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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. I think attempting to file a malpractice suit because you didn't get surgery on the day that would be convenient for you would go as far as your opinion that LL could do something better, even though you have no idea how or what they could have done better, except that it disappoints you. I wish you and everyone else had a house on the new continent and no one got disappointed but neither wishes nor complaints can make the impossible possible. I think we all learn better when we are encouraged to do better and provided some guidance and helpful suggestions rather than just endure a whining rant. You may have some valuable insight that could help and you are welcome to share that ♥ LL does know many are disappointed. It will be hard for those who expect instant gratification but I think you will ultimately feel better if you exercise patience instead of just disappointment that you and others didn't get what you wanted when you wanted it. ♥ Come and enjoy watching this amazing process and you will understand why it takes time to create such a unique place and offer your input constructively and it will be appreciated and duly considered. 🙂
  2. Would you like LL to stop building the new homes and go back and improve the old ones and then go back to making new ones so they can phase out the old ones? That would take a lot more time to get the new homes built than it’s taking now. Everyone had an equal chance to get a new Premium LL Home. I guess you didn’t read the Second Life blog feed on your dashboard or go to see the Preview of the new homes in March or attend a Town Hall meeting in the last year or read any of the blogs about the upcoming release or watch any of the videos until the Homes were all sold out and now you have to wait? Prims and land impact are a physical load on the servers. That’s why I can’t just decide I’d like to have 351 prims on my 512 in the same way I can’t just decide I’d like my refrigerator to hold 34 jugs of milk or my car carry 19 family members to a picnic. LL is doing the best they can do. They can’t make magic servers serve double prims. LL can’t make employees and Moles appear out of thin air to build 40,000 homes at once no matter how much they would like to be able to. RL homes in new subdivisions take time to build and so do these virtual ones. Should the people who did follow the process and progress which has been going on for nearly a year give up theirs because 35,000 other Premium Members don’t have a new House yet? What if only 10,000 Premium Members ended up deciding they wanted New Homes but everyone had to wait until the 30,000 were built? Please think about how you or anyone else could possibly do any better and share that plan (hopefully one which doesn’t require magic or faeries or require the Unified Theory to be useful 😉with the Forums or offer it to LL. You can come and visit, explore, watch and enjoy this beautiful new continent while it’s being built and celebrate this rare occasion! 😊
  3. Did we wake up a neighbour, Doc asked? Ready for anything armed with a pistol in pocket, wearing bunny slippers and a bottle of wine! Come as you are and PaRtY!!! Lets Get PiCkLeD!!!!
  4. WhOOOo HooOoo!! Pickle # 2 (Navigation Region) We had so much FUN!! What a beautiful fun crowd!!! Ohhhh... hmmmm... near the steps... in the pink....
  5. I hope that will be the plan, that the themes of the neighbourhoods will be upheld, and in the meantime it is wonderful to enjoy the enthusiasm which has inspired residents to offer their homes as public gathering spots. Perhaps this has proven the desire for some Premium members of SL to be Bellisserians who wish to participate in the community not exclusively as private homeowners but as providers of faux shops and services? I’m confident that this is all fluid and all a sort of experiment we should try to be objective about until it proves to be an actual detriment or benefit to the enjoyment of the community? Our worst fears can do more harm than good sometimes. 🥰 LL has proven to be right on top of things here and I trust that they won’t allow it to get out of control or become a detriment.
  6. The houses and houseboats are just the bait! Come and visit and explore in the meantime and you’ll find all the other reasons why this new continent is awesome! Maybe join the refugees who have created their own place in Bellisseria as stray animals and vacationers and fake part time workers and having great fun! 🐿😻🥳👻🐶🦇🦆🐹🐋🐓💃🏽🕺🏽🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏼‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏾‍♀️👨🏽‍🍳🕵🏾‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️👮🏽‍♀️👨🏼‍🏫👩🏼‍🏫👩🏾‍🚒👨🏾‍🚒👩🏿‍🎨👨🏽‍🎨👋🏽
  7. Starter community YES it is! But not in the sense that we’re expected to leave... only in the sense that this community will start and nurture a reboot of our Second Life which isn’t all about making a quick profit and directed instead toward a thriving economy where demand drives supply, instead of the exasperation we suffered during the reverse! I feel that the community in Bellisseria is a good mix of ages, both RL and SL ages! The valuable things the experienced members of SL kindly share are eagerly accepted, questioned, debated and improved by the newer/younger members enthusiastically and has connected us all in the true spirit of community. Bellisseria feels like the very best small city a person could hope to live in! Some will move here, live a while and decide to spread their wings and go out into the big wide world and hopefully flourish! Some will move in and use what they learn here to improve other places and properties in SL and some will stay and thrive and enjoy sharing and learning from the experience of others who have stayed in SL waiting and hoping for a community like this for so long. No matter how long people stay here, Bellisseria will be “Home” to anyone who has come here, even just to visit. A core community of people who enjoy knowing their neighbours, have fun together and inspire each other! Given these few community ‘rules’ our creativity has exploded, designers, builders, scripters, entertainers and creators have sprung into action supplying our demands enthusiastically, helping each other remember and trust our invaluable common sense and get along ...and we’re on the edge of our seats awaiting each surprise in store! I’m so proud that WE are proposing these rules through our requests and discussions for the benefit of everyone and LL is employing OUR suggestions and ideas along with theirs in a brilliant team effort! I LOVE this place and thank everyone working so hard for the enjoyment of us all!! Ancient Mole is excited to come to work everyday so I can’t wait to find out all that’s ahead of us! 🥳. WHOoOoOo HOoooOoo!!
  8. I noticed that the restriction on commercial activity isn’t in the covenant anymore, so perhaps there will be a way to do something like this in the upcoming surprises. I think a flea market /garage sale would be a great idea!
  9. Finally a close-up! Rex!!! Beach coffee gathering and a fish for The Bellisseria Cat! ♥♥ <º))))><.·´¯`·.
  10. You'd never be an imposition Willow ♥ We'd love to have you along! And we'll cheer like crazy when you catch the whale!!
  11. This is us pausing to catch our breath! And on the beach ready to go in! I wish you'd come along!! This is where we ended up Willow!
  12. AuraRayne! Come party and be silly with us while you wait!! Everyone is welcomed with open arms and loads of fun to share while you wait! There are lots in this bunch today who are still waiting too! We don't even know who lives here and who just shows up to party! Join one of the Groups and come have fun on this incredibly beautiful new continent!! Bellesseria Citizens and Bellisseria Community are 2 of the main ones secondlife:///app/group/63773109-bc01-d353-2074-dbb6e8256f0a/about and secondlife:///app/group/f7b0c9d9-ab6d-30d1-e37f-52b2bb132074/about No need to own a house here to have fun!! ♥♥♥
  13. Doc fell off his push Scooter... long before we even got back to the pub!! It must have been the beer helmet that off-balanced him! Baphy's got her horse! We're ready!!! Some on trikes! Some on rollerskates!!
  14. A pause to catch our breath and figure out where we're going! 😄
  15. I'm so impressed that you've only used 25 groups!! WOW!! I'd have no problem dropped at least half of the 58-60 I hover around except that my inherent thriftiness frowns on dumping the ones I paid over L$500 to join. I guess I need to just bite the bullet and let go! I tried using Subscribe more but those pop-ups are so annoying especially while I try to work. I find them more and more disruptive the older I get! I need to have too many groups required for work, at least 2 or 3 for each Club I hosted in. At least half of those could be replaced by Contact Sets if any Clubs would use those instead. I guess we'll find out what the new levels of Premium will be sooner or later and in the meantime, keep doing the groups shuffle 😄 ♫ 💃🕺♪ and hoping that lag doesn't upset ppl to the point of retreating back into Estates and skyboxes again ♥ I enjoy your beautiful pictures and appreciate your posts very much \🤩/
  16. I hope if that does happen that LL will be on top of what is drawing the existing Bellisserians away and not refilling those homes with new Premium members. All things must change and evolve to thrive, imho. Perhaps as LL beings to see a pattern, they will introduce a new option, like a higher level of Premium, maybe Platinum Members or something like that, who will pay more for extra number of Groups (from 60 to 100 please, please) and 2x tier on 1024 or larger 2048 plots with more options like picking those plots physical placement on a map or inworld, so the churn of abandonment isn't as rampant. I feel that the LL homes are not meant for the total freedom available elsewhere in SL, as we quickly seemed to go overboard with that (as seen on some other Mainland) and have no idea how to clean up the mess without any guidelines or conformity. Bellisseria and such additional new Premium continents that will be needed if demand continues to grow, could be an introduction to new members integrating them with a stable content welcome surrounded by the most creative ingenuity the existing Premium members can afford them, so they can decide for themselves their own likes and dislikes of such an example and outgrow this semi-controlled environment and build their own vision with every possible freedom... and also a fall back community for people who find they're just not ready for that sort of freedom and need more inspiration from time to time. It should be fluid or it will stagnate and I don't feel that LL will allow it to happen in SL again and they will supply what the majority demands, as they have proven they are willing to do. You must have been around for many changes in SL and felt as helpless as many of us faced with the need to improve our enjoyment and no idea how to accomplish such an enormous task. It feels as though the winds have changed in SL and LL has put a brilliant core community together and also given us complete freedom to share our experiences and express our needs and wants to LL directly and immediately so they can utilize that concentrated and extremely well debated feedback to keep SL evolving. It appears most of us don't enjoy being stuck in boxes for very long. Your experience and opinion is as invaluable to me as it is forthright, Fox. Also deeply appreciated 🙂
  17. I’m very excited by those hints referring to areas for gatherings! LL is really going all out provide for everyone’s enjoyment and rolling it out this way is keeping us all on the edge of our seats to see what’s coming next! In the meantime I’m amazed and thrilled to see the ingenuity and creativity the current residents are expressing in offering their homes as places to gather and socialize and connect us in ways we’ve been craving for so long while we were tucked away in skyboxes and Estate living. Those spaces are important for us to work, design and build, earn our SL income ...but it seems Bellisseria is where we live, connect and thrive as a community 🤩
  18. Are these part of a link set which might be touching the property line? I think I read someone else had the same problem in another thread and there was a flag pole which needed a nudge from the line and it corrected the problem. Hope you get it corrected Ziggy!
  19. OMG!! Free WillyZiggy!! Beautiful orca!!
  20. I hope you get to meet Clarice, the pole dancing chicken so you can add her to the list in the future! I just love this thread Ziggy!!! PMSL !! 😅 😂 🤣
  21. WOWWWW!! I’m so glad you got a houseboat, Evangeline! And very happy Squirrel 🐿 will continue to roam and PaRty! Like a rock star!! You give everyone so many wonderful LOLs!!! WhOOoOo HOOOOOo!!
  22. When I make the gyazo gif, I click Share, highlight and Copy the .gif version, paste it here and Enter. Then theres a message in this text box (I can’t remember what it says exactly but I choose the rich option on the left) It takes a few seconds to upload and will appear blank until it shows up. 🥳
  23. I think @Sylvia Tamalyn's talk of a feral cat colony formation is happening!
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