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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. Apparently he is not alone... I should AR much more
  2. Passt doch zum anderen post von der Firma...
  3. It does not connect them with an "or"
  4. especially mind last one "Enclose the area behind walls or other visual barriers." Please don't leave your sextoys on your garden perch unless you have also a high hedge... thank you PS: unless of course you are on Zindra/Horizons or an adult private island/continent where it's allowed...
  5. Ok here's what I would (ab)use... Q-GIS. But don't complain it's not even remotley what you wanted to have... because it was never intended to be used on tattoos and meshes but it can stretch a tetxture onto a new projection (I bet there is something far easier to use in game desings but yeah I'm a maps persion, so I stick to my cartography software)
  6. The Meadowbrooks houses just cry out for this... it can easily done with just a few tortured prims (maybe 10-20LI).
  7. Somebody must give those linden homes some love. They are better than their reputation...
  8. My best advice though: nonphiysical tracks. Make the elevator a vehicle moving along invisble tracks like SLRR does (you can even steal and adapt the SLRR scripts, an elevator and train taht goes upstairs are not so different in coding) the tracks need to some prims (can ve invisble and nonphysical) and the elevator shaft can be anything you like (as the elevator runs on the invisible tracks).
  9. I would not be suprised if the future LI revision highly adds to the sculpie LI price and renders them useless...
  10. with some weirdo conpany selling you animated bento intestines... the bento riding horses of LL and the famous brand are most likely not appendix-friendly either
  11. Standard mesh body based ones are, but many use custom furry meshes and those sometimes are not.
  12. You wnat a simulation of RL elevator. SL is a different environment, humans have a long tradtion of adapting to new environments and hence the elevators that are sold here are usually only optimized for SecondLife's "laws of nature". The stuff you want is so out of the line you should learn to build your own, or be ready to pay big buck for a solution custom buildt for you... because I really doubt they exist. Just hop to a random sim and politely ask people how they will want to traverse 4000m hieght in SL... few if any at all will say "physical elevator".
  13. I just looked up the product in MP, it is mod, so I guess you can just drop in other elevator scripts and rebuild it to your liking... Trick here is : don't do the automatic resizing, build your elevator shaft manually from several sections.
  14. Because "real men" all got their cloth back in 2006... and as "real men" do, they have not changed their shorts since then either
  15. We do not even need to be allowed inside that parcel, I successfully "Last minute" shopped at more than one event.
  16. If a child avatar bullies another guest the parcel owner will most likeley kickban it, just as the other way round... yeah I find "strawberrie flavoured farties" disturbing too, but I never was bullied by a child, annoyed ? Yes, a lot. Asked if they can take me home (I was a plushie giraffe then)? Yes. Bullied? Never. You seem to forget the child avatar owner is a minimum of 16 years old behind the keyboard... there are no excuses and most landowners see that similar.
  17. That would require the lab to hire 2 short time employees for just 2 month worktime of pricacy screen removal alone after the moment they woud allow this. Believe me, a lot of us mainland drivers would report them... I ride around there for the view after all...
  18. Only Linden Labs can access your account's wallet unless you allowed someone else, if the money is not there anymore you can be quite sure it was no hack email
  19. I have way to many "friends", I rarely talk to them at all, only to a select handfull... so yeah do not friend people easily. Please don't
  20. You can uncheck the checkbox that resets camera on move in FS... no idea where that was. I did and it helps a lot.
  21. She already told you there's not much more to know.
  22. by not spending it =^.^= no, I didn't do a million, I keep spending my Lindens on stuff ... it's what makes me want having Lindens in the first place Million L$ in fishing sounds like they had been doing it for a really long time...
  23. Why do you need to search megaprims? If I had some on my land I would know where they are if I had to build something new I would not use them.
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