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Everything posted by Nick0678

  1. Each person will experience quitting differently. For example i quit smoking back in January and haven't smoked not even a single cigarette since then. In regards to my weight it dropped from 78kg to 76kg and anger issues only lasted for the first 7-10 days and was nothings serious , just less tolerant to peoples nonsense So it really depends on the persons activities and character. In regards to sweets ... never liked sweets.
  2. Remember kids smoking is bad for your health (also please don't act like super heroes,, you aren't.)
  3. Fun fact .. According to W.H.O Obesity has reached epidemic levels. ( https://www.who.int/news-room/facts-in-pictures/detail/6-facts-on-obesity ). You are kindly requested to avoid posting burger photos.
  4. Sorry Mr Vincent van Gogh but we have to remove your paintings. You are a bad influence.
  5. Some stuff that were loaded in the TMP Deluxe are also loaded in the Legacy HUD, not everything though.
  6. Doesn't look 13 .. or human.
  7. My profile is misleading and changed often (plus i change the display name every 7 days.). It's just part of the game.
  8. I used to smoke for more than 20 years , seeing avatars smoking doesn''t actually make me think of anything in regards to smoking so i suppose it's fine with me. Actually it's a bit silly because in a similar way we could say that watching avatars having sex without a condom promotes unsafe sex or having them drive cars/motorcycles without the use of seat belts/helmets promotes unsafe driving.
  9. Who cares what hey think or what they say just ignore them and have fun with your friends, at the end of the day it's just an online game and you are free to use any type of avatar you like.
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