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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. So basically we need SuperDuperUber-Premium with free 4096 m² tier? (for 64m squares)
  2. The problem I see with the badge is it cannot really trigger positive reactions in others but it can very well trigger negative ones, like envy, hate and resentments. Most of my friends considered those going lifetime idiotic cash cows, if they are representative for most residents, then no, it is not a unicorn badge it's a stigma.
  3. Clearly missing the "sometimes" answer. The results will not be very representative that way.
  4. LL's definition and the usual definition of agent might differ* *as usually
  5. But wouldn't that equal to "To enter Belli, please leave your brain at the wardrobe desk." ?
  6. Would it stop working if Belli was several estates?
  7. Much to the dismay of people who might want to rent bots for whatever reason. A friend of mine offers a pony party service, basically you can rent a bunch of Shetland pony avatar bots with party hats to brighten up virtual child birthdays... But if said child is unlucky enough to live in the wrong side of town (e.g. Belli) it will now be "Bad Kiddo, No Pony!"
  8. I think a prim to reinforce bush phyiscs does not count as invisible wall. But why would you want to do that? Fast travel car vandals will run trough it quite easily but won't be able to escape back out after slowing down to reasonable speed... by then your orb ejected them ending their vehicular rampage. As a bonus slow and careful drivers won't be affected at all.
  9. They seem to do well in tests on performance and aging, but that could as well just be clever propaganda. That said two of my three SSDs are EVOs.
  10. Look at the bright side, after you're done you will have aquired (or "been taintend with" depending on who you ask) arcane knowledge few uninitiated know. Just don't let the Grid-Align-Inquisition catch you...
  11. That is a system message though, you can try to AR Governor Linden, but I doubt he will get prosecuted. If you get that message each time you pass it means you get added anew each time you approach,... and that their banlist most likely exceeds 300... this high turnover rate might impact the server. You can and should however AR the popup SPAM with the media link.
  12. There should be an option to align by local (object internal) coodinates... just hope it was not uploaded at a 45° Y-Angle.
  13. You could even want to rent a bot, would be bad if it were not allowed in, wouldn't it?
  14. Oh they still exist - they still work, they just refuse to work with ALM on (Possibly with PBR neither)
  15. Thank you for proving my point why Lifetime Premium should not be publicly available info. This is exactly the reaction I was afraid of.
  16. This! SPAM is a reportable act. AR each parcel owner that spams you, tell your travelling friends to do the same, enjoy the angry review fallout once Governance Team starts patting some hands. If you wanna play nice tell the Governance Team that you think the device owner might not be aware their object is working outside boundaries, they will get patted on the hands more softly that way (though I doubt repeated offenders will be given the benefit of assumed ignorance).
  17. That is actually good. If it is networked as I guess It will eventually hit some club's regulars, DJs and hosts which should lead to venue owners dropping the unreliable service in anger and word of mouth recommendations not to use it.
  18. If it spams you in chat, you can identify the object by rightclicking the "sender", that way you can identify it's creator.
  19. You can search by release date, then visit stores you deemed good in those finds. Not the best, but a start.
  20. You could try Linux dualboot, SL runs a bit less efficient on Linux but you would safe way more than that amount on system overhead. However taking forever to load stuff sounds like an IO throttle, Try Gabriele's idea, I have a small SSD just dedicated for my Kokua and Firestorm caches.
  21. Community interactions? Socializing? What kind of hippie commune region do you live in? Never saw anything like that near my LindenHome...
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