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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. I ran SL on a GT 240 up until about three years ago. I’m pretty sure that’s less powerful than the graphics card an Xbone has and could still do ultra settings. A fair would make everything slow down to a crawl. Still, everything looked nice.
  2. I haven’t noticed much furry hate. I have noticed some people do the whole, “I’m a furry, why do people hate me?” during a conversation where that never even came up. Other than that, haven’t noticed much.
  3. It’s such a stalker song, but it’s so good
  4. En ces moments difficiles, je tenais à te faire part de mes sincères condoléances.
  5. I look at it from a different viewpoint. I wouldn’t look at malls as an indicator of sales going down or whether SL is healthy or not. The way SL has changed eliminated the need for Malls. Events and MP killed the need for a mall. While they were great for socializing and having an experience of doing something similar to a real life thing, they started becoming unnecessary around 2012-2013. Events killed them. I started a business around 2013 and people would always ask “Do you have a physical store?” I did I had a couple and they were in malls. Then I started noticing, I got more sales through MP and having a physical store was a money sink. So I stopped having a store. I’d rather take the 5% hit per purchase than shell out hundred or thousands of lindens renting. Ever notice a lot of landmarks you get in a folder don’t work after a while? Physical shopping is kind of a pain, some of it has to do with events, some of it has to do with convenience. It’s similar to the reason malls in real life are dying. When I started, events were a thing and kind of a treat. People started to realize, “Hey, it’s better to go to this thing once a month, most of my favorite stores are there, get what I need and go home.” Then it started to become a little bit too much, they were everywhere and they were happening all the time and for everything and more and more people started going to them which meant lag. Not to mention events are a never ending treadmill for creators often leading to burnout. Now we are where we are today: people are still going to events in droves, but people are starting to notice booths aren’t being filled, the quality is starting to go down and events are the new malls. Except now you derender everybody, shop as fast as you can and get out of there never to return...until next time. Like streaming and downloading media and online ordering the future is going to be on marketplace and HUD shopping. One hud, takes you to the designers physical store so we’re going full circle. Honestly, I think I’d prefer to flip through something at home, get what I want and continue with my day. I think the way data is being collected is lagging behind that.
  6. Y’all are making me feel bad for doing $10 a week.
  7. Those hairs where the sample swatches are only on a bottle, makeup case or equally small object. I have to then walk up to the object and spend 2 mins camming into position to see if I want the palette or not.
  8. This one always tickles me: Guy: I'm about to log off for a while. I have to go *insert random thing here*. *never logs out*
  9. I got this body a couple months ago, it’s actually a very good body. It has a serious lack of mesh clothing, but it’s definitely a keeper.
  10. There used to be people that gave dance huds away for free. Those days are long gone though, unless you want to do older dances like Beyoncé’s Single Ladies dance. Move! Animations and Sync’d are my go to stores for dances now.
  11. I’ve heard cute, sexy or have been told I have a nice sounding voice. The funniest one was when windows 10 came out and that robot voice bug was going around. I heard “auto tuned” a lot. I probably walked around for a week totally unaware, then another week just having fun with it, until I figured out what the problem was.
  12. A custom mesh head CAN cost 100k and there are people out there that do them. Just to put that out there. Whether this is actually copybotting, is up in the air. I see the OP edited some stuff, so there’s some missing information. Copybotting is sometimes used interchangeably with someone using the What’s She Wearing script, but it’s not copybotting. It’s them copying your look by going out and buying what you bought and looking exactly like you. Why people do stuff like this anybody’s guess. It’s not breaking any rules, it’s just a little weird. If it is copybotting, there’s a lot involved in that and you’re hanging around the wrong people for an extended amount of time for them to take everything off you, bring it back in world to clone you. It’s still weird, but people do it. I don’t know about DCMAing them, wouldn’t that be for the creator of the custom to do? At best you might be able to AR them.
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