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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. Looks like you did it! It kind of surprised me when it happened too! There's a bit of lag before it uploads I think! \0/
  2. Party at Ribbon's! and the Bellisserian Cat joined in!
  3. Or perhaps they are incognito Moles, lol
  4. The food chain LIVE in action! I hope there not squirrel parts all over!
  5. Welcome!! And WHOOooOoOo HOOoooOo!! Enjoy it and all the fun and excitement of being part of the formation of a brand new continent which is a rather rare and precious occasion! It’s the first time since I’ve been in SL that it’s happened and I’m thrilled with being able to watch it happen.
  6. I think it actually says “all reasonable precautions” which in my opinion they did. Your camera was on their private property so it had no reasonable right to be there. Yes, we all do it on occasion by accident or intent and we must respect that what we notice on someone else’s private property is private!
  7. Congratulations!!!!! I’m so glad you got one and I hope the refresh scripts worked on the Rezzer. Now the fun of furnishing it commences! WHOOoOOOo HOOoOooO 🤩
  8. I LOVE that wall colour! Cool and fresh in summer and warm in winter! I first saw this on my phone and was going to ask what kind of puppy that was! Goodness I need a new eye test. Sorry chicken!
  9. Rex the kitty was at The Squishy Pickle today during DJ Sophia Day (sophiaxuan)'s Party! He's the little orange dot curled up on the sand by the picnic table nearest the stairs! Lucky there were lots of ice buckets with cool water around, but I never thought to bring any Rawr Kitty treats! Maybe he'll find his way to @anthonytorino's place today! 😉
  10. Perhaps Sailing Lessons or a Driving School? 😉 Swimming lessons?
  11. I've not tried it personally and I'm not really sure how they (or you) tested it (maybe using a high draw distance and camming in to something they can zoom in on?), but @Whirly Fizzle also pointed out the bug which requires at least 1 name on the Ban list to correct the bug so I hope this works for those who need it! Personally, we just go to one of our other places if we need some alone time, but I understand also that others may not want more than one home. Most importantly, we do want everyone to enjoy their life in Bellisseria without concessions which make them feel uncomfortable. 🙂
  12. During the rush of the last release quite a few ppl mentioned they needed to use the drop down, but mine appeared without needing a drop down (in the first batch release, which wasn’t gone as fast as the second). Good luck and hang in there... order the spare F5 parts now! 😉 and come and visit and explore in the meantime! Check the landmarks thread and see what piques your interest. There’s also many ppl who have opened their homes for you to look and some have made them hangouts. There’s lots of Rez zones and free rezzable transportation if you’d like, too! And tons of friendly ppl willing to help you find the cool stuff! Enjoy and F5, F5, F5 😉
  13. Now I’m curious to know if the same holds true over the old Linden homes? Is there a way you can test this on the old Premium continents? Which viewer(s) were used, if you know?
  14. I’m sorry that your test proved it failed, but I guess at least you know for sure now and hopefully you’ll be able to take some precautionary measures? I hope it won’t affect your enjoyment of the rest of the pleasures of Bellisseria. 🙂
  15. Were your parcel visibility settings set to invisible?
  16. Is the big pink elephant’s parcel visibility checked or unchecked? Am I on the parcel ...or just cramming in? 😉
  17. On page 5 of this thread @LittleMe Jewell and @Mollymews posted that this was tested and proved not to be the case. No one can zoom in and see you, so no need to worry! Our pixel privacy is protected! 😉
  18. Emmy is so beautiful, Willow! And it looks like she's near perfectly spoiled 😻
  19. That is just amazing! You've raised the bar for man caves up to Ultimate. 👍
  20. I'd LOVE that Squishy Pickle plot, too! ♥♥
  21. Yes, all 4 of the Houseboat models are in a Life Preserver rezzer. 🙂 Grab any houseboat and rez the one you like, and change any time you like! Same for Traditional Homes, the rezzer is in a Mailbox any of 4 models can be chosen from there. Good Luck and hope you grab another!
  22. Congratulations! and WOW! That is just beautiful!! I love the corner sink and the rustic furniture!
  23. It was!! We rezzed them at Teager's place (where I sat at the Barcade for a while) and had a blast!! I lost mine in a SIM crossing and hitched a ride Home. Seems that was for the best!
  24. Appears I was in no condition to be driving a bumper boat anyway...
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