
  12. stupid kitty question: you didn't accidentally drop the ejector script into something you wear?
  13. *starts performing "Fiddler on the roof" opening number*
  14. maybe the click to sit default option messes with it, try changing it to buy leave editing window and then back to sit... Buy and pay are different options. "buy" buys the item itself or a copy depending on setup, "pay" requires a script to do something upon payment.
  15. IBTL Why do we need 2 threads, I would understand a new aspect like "this avatars molars make no anatomical sense" , but EULA? Again?
  16. That stuff happens when you misuse picks as profile extension...
  17. I'll talk to you again in a year, I'm sure you'll find out what I meant soon enough, ... Anyway I'm out of here, everything that could be said has been said it seems. And by now folks just speculate how this will affect their future...
  18. Nothing ... aside the whole market.
  19. Have you asked them why they were there? Politely of course... Maybe you just bought a parcel formerly owned by a popular store or event. I'd suspect the latter, as that would explain why they didn't appear prior. Happend to me too, when I recently tried to visit Hamsterfest using the 2019 LM I instead ended up in someone's living room. Turns out the event moved.
  20. Well now with the press release they pretty much have - the genie is out of the bottle. Unless they step back and sell them separately like Absolute did when Introducing EVE Pulpy I see no way left for them to get out of this mess now with a win. Can you imagine the "is that now for Lara, LaraX, Lara Petite, PetiteX, Lara Flat, FlatX, VTech, VTechX?" confusion this will cause when shopping or even just trying recombining a new outfit from inventory? I already pity CSRs for the chaos they will have to endure in group chats. Unless there is huge customer pressure creators will not continue rigging for Lara. But there won't be, because most customers don't lurk on social media, they will be dumbfounded when this one hits them. If this marketing stunt doesn't work out Maitreya would have to revive a market they just killed themselves... not gonna happen. Customers are not as forgiving as you think they are. IMHO it is already too late to fix it. The course is set, the lamps are go. All we have left is watching the situation unfold, ... want some popcorn?
  21. Yeah sure, just like back when LL changed the UUIDs for BoM last minute before release and every prematurely released BoM applier had to be redone.
  22. Whales have not been Maitreya's target customers for years now. It was the "I'll buy one system that's future stable" folks. Whales come and go, they follow the tides. Maitreya is trying a gamble now - but I'm not sure they still have what it takes to survive in the market for fad bodies that will be forgotten about in a few years.
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