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Sister Nova

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Everything posted by Sister Nova

  1. I think it's great seeing the Mer Folk thriving once again, and especially enjoy seeing them swim by as I boat around Bellisseria. May your shoal prosper!
  2. I’ve noticed a LOT of interest in trailer living in both the forums and the Bellisseria group chats, so I will be very surprised if they’re not all taken. If it turns out that they aren’t all taken, I think there’s a strong possibility that existing Bellisseria residents that have been holding off having a second home will then consider them to be ‘fair game’. I know that I would be tempted to then shed 512sqm of mainland holdings on my alt and have a go if I believed I wasn’t depriving another of a home. As for them being ‘very packed' on the map, I don’t see this as being a problem as I expect that the area will be as beautifully decorated as the other regions in Bellisseria. Also, after the initial uptake, we're very unlikely to see hordes of green dots on the region as you only have to look at the existing regions to see maybe 1 or 2 others being around at the same time (events and 'flash mobs' aside). I actually enjoy small parcel low LI living, and I don’t think I’m unique in this at all.
  3. Limitations of my viewer unfortunately... had it set to max distance. But the clue was in the title, as in 'The Pickle Has Landed' rather than 'A Bit of the Pickle Has Landed'
  4. The Pickle Has Landed Not showing on my world map, but the view east from Light of Aurelia is very pleasing indeed!
  5. There are a few things I always make room for, but ‘The One’ is a clock (preferably a Grandfather type) with a nice tick and a Westminster chime. I find it very soothing and comforting.
  6. It's a spurious system message that I thought I'd seen the end of. I, and a number of others were getting these messages back in April, and Patch looked into it and got them stopped. Unfortunately I too received one last night for the first time since it was fixed. It has nothing to do with your land settings as they cannot be changed anyway, it's just some legacy from when the restrictions to access change were put in place. @Patch Linden can you fix this for us again please?
  7. Yes, that was my initial thinking also, but someone posted that the object was called ‘Community Area placeholder’ in another thread. I am hoping that it is just being used as a spacer, although the idea that it may be boat trailer access from the land is a nice one.
  8. I think it’s just a spacer to keep the area clear during building for boats to access that parcel near the land once it’s all finished. I've just seen this on another thread so there goes my theory “The red circle prim is: "Community Area placeholder"“
  9. I like how the moles text is blue! Spooky... someone knew something
  10. *Puffs on his pipe whilst rocking on his porch* (No it's not a euphemism!) $350? Wow... I can remember when they were $1000
  11. I think you're misreading the intention in the price reduction of FULL regions. As the statement by LL said "That’s more savings than ever to build, create and design your own home, business or experience in Second Life." The saving is for the owner of the region, and says nothing about 'passing it on' to anyone, even if the sole reason for having the region is to lease parcels for rentals. The "commitment to improving the overall health of the Second Life economy" relates to their program of changes, they're not saying that the benefit received here HAS to be passed on. You said that you rent 2 homestead regions from this owner... they have not been reduced in price, and so certainly do not warrant any sort of imagined intended benefit of rent reduction. If you think you're being unfairly charged, shop around until you find the price you're happy to pay.
  12. I don’t think that this is as big an issue as is feared. My oldest av falls into the L$400 per week stipend, and I think it’s nice that my account is potentially rewarded for having been here so very long. I say ‘potentially’ as in the last 13 years that av has only been premium occasionally. I have other avs that don’t qualify for the higher stipend that have been premium more often and longer. The choice has been mine, and the decision has never been made in order to make money out of the situation. We’re unlikely to ever know what proportion of the current active premium accounts get the enhanced stipend, and I’m certainly not going to pluck a number out of the air, but I’d be very surprised if it was sizeable. Maybe it would also be surprising to see what the ratio of premium/basic is of these old accounts that are still active. It’s not ALWAYS about the money.... or maybe it IS, and I’m just odd.
  13. I fully agree! Stores are for the Mainland and Private regions - Not for Linden Homes! Now look what it has made me do... two exclamation marks in two sentences.... just resisted a third there I'm getting my placard ready now.....
  14. *Sits with his Monopoly set in front of him, a wad of Monopoly money in one hand, and a wad of L$ in the other* "Wouldn't it be great if like, this money was, like REAL!!" Err ... actually, the L$ CAN be exchanged for RL currency, as Blush said in the post above. This post is just to illustrate the point Blush made in the post quoted here
  15. This was brought up in one of the Bellisseria chats a few days ago, and Patch said 'No' at the moment... and hinted that something was coming at some point along these lines.
  16. When I look back on my 13 years of Second Living, I would say that land, the owning and renting of, has been the main theme for me. Whenever I’ve owned land, I’ve always disposed of it at a loss (apart from the sale of one parcel I acquired last week, and decided to let go in light of the premium rate increase in order to shed one of my premium accounts, and actually sold it for what I paid). The beauty of the Bellisseria build really HAS clipped my wings. I still own some mainland from a second premium account, but I very rarely go there now. I let the last of my rentals go too, as again, I now no longer need them. I greatly enjoy travelling around the new continent, and just looking in the garden of my house you’ll see my various modes of transport: an electric car (Eco man!!); an inflatable boat which will detach from its trailer and let me slide into the river); a Quad-Pro for flight; a bicycle; and a horse. When I’m not travelling I’m more than happy to sit in my Continental house. The whole environment here is exactly what I’ve been looking for over the years, and am so relieved to find what I believe to be my ‘keeper’ of a home. So, yes. I too now consider myself to be living in retirement. Who knows, I may even start ‘talking’ to people in world! Please do wave as you see the old guy with his toys, puttering around...
  17. Goodness I hope not! With boathouses in the mountains, trailers on the water and mountain cabins on the beach..... sounds like mainland!
  18. Bear in mind that it can take a few minutes to several hours (I have seen it take 16 and a half hours on one abandoned parcel) before an abandoned parcel is back in the system to be used again. If a large number of people are wanting to ‘re-roll’ to get a parcel more to their liking, you will get a huge number of parcels that are then taken out of circulation for several hours. That’s not going to go down well with people just wanting to be able to claim their ‘starter home’ regardless of location. It has never been stated as to why it takes various times for land to be available again. Maybe it has to done manually, and to have the number of re-rolls unlimited would just create more and more work for those that have to do it. Frankly, I find the idea that anyone would want to re-roll more than a couple of times disappointing. But people will always be looking to exploit a system to their own advantage as far as they can, and putting a limit upon it is the only way to keep control.
  19. It makes it very easy to know when you are the one abandoning it yourself
  20. The confusion comes in the use of words. In this case ‘Rezzer’ and ‘Temp rezzer’. The difference between the two both you and Marianne have mentioned already. For peace of mind I think you need to look at your rezzer and the Land Impact on your parcel when it is placed. Does the rezzer you have only rez the vehicle (bike, horse, whatever) when it is requested? Or does it rez the vehicle and have it waiting for someone to take, then rez another one after the first is taken? If a vehicle IS present, does it add to the LI count on your parcel? If the count on your parcel does not increase when the vehicle rezzes and just sits there having no impact on your land, then it IS a temp rezzer, and would be against covenant as it is both circumventing the parcel allowance and putting illegal strain on the region’s script resources which is the reason temp rezzers are banned.
  21. Source please. The 4 cases stated so far on this thread actually put the average at just over 7 hours. Averages are probably meaningless in this sort of situation. In this thread alone we see a period of time ranging from 45 minutes to 16 and a half hours. Suffice to say, it’s not worth getting over excited when you see someone abandon a parcel, and frantically start to pump that f5 key.
  22. One of the last release of houseboats was abandoned the following day and took 16 and a half hours before a new owner got it.
  23. I'm sure that many considering going premium for the next release of Linden Homes feel the same way .... fewer to compete with and more guarantee for them to get one of the houses. As to your timezone... I'm in the same zone as you, and got my home at around 4pm on a Saturday afternoon (our time.. AFTER they had all sold out), so you're really not at a disadvantage there. The last release of houseboats were at 6pm our time... again, no disadvantage there.
  24. The 15 second warning time is ideally aimed at those who inadvertently enter your parcel, and for pilots that pass through at height. It just lets people know that you want privacy, and really comes into its own when you're not at home. The situation you found yourself in is a blatant attack. As Sylvia has already mentioned, the normal parcel powers of eject and ban are yours to use, and you do not need to wait for any grace period before using them.
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