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Everything posted by HeathcliffMontague

  1. We hang out with our female friends, tbh. We might go shopping once in a blue moon, but in my experience more for things like vehicles, maybe the occasional piece of furniture if we really need a second opnion (which we rarely do) . And if we do, it's always planned way ahead. We drive, go on rideouts etc. On very rare occassions we might actually stay up until the wee hours and talk about the "big things" in life. But not that often. I'm fortunate enough to have a couple of guys in SL where that might actually happen. It usually involves fluids of the intoxicating kind, though. To be honest, SL would be boring as f... without women.
  2. -Do you use voice in Second Life? Sometimes. Mostly outside programs, though. It can get terribly noisy in-world. -If so, how and when do you use it? (Use it all the time, or is there conditions to where and when you use it?) Used it last time for an MC ride out. Enjoyed it a lot, turned it off after. Back to "normal" SL -Do you think you have a good voice? I can carry a tune pretty well, it's for others to decide. The voice discussion is as old as time here, it seems. I totally get why women stay away from it. My adopted nephew has actually bloomed at lot by using voice in video games in a world wide setting. He was a... Well let's be honest, not a crack baby, but a heroin baby. Let's leave it at that. His English has improved tremendously, as have his overall communication skills. Myself, I'm just too lazy I guess. I wanna listen to music or a UK panel show, a podcast, stuff like that, whenever I'm in SL usually. Doesn't mean I don't connect, but prefer to type.
  3. Mind if I steal those, just to be stored in my purse and perhaps used at a later date?
  4. I see that the neighbours have already started getting their Christmas decorations up. I guess lag season starts earlier and earlier with each year
  5. OK, breaking my own rule of not posting before not having read the vast majority of the answers first, but... WTF? Is this a thing? Way to go to bring SL even more downward the social medial spiral to its final death.
  6. They've stuck with us for quite some time? In one embodiment or another?
  7. Thanks for all that you do, animats, always trying to improve the overall expercience for all of us. But sorry, this will not attract any "real gamers" (as many prefer to refer to themselves) to SL IMHO. Sure, maybe attract some new users for a bit longer. The reason why I often refer to SL as the best driving game I know has to do with such things like that the actual game physics are what you make of them, compared to any run of the mill PC or console game. You can tweak your vehicle settings down to the millimeter in responsiveness, you actually get better in your vehicle over time the more you practice and get to know it (you just don't upgrade according to your XP), you can choose between a plethora of very low lag to very high lag tracks, can build your own bike down to the end of the exhaust pipe, can buy the scripts and just a basic shell or a beautiful mesh creation, insert scripts, even learn to modify them, and take in down a rabbit hole from there, you can chat with other builders/ creators until the wee hours.
  8. Same as many of the above. My credit card is used for vacations only. My two debit cards are linked to whatever I have in that account at the time, only one of which is connected to Linden Labs. And I'm just a wage grinder. PayPal I haven't even used for years.
  9. I don't drink tea, and it's too late for coffee. And I don't have a cat. But will a protein shake and a German Shepherd work? He's 45 kgs, but still thinks he will fit on a lap at times.
  10. I must admit I usually log on to SL for driving these days. And the people around it. But get your behind on a free or 1L sailing boat. Be patient, drift a little. Breathe. Respect boundaries. You might actually meet some great folks
  11. I felt like was I in a metaverse of sorts when I sat in a "data lab" in the lower levels of my University, in the very early 90's when you had to choose sides between the D&D folks and those who wanted to use this "thing" to communicate between borders (we all got along after enough beer). I chose the latter. I might involuntarily have contributed to Twitter.
  12. How would one sail, drive, compete for seconds on a driving track in a way a keyboard would only let you (not a gamer)? Tilt the mobile? How do you explore? Not stirring up anything, just not yet getting it. Call me slow, it's OK if you do. But don't call me not curious
  13. You actually got me a little bit on the mobile side there. Call me a Luddite if you will. I normally use SL on a laptop with a Ryzen 5 these days. Never thought that would happen as a PC desktop user. What kind of mobile will we need to connect it to a keyboard and a larger screen? What can you do in SL without a keyboard? Seriuos question. Dress up?
  14. "SLex" is just a part of SL for me. As is building, creating, exploring, driving, sailing, interesting conversations with folks from all over the world, hanging out with friends... But it's just a part of it. Nothing I shy away from, nor anything I'm obsessed with or normally seek out. It's something that happens at times when you live your SLife. Another spice to SLife.
  15. Nature in RL is full of wolverines, wolves (I love them, though, for the most part, but they can be a bit bitey...), bears, mooses (meese?) and above all, ticks. Nature's nemesis. Slippery rocks, and cliff drops that come out of nowhere, covered in fog. Even if your dog tries to warn you, and you trip over him and fall into the canyon anyway. I prefer both, but it's amazing what some folks can do with their landscaping. I appreciate SL nature very much when it's done well.
  16. Now, now. Don't be too mean to the OP. I contribute by going Premium once a year. Yet I buy L$ rarely,, once in a blue moon. I've spent quite a lot of time building a bike I could sell in good conscience. I somehow don't think that's what LL survives on.
  17. No, I don't mean to go gown that rabbit hole again Mainland dweller here, mostly ground dweller, and I don't mind if you crash into my yard, I ensure you. Stuff happens. But... There are countless driving SIMs where you can get to know your vehicle first, and getting to know what SL driving is, before you embark at speed 11 between SIMs. Happy driving from a fairly experienced both a track and Mainland SL driver.
  18. In true Chat GPT spirit I've not read the whole thread and just summarized. So I'll just respond. SL actually works better than ever for me AMD Ryzen 5 16 Gigs RAM 1650 Ti 144 Mhz screen 300 mbps Done the whole FS whitelisting (makes a huge difference if you've not tried it) Just what I use at present Was growing tired of needing my game rack for SL, so I welcome all improvements made. If SL becomes mobile compliant, I'll probably just use it now it again, and eventually fade out. Never got a proper answer to how making SL work on a mobile platform would somehow not just make it a former shadow of itself.
  19. That's just fine, but losing SL as it is will be a huge loss for the whole metaverse concept. Neal Stephenson will have to write a whole new book.
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