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Everything posted by wherorangi

  1. yes. some good points you have made + I just use unix time for the alarms, as example. If Mon 7:30pm is another time, like PST or Greenwich or whichever, then the corresponding unix time for the alarms can be pre-calculated and put in the alarms list. The SetAlarm function should not need to be recoded. Should work as is + like you say tho the zillion dollars question is how well the LSL runtime server clock and/or API which services the timer event is calibrated with real time i would assume that the runtime server clock is keeping real time, and also assume that dependencies like the timer event and llGetUnixTime() are also running off this same server real time clock for sure the timer event can fire at approx. min. interval 1/45th of a second. Theoretically it can fire at a rate of upto 1/90th of a second. 2 times per frame. (I read once where Some Linden wrote that). And also the min. interval can be longer than 1/45th of a second when the server is under stress however I think that when (or if) everything on the server is running off the same real time clock, then the timer event when fired shouldnt be out time-wise by more than 1 interval of current duration ? maybe. dunno. exactly + defo tho I think running a check sensor is a good idea. Something like say, starting the sensor 5 or so minutes before the next alarm time, and checking after the alarm time to see if the alarm did go off
  2. i am agree with Alwin regardless of what name badge we have over our heads the one thing that remains constant is that we are true to ourselves not only are we true to ourself we are also true to others. Those who know us, will always know us again nvm what name badge we are now wearing in my time on SL I am now a 5th generation avatar. I go away and come back from time to time. Why ? dunno really. I just do when I do come back then even if I never say then anybody who knows me, can work out really quick that is me, again. The people of SL are not silly. They know how to work others out in this pseudo-anonymous world that we have. They are really good at this + so. If you do start again and hope to be something better personal-wise than previous, then you need to change your true self. People will still work out that is you tho. When you do change your true self for the better, then they will tho see a more mature and balanced person
  3. not sure what is the max. period a lsl timer can be set for. I dunno bc I have never tested it if it can be set to a long period like a week or more then can/could make a alarm clock based on unix time something like: // alarms in seconds since Thu 0:00 unix time. Add more/less alarms as you like// Mon 7:30pm, Mon 9:00pm list alarms = [ 329400, 334800];// some textures. 1 for each alarm timelist textures = [ "name or key of texture 1", "name or key of texture 2"];integer alarm; // index into alarms list (and textures in this example)SetAlarm(integer a){ llSetTimerEvent( (float) ( ( llList2Integer(alarms, a) + 604800 - ( llGetUnixTime() % 604800 ) ) % 604800 ) );} default{ state_entry() { SetAlarm(0); } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // stop timer while we do stuff llSetTexture(llList2String(textures, alarm), ALL_SIDES); // set the next alarm alarm = (++alarm) % 2; // 2 is the length of alarms list SetAlarm(alarm); }}
  4. following up a bit on what Rhonda has mentioned + the default AO (Animation Overrider) that comes with the avatars that new resident s choose from the signup page, has no HUD control (is just a transparent worn attachment which goes automagically). Meaning is no way to manually turn it off and on from within the viewer HUD UI to turn it Off then have to Detach it. And re Attach to turn it back On is just another one of those things that some more thought could have gone into when designing the new resident inworld starting experience. Not only for sitting (as OP mentions) but also in some other cases. Like dancing for example when the dance animations Priority is less than or equal to the AO animations anyways and nvm (: + a way to solve this for new residents is for them to get a HUD-exposed AO. Which can be problematic for a brand new person to do immediately. Like actually finding a AO inworld or on MP, then learning how to unbox it and wear it, enable it, etc etc + given this then the other way is 1) open Appearance (button on left your screen) 2) press Save As (button bottom of dialog) 3) enter a outfit name ("My Something Outfit" or whichever name) and Save 4) In the Appearance dialog, on My Outfits tab. You will see the Outfit (all the stuff) you have saved as "My Something Outfit" 5) Open the outfit. Will see a list of everything you are wearing (your current outfit) 6) Look for "Animation Overrider" in the list. Right-click on the name and Detach. The name will change from Bold text to Normal text. Is still part of your outfit, you just not now currently wearing it 7) To put it back on, then open Appearance, My Outfits tab. Open your "My Something Outfit". Find "Animation Overrider" in the list. Right-click on its name and Add. (make sure is Add and not Wear ok). Is now worn again 8) If when you Add (the AO) it doesnt go then you in a no-script area (the script in the AO wont start). So teleport Home, back to Social Island, and it will work again + can seem like a whole bunch of botheration nation all these steps for sure. However, as a new person then learning how to dress and undress ourselves is pretty much the next thing we all learn after the initial walk/sit/explore experience for new people starting out, Outfits is integral to the dress/undress experience so in a o.m.g.f.f.s.g.r.r.s.r.s.l.y.weers.te.loots.eleventy sense in not providing a HUD-exposed AO. then the loots is in how the Outfits weps work. And you can level up quicker than them other new residents, who still stuck on the g.r.r.eleventy level (:
  5. entity0x wrote: or Convince An Existing Premium Member to Continue Being A Premium Member Update: Consensus is no compelling reason to become or remain a Premium Member am late to this. Is ok that you dont see any benefit in a premium account for yourself. Is all good i just put some stuff for anyone else who might need/want the info + a reason for having a Premium account is to own your land, where the land is less than a sim in size. Own in the sense that the estate owner is LL and not another resident is still also the cheapest way to own your own small ish parcel. With 2x annual subscriptions, and with 2x stipend, it works out at about $US2-3 a month to own a 1024m the cheapest estate 1024m rentals are going for about 210L a week at the mo. About $US3-4 a month (depends on the Lindex exchange rate when you buy the L$. but this is the ballpark about ) can legitimately have upto 5 Premium accounts for 2816m mainland. 2560m + 256m group bonus. [included in the base subscription price] eta; [incl...]
  6. mikka Luik wrote: Technically, it does but as there is a limited number of fridge lights available, the act of opening the door collapses one instance to your location, making it 'locked'. Theory has it that simultaneous opening of all extant fridge doors will lead to total collapse of the 'white goods' waveform resulting in much wailing and lamentation etc. And tofu. Possibly. i knew it !!! could never proof it before. But now I know. About the tofu it keep disappear out my fridge. ah ha !!! Is this whole evil cosmic thingy what is doing it. Like making everybody open their own fridge door same time as me. Just so it can snaffle my tofu is a bit baffling tho. Like why it would go to all that trouble. Like if it just came for dinner like ordinary evil cosmic thingys do like normal, then I be happy to share with them. Even get more for them from the supermarket shopping i think I leave a note in the fridge and invite them, the evil cosmic thingy) to dinner. Never know they might be able to come assume tho that the light never like total collapse, bc they (the evil cosmic thingy) maybe not able to read in the dark, or maybe even they wont see the invite even and nothing will like ever change. About the tofu or might be they do read the invite and get all shy and dont come anyways. Which will a pity really, and even a little bit sad. bc I like to help evil cosmic thingys to maybe somehow be a little bit less evil, and still have what they want the mostest like ever. Like tofu and that
  7. i always use the latest standard release LL viewer. Crash reports on is my guinea pig contrib to SL (: + eta. ps i take your point Whirly about ameliorating it a bit with a 64-bit viewer multiple attachments tho. Just keep adding them until get the result
  8. SugareeRose wrote: No one seems to know how to turn that thing off jjccc posted the fix earlier in the thread. I just repost here for you + To turn off the Complexity message notifications, go to Show Debug Settings in Advanced menu find debug entry: ShowMyComplexityChanges, and set to 0 if you cant see the Advanced menu then: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D to toggle/show/hide the menu
  9. my IP adress is automagically changed by my ISP each month. And more often when I request it has never stopped me from logging in to SL from ny computer. Nor have I ever been blocked from logging in from another computer when I travel in the RL if you are unable to log in then is more than just a change of IP address going on with your computer install + but if what you are doing to workround whatever is happening on your computer, then is a good tip to share with us, who maybe have a similar issue
  10. this is just a bit of a moan really (: in recent days, viewer crashing on the Linden Realms. Sleepy Hollow over the back in particular. Basically they are crashing anyone who comes on the sim, so they can collect the orange crystals themselves blocking and dropping all viewer graphics and jelly to low, isnt making any difference. As soon as they in draw distance then insta-crash seems they are wearing multiple large mesh somethings that runs us out of memory and kaboom!. Their own home-brew viewers are preventing this from happening to them dont even get a chance to AR them. No time at all before crasho. And is nothing visible to snapshot even if did have time to AR + am hoping that maybe one day when you guys (LL) have time then when we do block, we block their stuff from loading into memory, not just not render it tnks (: + ps. I notice yesterday Sleepy Hollow on some realms got the crystals turned off. So maybe you guys noticed the viewer crashes spiking there. If so then is all good that you guys are aware of it
  11. ChinRey wrote: wherorangi wrote: the rendering engine is 100% LL code in all desktop viewers. As is the data transport, storage and connectivity engines I don't know if this is correct but according to Beq Janus (and she usually knows what she's talking about) there used to be 3rd party viewers with alternative rendering engines but that changed after the Emerald scandal and LL does no longer allow that yes that happened. Some early TPVs started to add on things like extra and multi attachment points and stuff. Which could only render properly for the users of those TPVs. For others (incl. LL viewer users) the stuff would just be a mess of pixels on their screens LL knock that all on the head, bc their view was that all SL users should be able to render everything iin their own used viewers similarly, regardless of source. So the TPV program (since Oz Linden came) has been far more collaborative and structured than it was previous + ps. Geenz Spad was mention earlier [Theresa] about the work on materials. That was a major contrib to the rendering engine. So I just acknowledge that as well here eta; [Theresa]
  12. Ilithios Liebknecht wrote: Where on Earth did you get the idea that all 3rd party viewers were made by Linden Labs, Phil? Sure, some are heavily based on the V3 LGPL code base. But others much less so or not at all. Very highly inaccurate to say that third party viewers are just the LL viewer that has been "tweaked." the rendering engine is 100% LL code in all desktop viewers. As is the data transport, storage and connectivity engines the 3rd party viewers surface in their UI stuff that is tucked away in the Debug Settings, and add other bells and whistles to the UI, like shortcuts and that. With RLV (allowing another user to control our viewer) the only major 3rd-party significant addition to the LL viewer eta: ps where the 3rd-party dev teams are invaluable is that their devs pick up bugs in the engines that sometimes LL miss, and are able to provide feedback on what their users would (or would not) like to see in the LL viewer, and how and why that could be a good thing for LL to do
  13. i think these days everybody what has a imaginary baby has gone soft, with all the imaginary doctors and complaining about them not providing any imaginary delivery services not like in the olden days when you be like hoeing the fields in the hot sun, and then go oooh! i think baby is ready. and just like go under a bush and push a bit and out pops baby and you just like put them in a sling and just carry on hoeing the garden i think maybe was a little bit imaginary that in the olden days as well, like when I got told that by my grandmother. But she never complain about imagining it tho (:
  14. Callum Meriman wrote: wherorangi wrote: weell ! the ad says for boys "Boy" is a gay slang term as well. Some people spell it as "Boi" but it's the same thing. Do an adult restricted search on "boy" for any proof you should need. wherorangi wrote: the boy in the advert ? He is a boy. The maker of this adverted outfit also says he is a boy. So am not sure why all the texts trying to say otherwise The first one of the 4, yes. Branley is a SL-Kid. But his swimsuit is not pornographic to any rational person. am not sure who you mean by Branley. I was refer to the boy in the advert. The boy in the g-string and bottomless chaps amd garter belt boy means a boy. Doesnt matter if is slang or not nor does it matter what the sexual orientation of the person viewing/referring to the boy is for example. Toyboy. Some older hetero women have a toyboy + ps i have bottomless chaps, garter belts, shot belts, top and bottoms some of length that would make even a fallen nun blush. And I have a Pink Fuel skin which I really like. And heaps of chains, bands, bonds, piercings, ears and tails and collars and bling. I am a moving kink machine to look at some days and when I see a SL child dressed in the same kink as me, then I will eject them from any SL space I have control over, and not even blink
  15. weell ! the ad says for boys a g-string and bottomless chaps and garter belt for boys the boy in the advert ? He is a boy. The maker of this adverted outfit also says he is a boy. So am not sure why all the texts trying to say otherwise
  16. TonySinners wrote: Oh, they was going to be totally free to play but a weekly comp board pays prizes out, is that not ok then? as a general rule then you can do this pay out L$ rewards where the winner(s) are chosen randomly, and the persons entered are not charged a fee to enter. Is quite of few of these No Pay to Play raffle boards in SL already
  17. Jacqueline Kennedy is a pretty complicated person. Raised in comparative privilege, always doubting it, but never able to give it up Lady Jane Grey was another a bit like that. Circumstances dictated that she take the Crown of England. Something that conflicted her tremendously, yet was unable to turn away from it. Which end up with her getting her head chopped off
  18. Pamela Galli wrote "The one thing I do not want to be called is First Lady. It sounds like a saddle horse." - Jacqueline Kennedy Well did she say what she wanted to be called? Jacqueline Kennedy wrote poetry sometimes to help her express how she felt. Probably her answer would have been something like in her verse "I love walking on the angry shore. To watch the angry sea; Where summer people were before, But now there's only me." "I love the feeling down inside me That says to run away To come and be a gypsy And laugh the gypsy way."
  19. arton Rotaru wrote: :smileylol: To bad there is no male genitalia slider, or I would have set that to 200 %. :smileyvery-happy: q; (: is good news coming for that the Bento avatar skeleton has a diddle bone can defo see the new male bento bodies coming out with a actual [thingy] and not a neuter like now at the moment am pretty sure is some people already working on it. Bone displacement and translation animations. Fitted mesh pants and jeans made also with this in mind. Will be quite exciting I think for a lot of people this eta: [thingy] seems anatomically correct words are *bleeped*
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I wouldn't dream of putting a saddle on wherorangi......... hmm......... I wonder :matte-motes-bashful: While it's not the way I normally swing, I could dream of wherorangi saddling me "The one thing I do not want to be called is First Lady. It sounds like a saddle horse." - Jacqueline Kennedy
  21. yes. I agree with Penny, about how difficult it is to get proportion right. Torso muscle is another one that messes up over tall women avatars. Female torso muscle maxes out at about 42-45 on the UI slider i have always been 1.75m (about 5ft 8/9in) on the UI slider ruler (avatar bounding box) so about 1.85m (5ft 10in) on the true (prim) measure for a long time I was in the short half of all avatars since the UI slider ruler came into the viewer then has been a gradual shift down in height. The women have been going down. For all the reasons that Penny has said. And bc of the UI ruler. A measuring tape/ruler is a psychological enabler in this sense. The men have been following the women down since + back in the day when there was no UI ruler then the men (circa 2006) lead the height explosion. Basically they set the height slider to 100% bc I am 100% male, there not being a metric/imperial ruler in the viewer at the time. (again is a pyschology thing this and is not bad in itself. Is just how pyschological stuff can affect people). And when the guys did then many women followed them up when do still see very tall avatars, both male and female, inworld and check their profiles then the majority of them started in 2006-2012 about + also the makers of the last 2 issues of new starter avatars have shorten the height from the previous. Like Amy in the latest issue is 1.62m on the UI slider for example. That height has not been seen in a starter avatar since the very first set of starter avatars way back in the beginning which is a good thing I think altogether, for all the reasons that Penny has given
  22. entity0x wrote: So what's your problem? I sense fear. fear of what exactly ? I don't sell anything. I have never had a inworld or MP shop altho I have posted freebie scripts and pcodes in the scripting forums on here here's some of my freebies. Some of them have been critiqued by a couple of people as well. Not just critiques of my stuff, but also critiques of me and what they feel is my like total lack of something or other as they see it. Quite spirited have been one or two in their critiques. But is all good, I am always happy to debate stuff forever pretty much https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/gummy-gumball-machine/m-p/2941532#M1205 https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/static-stationary-source-text-packer-unpacker/td-p/2740312 https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/pseudo-random-arrangement-of-a-ordinal-set/td-p/2712606 https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/Key2UTF-and-UTF2Key/td-p/2712410 i have even made some mods on some scripts bc of feedbacks/requests from people since first version posted but despite all this, is still ungracious to ask for free stuff and accept it, and then complain and whine about it not being up to your imposed standard
  23. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Well they all share the same head so so that sort of stuff just happens. jjejejjeeje (: is so funny wicked this. jejejejjee (:
  24. obligatory message (: buy Ingrid's prefabs + seriously tho the places you been pointed are all excellent. Happy shopping (:
  25. entity0x wrote: I don't know why a merchant would NOT want reviews on their freebies - so far I've just seen high & mighty "They should be grateful for free stuff' elitist responses. I welcome one and all to review anything I make. I'll use the information to improve what I got, and use ideas for future products. what you know is what works for you, works for you. And you dunno why what works for you, doesnt work for everyone. And bc you dunno why then you see things that are not real and not true. And you wonder why nobody else sees what you see, things that are not real and not true you see the high & mighty say stuff like "they should be grateful for free stuff". Nobody else in all the threads where you have raised this topic, sees this. Only you + it isnt about being grateful. Is about being gracious they are not the same thing most people who have free stuff also have paid for stuff. I am no exception to this. My outfits and my furnishings are a eclectic mix of the two what I, and pretty much everyone else, does get for free, we are pretty gracious about. Being gracious means dont complain after asking for and getting the stuff. Like to actual get free stuff we do ask for it, by click on it + to actual ask for free stuff, just so that we can critique it, is one of the weirdest things anyone can do. Is actual bananas
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