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Everything posted by Nick0678

  1. You won't find it somewhere. It's a private version i made for me.
  2. Firestorm works the same , the Linden one has not been updated so forget it. Voice works fine for me , i also use Pulseeffects so that everyone is amplified and clean regardless of the VirtualEar position.
  3. I am a polite person so i accept everyone, even those randoms who send friend requests out of nowhere. Then i add them to the proper Contact Set,. (At the end of every year i usually delete them all except those that we talk on a daily basis and start fresh.)
  4. There are even worse cases than that and plenty of them BUT that's the way it is.. The world has 8 billion people, almost 800 million (1 out of 10) live in EXTREME poverty (below 1.9USD per day) conditions.
  5. I just learned about him and to be honest.. i will probably forget him within the next 15 - 20 minutes... Never cared about such stuff. (unless of course he sends me 1.000.000 USD.)
  6. Your GPU is crying for some fresh thermal paste Maybe but mot necessarily . 140C is very high but it depends on the computer model/bios if it will shutdown due to thermal event..
  7. What ever works for you, lad. At least you haven't paid anything for Linux. You can still choose Windows or MacOS.. But Windows doesn't have a nice taskbar so i suppose.. MacOS. Enjoy. If you are using your laptop to check mail, browse the internet and play second life don't worry you are not missing much. And the show begins.
  8. I agree with that. Sue him! Also women should have a tag that says "If i get sued for not having an abortion within the allowed time limit you are going down with me mothaf @#$!". That will teach them to pull out or use condoms.
  9. Look i don't mind a little bit of biting during sex but cooking and eating my girlfriend or wife ... i think it;s a bit too much for my stomach.
  10. Just installed W11 in one of my laptops.. To me they seem to run just fine with the usual high ram usage of course that windows always had but... wtf is wrong with you guys arguing about the toolbar. Seriously? Dumping a totally brand new O.S because of the toolbar? Ahahaha. Cmon.
  11. I admit it for many years i was addicted to fast cars, well cooked food, whiskey/vodka, smoking, multiple sex partners and generally spending money without thinking. It was a terrible situation but i couldn't avoid it cause i am a very weak man.
  12. Ahhh a nice cigar with a glass of cognac. This is how someone should experience smoking.
  13. Use Windows Installation Assistant, you will find that at Microsoft's Website. It will tell you what's going on and if you can install Win11.
  14. I remember having similar crashes on my windows pc many years ago with the GT710., eventually i had to load an older driver and do some registry tweaking to fix that... Cant remember more though , too many years passed since i stopped using windows.
  15. Its a pair of dragons and it has a hud. #1 Dragon Brothers + texture hud {egosumaii} RARE You can choose the colors you like and then manually make the second dragon transparent iif you don't want it. (or find one that you like from the commons, i got a simple red one if you are interested.)
  16. Ahhh. yes that over there is exactly the reason why after 25 years of smoking i decided to quit. I can't afford to take such an enormous risk and be called a murderer in case my cigarette starts a fire. Nope. No more smoking from now on.
  17. But .. there is nothing to argue about, i am already convinced and 100% in favor of free of charge abortions for all. Everyone should support this. (especially now that i learned they also give free of charge viagra's.to all men)
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