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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. Looking for a golf course... But I've noticed the streetlights are just turning on so it's probably too late for golf today. 😯 Maybe tomorrow ♫ ♪
  2. Whoa a Twilight Zone Moment!!! ♥
  3. I saw Rex today, right here: Protected Land - Rez Zone, SSPE194 (106, 15, 26) - Moderate. I wonder if he thought it was a Rex Zone?
  4. I don't think you are being fair. You aren't paying anything more for something you don't have. You won't pay any more until your next billing after June 24, unless you choose to. Additionally you are given the option of extending the current rate you have been paying all along and possibly get one of the new Linden houses during that period. You had exactly the same news as available to everyone else in Second Life for the past year. I suspect you regret that you didn't pay any attention to the new LL Homes news in the last year and missed your chance to snag one at the outset. I feel that LL has done an excellent job of announcing what they are working on and what their plans are, and I'm sorry that you didn't read the news that was important and affected you. What more could LL do if you didn't offer your advice or criticism in time for it to be of any use? They are doing their best to keep everyone informed but you must realize that LL can't force anyone to read a Blog or an email or a tweet, or a facebook post, etc. If you are still in an older LL Home at the end of the one year old Premium rate extension, that would be an appropriate time to complain or ask for another extension of the same rate you have been paying. Asserting objection to this Rate increase now is just complaining about something (over and over again) which hasn't even happened. LL understands you wish you (and everyone) had a new home all at the same time and I think it has been explained numerous times in numerous threads that creating this unique new continent is a work in progress which is being adapted and changed and improved as they complete it. On the bright side... you (and everyone else) are invited to come and participate in this process. Visit and explore freely and be part of the community as many others are doing as they also wait for more new homes. Your opinion is as valuable as everyone else's and yours 'that it would be nice to have new homes for everyone at the same' time is duly noted, and impossible as your input on that is simply too late. However your opinion that people are not getting what they are paying for simply isn't true. You simply missed the news, just like everyone has missed news from time to time about a great deal or realize too late they missed a chance to have something they wanted. The only difference is that there WILL BE ENOUGH new LL homes for everyone, as soon as they are ready! The best things about Bellisseria are already available to everyone! Come and be part of it and join the fun! There are plenty of current residents who have made their homes open and allow rezzing and exploration as well as many public resources and rez areas and friendly helpful groups who want you to come and enjoy and have fun here! Come and celebrate and encourage and your helpful and timely input during this creation process may add something even more wonderful to this amazing place! Let's Celebrate this very RARE birth of a new continent!
  5. No worries! We're ALL washable 😉 We will enjoy sharing all the amazing places and look forward to finding out what YOU find and share with us! We have the most fun I've ever enjoyed in SL here and this continent isn't even finished. New surprises are discovered every day ♥ The amazing team of Moles and Lindens have awed us daily as we watch the process of creating a brand new Continent 😲
  6. Wow what a PaRtY!! We maxed the Region at Ondine... Why does the hovertip say "Magellan - Pull my Finger"? I guess @Abnor Mole has something verrrry interesting in store for us! Had to move the Party back to The Squishy Pickle! Arrrrggghhh Mates! Pirates will PaRtY!!
  7. You are more than welcome! You’ll find lots of nice helpful ppl there to welcome you whether you live in Bellisseria or not 😊
  8. @Patch Linden embraces retirement resort living at The Queen's Head Public House... making grey hair the hot new Sexy! Feeling the pain of North & Bebe's grass being trampled by all the 'whippersnappers' dancing and carrying on till all hours and trying not to fret that we may miss the Early Bird Special Seniors' Discount at the Sunny Acres Buffet!
  9. RAVE SQUIRREL!! DJ Sophia spins cool Jazz tunes at the ̶̶S̶̶q̶̶u̶̶i̶̶s̶̶h̶̶y̶̶ Squirrelly Pickle!!
  10. WOW!! Well, we'll party there too when we find it!! \☻/
  11. Dangles a coffee on a stick in front of you... You can DO it!! GO Coffea GO!!! That pic AND those shutters are wonderful! I love your style and the faded flamingo... if it goes missing from your yard and one just like it appears around my place... blame the Squirrel!
  12. Pool Party! Sunday's Pickle Party went to the pool at Hartnell! Partied ALL through the night!
  13. DJ Doc Spins some awesome tunes at Queens Head Pub!! WHOOoOoo hOooOooOo! Living it up on Bellisseria! I LOVE this place!!
  14. DJ Claw's Mobile Party Boat!! Mole Watching Party was AWESOME!! ❍ 𝒫ȺℝTӋ !! ȺŁŁ NƗǤĦŦ ŁØNǤ ! ❍ Coast Guard on hand too!
  15. Fishing Rod whispers: BJoyful Resident landed a floating acorn.. only a squirrel would want it you put it to the side for the squirrel to find later. Being junk they keep it to one side. Good luck @SquirrelyTE This looks like a keeper! How big must the tree be where this acorn came from? o.0 (Imagines Squirrels the size of T.Rex)
  16. @DonnaCasta's AMAZING arrival at @Fushichou Mfume's Bass Beach Party on Saturday June 8, 2019 WOW
  17. Please send aspirin to Squirrelly before morning... [14:36] Bellisseria Squirrel (squirrelyte) looks around and sees an assortment of flying rainbow acorns lining the skies darting in and out of all the houseboats as she grabs for them with her paws
  18. Yikes!!! I hope Squirrely doesn't steal Doc's new sportscar and try driving!
  19. I'm glad the weather on Bellisseria isn't damp and rainy!! 😂
  20. They are are built by Moles and the Moles will show as Owner of the boat and/or house because they are connected to a root prim which is on LL land, so they won’t count against the LI allowance of each Parcel. To see if the parcel is vacant or owned you need to right click on the actual land. it sure would be handy to have a Mole for a neighbour though 😊 ...that is, if they are ever home! They appear to be working night and day for now! Quartz Mole didn’t even have time to put on both shoes before working on the new houses yesterday! 😂
  21. In what way do you think it could have been handled better? What is unfair? You have said over and over you "think" it could have been handled better (which implies you have thought of a better way to have handled it) but I suspect you "wish" you had simply taken an interest in reading about the New Premium Housing sooner. Do you imagine that you would have bothered to complete a survey about what you wanted in a new Linden Home even though you didn't bother to read the announcement the new LL Homes were coming, or that they were available to be seen in Preview at the Homes expo or read that they were available? There has been nearly a year of building and progress which you have already missed or dismissed. The news of new Premium housing has been there in many forms for nearly a year and you didn't read it and didn't participate in the process until now. You are more than welcome to come and see all that's happened and all that is going on at this moment, meet your new neighbours and speculate along with the rest of us what will happen next. But I feel you are making a mistake in accusing others of making mistakes without having any valid reason for doing so. Your turn will come to get a new home, exactly the same as it will for everyone who wants to have a new LL home and in the meantime you are welcome to come and meet your future neighbours and actually see what is coming. Abnor Mole is working on the next batch of new homes right now, for the next lucky batch of Premium Members Please come and cheer him on or learn why it's being done this way before you jump to the conclusion that anyone has made a mistake
  22. WOW!! A live Jackalope!! I've only seen these after they have been to a taxidermist before today!!
  23. You also have the Live Chat for Premium Support available now too ♥
  24. But it is equal as can possibly be, ALL premium members can have a house. Before the new ones were built, we didn't ALL have exactly the same property either. Some had better locations, better layouts, etc. ALL premium members have had 1024 m2 and 351 prims since that was raised from 512 m2 and 175 prims which was raised from 117 prims. We don't ALL have everything we want at the exact moment we want it and that isn't anyone's mistake, it is just the way life is. We can whine about it but it doesn't change or help anyone, least of all the one whining. LL is working to create MOAR new homes at this moment. Before the first batches became available to everyone with an equal opportunity to get one, we ALL used our 1024 as we desired, the same as we would still be doing until the house we want appears. When the first LL homes appeared in 2010 everyone didn't move into the home of their dreams at the moment of their choosing either. Most of the people who have been aware of the progress don't feel there has been a mistake made, and we're trying our best to help you understand that. Everyone who wants a new home will get one. We only need to wait our turn and how we spend that time waiting is up to each of us to decide. 🙂 Bellisseria welcomes everyone to come and share the experience of a very rare event.
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