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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. The homes are being made. There WILL be enough. LL will not stop until there is enough, and they have stated so many times in many threads in many posts. They are doing this task to the very best of their ability and you are invited to come and watch the progress. LL is working as hard as they possibly can, as efficiently as possible and also making improvements and adjustments to be even more efficient as they do so! They do want us to have a great time participating in the process! You may start trying to get one as they go live any time and you may wait as long as you like between attempts. LL does know who wants a home and they will not stop until there is enough πŸ˜ƒ
  2. It is only partly in jest as we really are free to do this already. Anyone can pick their own number to start trying, too. As capable people we should be able to stop doing something which is unpleasant without needing LL’s intervention. πŸ˜‰
  3. They are making more right now! You can come and watch them being made and enjoy exploring this beautiful place while LL does exactly what you think they need to do ❀️
  4. And then... Perhaps a list, starting with Home number 25,000 will be even better. You want to get on a list, you may relax and enjoy doing whatever is pleasurable until 25,000 homes are completed! Absolutely no stress for those who wish to feel assured their turn is coming. πŸ€“
  5. That is the best use of a list πŸ˜‚ https://images.app.goo.gl/1QNoXrh162iFWSpc9
  6. Hugs Bitsy πŸ’• I do empathize and completely understand that stress can be a major contributor to illness. Perhaps everyone could benefit from understanding good stress like the excitement you feel when you are number 4 and number 3 is being served and the more harmful sort of stress that is felt when you find your number is 309 and you have to go on holidays with your family in 3 weeks and you have paid a LOT of money for that holiday and if you don’t get a house before you go on holidays you will lose your 309 and become 41,076 and not get a chance to get a home for goodness knows how long. What if you are number 27 and your email notification goes to your spam folder and you find it when number 29 is being served, or if you break your ankle and lose your chance? What if any of an infinite number of unpredictable things happens? Would it really be better or more fair to have a waiting list in those cases? Currently, no one is being forced to f5 but they are allowed to whenever they choose to. There is no pressure to cancel plans as you can just not f5 and go enjoy your planned activity and try for a home again when you wish to. The stress and worry that people feel are not something a list can help with, but learning how to cope with stress and manage it may help those who allow it to help them. πŸ₯°
  7. A list of any sort will delay people getting homes when the homes are ready and simply prolong the process. The problem is that ppl are stressing themselves out and seeing their name and number on a slow moving list which only moves slower and slower as the 24 hours delay is compounded won’t help. If ppl are hammering an f5 key 24 hours a day perhaps they are the ones who need to go on a vacation from that and wait for 3 or 4 months until more people have had a random chance to get a home and relieve the pressure on themselves. Being on a list means nothing at all when ppl have no idea how long they will be on that list. LL knows how many Premium members they have. Call what LL has a β€œlist”. LL is making homes for those people. There will be enough homes. Ppl will all get a home somewhere in that process. LL already has that β€œlist”. There will be less people every Monday Wednesday and Friday waiting. Forcing everyone to wait an extra 24 hours while any person on that this finds out their number will only delay the process. Ppl are not being forced to do anything. They are choosing to to do what they are doing and choosing to complain about it. Making a β€˜list’ and telling everyone they are number 35,047 in line, (so they can just relax for a year) would be much more helpful than having ppl stressing that their number hasn’t moved. 😫 People will get stressed if they are not getting what they want when they want it. Each person can choose to take a chance and try or not. There WILL be enough. Everyone WILL get a home. Everyone can do whatever they wish until they do and LL or being number 35,000 on that list won’t change that. πŸ™‚
  8. How will people get on list and what about the ones who are away or sick when this list gets made? What about brand new members who sign up or leave the list daily. How will they be integrated into this list fairly? How will people be informed where they are in this list. Will the people on this list need to claim the home that is getting made for them? How long will they be allowed to have to decide? I don’t think I stomped and I certainly didn’t feel angry when I said it. I simply imagined a possible way a list would work and I came to the conclusion that sitting on a list is meaningless when it moves at the same unpredictable rate but with an infinite number of extra delays and during that delay what will people be doing... suggesting waiting list for shore line only, no hedge, all hedge, trees, waiting list for campers only.. all needing information about what number they are is, every time that list changes, and so on and on and reply to why they are moving up the list so slowly And how long will it take me to get to the top of the list... how is that less stressful than what is in place now which is anyone who clicks might get a home anytime... click when you wish as long as you wish. IMO anyone can try at any time and get a home at any time, rather than waiting for goodness knows how long before than can try.
  9. I don’t think you are including the new Premium accounts who have been added to the total which may or may not be currently housed in new or old Premium Homed and are simply living somewhere else in SL until there is enough homes , so the total of existing old LL homes of 38,000 may not even included in the total which LL are expecting to need homes for and therefore may not be enough. LL may not be able to make enough in 2 or 3 years πŸ™‚
  10. Spotted! And I'm pretty sure I've seen this same act in Las Vegas.... except the giant stemware was filled with bubble bath with a Lounge Singer Act inside! ... ... VIVA Las Vegas!!!
  11. Spotted!!! Looks like a Pub Crawl!!
  12. An AWESOME Day Pubbed & Pickled! We Trashed the Squishy Pickle!! But we cleaned up because it was DJ Usagi's Pickle Party Debut!!! \☺/ What a SET !!! We were as blown away as the beach we trashed! We'll NOT want to miss one of DJ Usagi's Live Mixed Sets!!! Keep watch for Surprises from this AMAZING DJ in the Bellesseria Events Group!!
  13. I'm sure they do have that ability or could ask for it, but it's not in their nature to exclude anyone who is curious and interested that I have seen β™₯ It is probably more in their nature to just keep on working hard and shrug off the things they just don't have time to clarify... because they are gracious ambassadors. πŸ€—
  14. Yes it is Magic Mole β™₯β™₯β™₯ \☻/ The most patient Mole ever! ;D
  15. What information isn't being shared? They are releasing a Region each Monday Wednesday and Friday (unless unforeseen circumstances arise) and they are doing this as a 'best-so-far' plan due to the concerns addressed and expressed by those affected, more would prefer a trickle release as the Homes are finished as an entire region at a time becomes LIVE. LL is aware of ALL sides and they ARE the most informed and most capable of deciding how to finish the most Homes in the fastest way possible and making improvements to that process along the way given the suggestions of the people waiting and the resources LL has to work with. LL openly communicated there would be no Regions released on July 3 and July 5 due to an absence of a key team member and a long holiday weekend. The entire process is being presented for us to watch them while they work and present questions and offer suggestions here in the forums or when they have a break and come to chat with the watchers inworld. Can you imagine having to do your job under that sort of scrutiny? LL can't inform us minute by minute in updates of who is working today or who needs to work a later shift or that a Mole twisted his ankle and they estimate that may affect the release by 3 to 5 hours or they would be doing nothing except writing updates. LL can't personally respond to each and every person's momentary fit of impatience asking the same "How/When do I get a new House?" query in every topic in the forums or they would be doing nothing else. If someone is truly in need of LL's help there is Premium Live Chat and/or a support ticket which will be answered. These homes are not custom tailored suits where every seam and detail needs to be addressed by a purchaser paying for that privilege. There are beautiful Free Premium Homes on a beautiful continent made with care and attention to detail as it pertains to the entire continent not to each individual's personal desires. Everyone is invited to come and see personally what is happening and why it takes time to make this unique original project. πŸ™‚
  16. I may be missing something really elementary here, but how is being on a list any different or more fair than what is presently in use? How would ppl get on this list? What about the people who are busy or away on holidays or sick when the list is made? What about the people who have 5 Premium Alts all trying to get a home all put on that list so they will get 6 chances for their Dream location? Does each of them get a Home before the next person on the list? Do we wait for that person with 5 Alts to find the Home they like best and Abandon 3 or 4 of them to the next person on the list? Do the abandoned ones then become the first available and everyone else waits for the leftovers? What if they put a 'you have 24 hours to respond to this available Home' and 35 ppl in a row are away when those Homes get ready? Does someone then send an email to every person still waiting saying you are number 74 in line, and 35 days later you are still number 74 in line? Will that give you any idea when you will get a home? How many more emails and updates are needed to tell every person your home is being built, your grass is growing, we put the scripts in your house, we planted some trees by your hedge. Do you want a space in the hedge for a garage? Would you like pink flowers or yellow flowers? We're putting a path behind your house, do you still want it or do you want a house with no path? Your house is going to be ready in approximately 30 to 45 days, unless the people ahead of you in line are away, then it could be as long as 7 months. As the system is, you can try anytime and possibly get a home anytime. How badly a person wants a house will determine how much time and effort they spend trying to get one and a list will only throw an infinite number of extra variables into the time spent waiting. Should the person who is trying obsessively and tearing their hair out stressing over an abandoned home be given priority over the person who is patient enough to simply try once or twice a day using auto-refresh at random times of the day as is convenient? Is it fair to make that stressed out hairless person wait another day or wait their turn in on a list that moves at an equally unpredictable rate as knowing exactly what everyone knows now. The homes are being made. There will be enough made. They will not stop until there is enough. πŸ™‚
  17. If you open your mini map and right click it choose the show boundaries you can see white outlines of each parcel and even Rez zones are marked. It you prevent mini map from rotating with your avatar (so North is always at the top) you can compare mini map and world map zoomed to close in scale and see where the boundaries are as well as the names at the same time. I’ve not tried... but perhaps you can even make mini map transparent enough to lay it over the World map and see both features one on top of the other? Good luck! probably a nice interactive map will be made, but as the continent still has quite a way to go to match the SSP maybe the cartographers are waiting until this continent is complete or it will need a lot of updating and re distribution as new areas are filled in. πŸš—πŸš€πŸš΄πŸΌβ€β™€οΈβ›΅οΈπŸ›΅ πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Have a nice journey exploring!
  18. @SquirrelyTE Do you own or operate this mechanical bull... Not exactly the most graceful dismount... I'm SURE you and the other Animals of Bellisseria will do better! πŸ˜‰
  19. All abandoned land can be purchased at L$1/m2 from Governor Linden and I've seen many sell for half (or less) than that price privately if you spend a bit of time wandering around Mainland and looking at the property for sale. That is about the price of a new swimsuit, a pair of shoes and a new hair OR a little less than three and a half weeks of Premium stipend. You can get this 10 LI skybox for L$10 group join fee... and have 341 LI to do with as you please AND watch the Dashboard Blog Feed and/or Forum updates regarding when more NEW Premium housing is released or imminent. There is no Covenant on Mainland you own so you can do anything with your land that is not in violation of the ToS and within the maturity rating guidelines... There are many Premium members of Second Life who do enjoy a very pleasant life free of rent and free of rules for a L$1,024 (or less) initial investment for as long as they wish to remain Premium members. MOAR NEW Homes are being made right now and there will be enough for everyone. The time spent in SL until there is enough can be as pleasant or as stressful as each person allows it to be. Personally I have had the most FUN in Bellisseria bicycling, boating, playing with freebie guitars, watching a cat chase a squirrel and touring the streets in a spur of the moment any-slow-vehicle excursion. None of those enjoyable moments depended on having a Home in Bellisseria but all were enjoyed because Bellisseria is there and welcomes everyone to come and enjoy everything the Lindens and Moles have made and are making for OUR enjoyment The houses and the land are superb, unique and the most beautiful I have ever seen on a huge Continent and certainly worth every penny of a Premium Membership fee, but it is the people behind the avatars who gather there and become the life and the fun of the community and you don't even need one of the lovely homes to enjoy being one of us
  20. Perhaps there are better ways and perhaps you know of such a way? Kindly remember that finding a solution which you will consider better is nearly impossible when no one knows what you expect them to come up with or how they are supposed to do it Please come and watch them work, research the process, and offer a solution which will be duly considered and always appreciated and much more helpful than just saying "nope, not better" What is a better way? πŸ™‚
  21. I think if LL did mass produce the new homes there would certainly be no "fight or refresh-page-gambling game to get one.... ffs!" because there would be no greater demand for them than there is for the old mass produced ones. There is also the option of just waiting until enough new homes are finished and joining the fun which IS currently available and free to everyone to enjoy on Bellisseria in the meantime Really, the community spirit and the people are the best part and no residency is required for that
  22. Every parcel of 1024 located for sale on Mainland has 351 LI (except the 2x LI on Horizons and Bay City) and every 512 has 175 LI so if all ppl wanted was 351 LI there is plenty of that. The Lindens and Moles have already explained that the older LL homes are being replaced. In my opinion there really is no point in slowing the replacement process even more by diverting the resources to improve current Homes which are going to be demolished. We have all had 1024 and 351 LI included in Premium Membership for over a year since it was announced here:
  23. The only thing I can think of which may help people who cannot put the time into monitoring the Auto-Refresh Plus is simply to remove the current older premium Homes from counting against your tier and making them simply a form of Premium temporary shelter, so you will be free to try for a new Premium when you are available to do so. LL would also need to make this only available to Premium Members who are currently not using ANY tier for other property so they would have a full 1024 available or it could possibly be misused by people taking advantage of temporary Premium housing.This will not make ALL the people waiting for the new Premium Homes happy, but nothing will! No matter what LL tries to do to alleviate the mania, some will not feel its fair. It seems to me that the People who do have the new Premium Homes at the moment are the people who do log in every day and/or spend a substantial amount of time devoted to getting one, or they have been VERY lucky and happened to click at the right moment. I think we do need to understand that LL is doing their very best for OUR enjoyment and we do need to allow them to do itβ™₯ As a current Bellisserian Resident and happy owner of a Houseboat since the very first day (April 15, 2019) I can assure you that the very best thing about Bellisseria for me (and probably many others) is not the beautiful new homes and the fun of furnishing them and sharing pictures, which I did enjoy a LOT!! The best thing about Bellisseria is the people who enjoy the new Continent! The incredibly helpful and friendly community which has formed as a result of LL creating these new homes is the most enjoyment I have ever had in SL since I joined in 2015 and logged in nearly every day since I did. This community IS the best thing about Bellisseria and it is open and welcomes ALL, premium, basic, resident, visitor, newbie, oldbie in any and every form β™₯ Please don't feel snubbed or cut short if your suggestions or questions appear ignored or not considered β™₯ Probably they have been offered or answered many times already. I understand it's maybe the first time YOU have asked or vented your frustration but you should also consider that it may be the 1,000th time the same question has been asked and answered and the loyal forum readers and responders do run out of enthusiasm answering the same questions over and over and posting the same links over and over, so sometimes that frustration also gets vented. We are ultimately all here for the benefit of the enjoyment of everyone. I don't think any of us actually sleep or eat here (yet) πŸ˜‰ We simply log in and chat and see what's going on around the continent in the group chats and the Notices and join in the fun exactly the same as EVERYONE is welcome to do Come and join us and watch the Moles and Lindens working so hard to make MOAR as fast as they possibly can... chat with them in the groups... ask questions and see why the creation of this continent takes time... and continue to offer ideas and suggestions because they are ALL certainly considered! So come and join the fun and know that your new home is in the queue! πŸ—οΈ ...πŸ˜οΈπŸ’’πŸšοΈπŸ πŸ‘πŸ‘
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