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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. Yeah in theory it could, even on first try. But unless you also delete the given item's copies inside, it could go on forever and not give you all (doesn't apply to "no copy" items of course).
  2. Usually it won't cease functioning after it dries up, some people said "maybe after 10 years" some say 5 years. My old boss had the common sense approach "whenever you take off the cooler block" which some people even don't (you should definately do that though). PS: you will surely find someone telling you "every year" too. Maybe that even makes sense if you overclock your CPU or really push your GPU/CPU to their limits on a daily base... as everything in live it might be a matter of perspective.
  3. Am I the only one having to laugh here when I combine your two posts?
  4. People As is access to a spelling dictionary, ... It is to late ... your wannabe TOS already claims we accepted them... shhh, don't show them to a lawyer, they might die from a laughing attack... Your game's ever changing rules are well known to the traffic generating game community, the people I know still in find the rules about forced gratitude as ridiculous as I do but say nothing because they fear to be punished... I pity them, but I won't sell out myself for how much are your megas? 500L for 6 hours ... and you have to click you're there all 5 minutes or all proceedings are lost? Yes I see people are desperate enough to do this, but I am not. I can earn more in the Realms, LOL (and that includes the coffee break I don't get in your game) Interesting perspective, what do you think, we think of what you are? PS: Yes I guess I'm banned by now in your group, Hurray to you for proofing my point if I am
  5. Because fear of "catching homosexuality", those poor "never anything but straight" male souls suffer that fear all day long in SL.
  6. Shhhh, Coffee, how shall we see from afar which posts we should take with a grain of salt if she starts using that now?
  7. Yeah and cause many community projects to leave SL. I have seen some nice examples of group owned land done right on the SLRR.
  8. Doesn't really surprise me at all. SLers are divided in the explorer type and the social bubble type. Most are of the social bubble type. They will have lived in their communities up to 15 years and rarely venture abroad. You would be surprised how many 10 years plus avatars I keep running into who know nothing about the SL world in general.
  9. You already have a waterhorse.. so how about riding out in true medieval royalty style? Go hunting with a bird of prey. Calli Kit falconry offers some really great birds (but their scripts are a bit high). You will need to have rez rights on land to use them at full potential, but even without they will randomly take off and catch grasshoppers. As far as I know the hand animations in the falconry HUD are Prio 4, when I tested them with the waterhorse rezzer at the WH sim the arm animations stayed in place while riding around. Right now she is working on some wolves that will allow the birds to hunt some bigger game after they stir it up (no idea when she will be done though, but the prototype can be seen hopping around together with an AIF husky in her store's garden) Interactive cats can be found from Virtual Kennel Club (VKC), AIF (artificial inteligence friends), I think Zoobies and yeah by permapetting Straycat or KittyCat breedables. Interactive dogs are also available from VKC and AIF, I think Biobreeds and some others have breedable permapetable dogs.
  10. The Devin-ers are too, wanna share my popcorn? All relevant things have been said on the first 2 pages. Now people repeat themselves while spiraling down in aggression. Nothing good will happen in here from now on but it might at least get amusing . So far I kept myself from reporting it but my bets are this thread will soon reach a point where it becomes neccessary... Will it have helped Devin? No way! Because now people will remember the place for the aggression it's regulars showed instead of it's beauty... good job your fanboys did there.
  11. Please all calm down and take a deap breath. I would be upset too if that happened to me but the Lindens have their reasons not to mingle in Resident vs. Resident cases. Yes that is a harsh reality and I bet you feel cheated but there is nothing you can do. All you do now is angering more people. Don't forget some landlords read the forums too. The way you present yourself here might be an indicator for them wether they should lend you a helping hand or decline any of your future rent proposals. Yes the situation sucks. I totally understand you there, worse yet, you cannot even name who wronged you due to TOS. But yeah, the way you handled it wasn't ideal either. So I repeat myself: please calm down, all of you, the other side too, consider how you would feel in his place. Thanks.
  12. That leaves you with: Rent from a new landlord. Yeah not the answer you want, but all you can do.
  13. which leaves us with "no sexbeds in moderate sim skyboxes" I guess...
  14. I understand the OP here a bit. Renting from a Landlord is much more convenient than renting from the Lindens, you can quit very fast, most often from one week to the next... this convenience however comes with a price many ignore: The landlord can do so too.
  15. Why? You know there are (almost) adults behind the keyboards of those avis? And the adults behind keyboards can enter adult sims. There are other rating reasons besides the sexy stuff™, like violence. Really, why shouldn't you want to let others not play child avis in zombie survival sims? PS: and for Christ's sake: Buy a new keyboard, your caps lock is broken
  16. That could also be the case, in case the land baron vanished you might be able to convince the Lindens to transfer the region to yourself instead of letting it perish. Would not count on it but asking - they say - costs nothing.
  17. I think your best bet is to contact the land baron and find out why they closed it. Maybe they had good reasons (griever attacks, simulator malfunction or similar) Worst case scenario: find a more trustworthy land baron.
  18. Well it depends. I am like Resi here: some friends are real friends, others are just like facebook friends... I have no idea who they are.
  19. Look at other body part suppliers most even include dekits with shadowmaps to make your own textures... If your competitors include them you might end up with less sales.
  20. Sounds like a good way to get more bans... Please don't listen to Bree in this case, this is borderline to stalking which might get you banned by the Lindens themselves.
  21. Please remember folks: this is a user forum, The Lindens read very little in it. Calling the sim owner an idiot who maybe did not pay his tier is no good thread starter, simulators cost money - a real bunch of money - it is up to the sim owner to decide if they want continue running it. I am not sure why you call it your sim, are you the creator? If you rented the sim form a land baron you must haggle with those, not LL (Linden dollar rent strongly suggests that case).
  22. Shh go petite you will have 9 times as much room at a third of the average height
  23. Sleeping though the last party at the Faire...
  24. Yes they are, because... (well nope but some might like them anyway) They will allow people to control them with sliders and animate them with custom animations ... (Earcopter anyone? Where is the earcopter??? ) Bento is fitmesh, be prepared to rig the same ears to different brands (and even models, hell yeah - joy of joys) of popular mesh heads...
  25. Find the group in question (by inspecting objects or in search) open group info, click join button... You could be banned because the owner is friends with someone who does not like you (Yes, SL can be just as stupid as that)
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