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Everything posted by wherorangi

  1. Rya Nitely wrote: Well, the rate looks like it's not correcting. So, again, the only theory that I can find no holes in is that LL increased the supply of L$ and that pushed the rate up. Even if LL says they didn't. It's the only theory that makes sense the only theory which can evidenced unequivocally is passive selling. Like I said way earlier: You yourself are evidence of this
  2. yes correct + without Gaia and the Avastar team then there would be a elite
  3. is a story about this here: http://www.salon.com/2016/07/04/my_little_free_library_war_how_our_suburban_front_yard_lending_box_made_me_hate_books_and_fear_my_neighbors/#comments it helps to explain to me why I seem to have lots of free stuff in my Inventory. Stuff I dont have any real need or use for (: ps the story is told by a curmudgeon. In the way that only a true forreal curmudgeon can tell a story. About hope destroyed and darkness descended, and the remorseless struggle against such by a self-referentialled enlightened gentleman, humbled on the altar of zero as he himself descends into darkness is a fun read tho (: altho it does as well touch on the deeper aspects of human pyschological, and maybe even pathological, tendencies in some, when contemplating and exercising the price of zero for stuff
  4. wherorangi


    kia ora (: is a few kiwis on. Mixed in with quite a few Aussies as well on our timezones a good way to hook up is to go to live music events late our evenings is quite a few Aus and NZ performers on at that time, and the audience is all pretty much the same. With some brits and euros mixed in. And some from the americas who play their breakfast slot
  5. entity0x wrote: That being said, there is no specific learning path for avatar creation/rigging and importing of avatars into SL. The elitists keep the knowledge a very closely guarded secret - and refer to Avastar to get yet another sale, when probably it can all be done in Blender alone actually it cant be done, not without writing your own Blender-SL exporter/importer to get a clean model, or manually going thru the xml and editing it all by hand also as well the Avastar source code is available for those who do buy the tools. So is hardly a elite secret edt: typso
  6. basically, fundamentally even maybe, for me is just stuff i try not to get emotionally invested in stuff. Meaning that if it gets lost or destroyed then I might be a little bit annoyed at the loss for a time but I am not going to break my heart over it i only got so much broken hearts emotionals to give up, and all what I have got left over after spending most on myself, goes on other people maybe is not what you looking for in your research paper, I just say how I think and feel about it
  7. SkillsFurrystorm wrote: #1. Age in SL means nothing. A dumbass 5 years old is a dumbass now. #2 Try to be vaguely intelligent. This is going to immediately set you apart from the rest. If your only skill is clicking on a poseball then you're competing with every 400lb trailer park momma within internet distance ooowahh!! thats pretty aggressive !! what runway do you fly off from ?? (:
  8. i just add on here some good news came across this little shop today when I was running round. Never heard of it before. Is not a name brand. Was a giftee on the board. I get. A quite pretty dress it came in Fitmesh-XS, Fitmesh-S and Fitmesh-M. So I try on the Fitmesh-S on my system avatar Standard Sizing-S. Is perfect fit. Wiggle on my dance. No alpha. No leaks woohooo! well done that person (: Some people have worked out how to do this very well. Good on them and thanks (:
  9. UVB is having two different conversations the first with Amethyst about what the rental company has proposed - a rent to buy proposal the second with me about what UVB wants to counter proposal with. UVB is thinking about they might do a parcel swap, and if so then how would they go about that to reduce the risk for UVB
  10. Alwin Alcott wrote: wherorangi wrote: They are the one risking the money ehm..i dont think so... the one who wants the parcel is a risk. read again what I wrote about how a trade is done. Whoever pays first is the one who risks the money
  11. Magnanimousity wrote: ... sliders ... There's a whole lot more people than just the market you're a part of, and it'd be unfair to shoot everyone else in the foot just because you want something a little more unique from what other people have in your little section of the grid. well you need to discuss this with Vir Linden, not with me UI slider shaping/sizing was introduced by Vir just recently as something that LL would like to see, after all of the pre-discussion and early design planning is the only reason I got into this chat since so now after all that pre and early stuff, there is now a conflict apparently between translations and UI shaping if you want translations over shaping then ask Vir to take UI slider shaping off the table, if the conflicts caused by only having 1 set of bones, are such to create major issues + while it is on the table then I am going to keep pointing out the obvious the obvious is that its quite a bit bigger than a little section of the grid if do a count of avatar types then human-looking avatars totally outnumber every other avatar types combined. Human avatars are not the 5%. And the thing that the overwhelming majority of human avatars wants is UI slider shaping before anything else ever is the first thing that everybody does when they sign in for the first time, after walking round for a bit. Right-click and Edit Appearance. This hasnt changed. Go to Social Island and watch, see what people do. Same now, same in 2003, same since forever some will go for robots and vehicles and animals for sure. Most tho, like at least 95%, will stay in human form and start editing their shapes No. 1 request from everybody who wears a starter mesh avatar. How do I edit my shape and face ? I tried but is not working and I dunno why ?! + if UI slider shaping does stay on the table, then yes it does need a whole lot more design work done if the plan is to only stick with one set of bones if everyone was to get everything they wanted then, and to do it properly so is a solid foundation to go forward on, then is c). Two sets of bones. One set for shaping and standard rotation animation, and another set for translations pick either when making your avatar models, and/or combine both as it suits and if it is to be c) eventually, resources/staff scheduling permitting, (and is no reason why it cant be eventually) then which is the priority to do first ?
  12. polysail wrote: THERE ARE TECHNICAL LIMITATIONS TO SECOND LIFE polysail wrote: THERE ARE TECHNICAL LIMITATIONS TO SECOND LIFE This is something a lot of you ~ and I mean a LOT of you are failing to grasp here. when faced with choices, choose a) or b) bc you cant have c) bc current technical limits and limted resources/staff to apply to the issue, then I choose a) not sure how anyone is failing to understand this
  13. Rya Nitely wrote: Maybe some people are not selling their Lindens regularly through the month like before, but accumulating it and then selling in one hit in the later part of the month. The new process credit fee might have resulted in a change of habit. People are so used to going straight from sell to process credit, or they just don't realise that it isn't selling that incurs the fee but cashing out to Paypal yes agree, this would be a quite a major influencer as well if we take Ebbe Linden at his word (which I am inclined to do) that LL themselves are not doing anything other than what they normally do, which is maintain liquidity (Supply Linden putting back into circulation the L$ taken out thru sinks) and rule out that there are someone(s) manipulating the Lindex on a grand scale. For sure there are no doubt some day traders who are contributing but I think they would be more a symptom rather than the root case then the likely supposition is that the root cause is passive trading, and when so then blocking up, rather than a managed spread, would be the most likely major influencer of what we are seeing
  14. in V4 how do we grant a friend Edit Permissions ? the only option on the friends list menu is View Permissions Granted. Which appears to only show the permissions icons that have been granted and not any icons for permissions that have not yet been granted i looked thru Debug Settings and can only find Show Permissions or am I missing something ?
  15. Jade Glazner wrote: Hell, very few even use the system avatar anymore. Most people opt for mesh bodies and mesh feet thats not quite true. Is way more system bodies inworld than mesh bodies. You are more right about feet tho. Slink and slink-compatible feet dominant now for new mesh shoes for sure
  16. Medhue Simoni wrote: wherorangi wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: wherorangi wrote: 1) lovely (or manly in that case) smile, 2) lower my lashes/close my eyes IMHO, lovely smiles are not possible with only using rotations. You can make a smile, no doubt, but it will never be a lovely smile. lol given the choice between Who said there needs to be a choice? Who said you can't have both? you did. You said that I cant have a lovely smile with only rotations and I said that if the choice is between a) rotations + shape tweaking, or b) translations - shape tweaking, then a) is the winner if I can have c) translations + rotations + shape editing then I would like that please and as has been discussed already by lots of people, then we could have c) if there was a set of expression bones, seperate from the shaping bones
  17. UVB wrote: That makes sense- I am concerned because the prices are above 100,000 L - Thank you for transaction break down 8) for this kind of money then expect to pay about $US20-25 (4-5%) as a fee. The land agent is the person who has to put the $400-$500 up to facilitate the trade. They are the one risking the money
  18. you might want to try starting out as a CSR (customer service rep) for a inworld shop they will help you get started, and you can maybe make some little money doing it. Once get some experience of this then will start to create a inworld resume, which can lead to bigger things two shops that I know of right now that are looking for CSRs are NoName and GeMyles. Is probably others as well, is just I got notices from those two asking if anyone wants to apply
  19. ChinRey wrote: Rhonda Huntress wrote: So ... your are at a club when someone who is the same gender makes a casual flirt with you. I just keep chattering until they fall asleep from boredom. jejeje (: unless was me. then we be up all night and all the next day as well (:
  20. if doing a high-value parcel trade and you feel that is a trust issue between you and the other party then the way is done is: Person A sets their parcel A for sale to Person B for a sum larger than market price. Person B sets their parcel B to sell to person A for the same price (or slightlly more. I explain why later) Person B then buys parcel A. Person A (now having the money) then buys parcel B if Person B reneges after buying parcel A (withdraws Parcel B) then Person A has at least received above market price if Person A reneges (doesnt buy Parcel B after selling Parcel A) then Person B is the loser, they have purchased a parcel at above market in your case you want to be Person A, and the land agent to be Person B + when person B is a reputable land agent then typically they will never renege on this kinda arrangement. Particularly when Parcel B is a little more (say 250L-500L which is affordable to person A) as a fee paid to Person B for their work on this if Person A rips them off (doesnt follow thru and buy Parcel B) then they will put the word out on Person A to all the other reputable land agents in the business
  21. Rya Nitely wrote: ... 1997 ... I think I can call myself a seasoned investor. i can agree with that (:
  22. Rya Nitely wrote: could be, we'll see what happens going forward I does look like it's calmed down for now. yes. We see what happens in a couple of weeks time about if it goes again the way it has the last couple of months then I think those like yourself and others, the merchants, can maybe get better outcomes for yourself by cashing earlier in the month when is less volatile, rather than later
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