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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. I wonder if the Donner Party also had dysentery before they... well, you know. I'd like to make my reservation to sign up for The Matrix before I get dysentery! πŸ˜œπŸ˜‰
  2. Other metaverses I have visited (OpenSim, Great Canadian Grid, Kitely and a few more I can't remember because they were boring, lonely and filled with really familiar looking things which seem to have come form SL... but I don't think the items appeared there with the approval of their Creators) have free land but usually with some kind of condition like log in every 30 days. Kitely was the nicest of all of the other grids because it does have a MP of sorts. However, I don't think SL will lose Creators to places like those because in SL when I'm online there's an average of 40,000 - 50,000 online and in the most popular of the other OpenSim grids there was 29 - 109 online. Surely Creators won't leave a place where they are probably making a little money, perhaps just enough to keep themselves entertained in Second life, to go to a place with almost no economy at all. Perhaps we should look at Second Life as a massive training centre for learning to create virtual goods. The relative quality and quantity of goods, marketing, customer care, etc will reflect a working free enterprise system. Customers will buy what they want according to their own agenda and there's not much LL can do to affect what a customer buys... except for the services LL provides to their customers. The market will bear what it can bear. I'm sure LL doesn't rip us off because they depend on us for their own jobs and they are much too smart and successful to kill the goose that lays the virtual golden eggs. Virtual goods IS the future and everyone in Second life is leaps and bounds ahead of all who aren't in Second Life yet. We're going to be Lindenillionaires because we are the virtual life pioneers! πŸ˜‰
  3. Finally our day has come... We are on the BIGGEST boat at Siren's Isle ! Bucket List item:βœ… Note: We did have to wait for a boat 4x as big to leave (or crash) πŸ˜‰
  4. I was very confused in 2015 when I joined SL as a Premium Member. I could walk or fly all around the (old) Premium Continent (which I thought were lovely at the time)... but I couldn't figure out how to get anywhere else (like Mainland) from there. It took another year or 2 of logging to SL nearly every day before someone (my partner, Doc) showed me Blake Sea and MAINLAND and Whoa 😲 I knew immediately when I saw all those contiguous Regions... THIS is where I belong! Thank you Linden Lab for making this huge world! 😍
  5. ^^ That's what I normally do also... but since Gyazo updated recently I noticed this is happening:
  6. Has anyone ever tried decorating an entire Linden Home with dollarbies and Freebies? I think it would be a fun challenge to have β™₯ but I'm not sure if I should make a new topic for such a thing? Oh... and it seems that Gyazo photo links are now expiring ;-( So I guess we may have to start saving them somewhere from now on. Pity about all the older links suddenly going missing. 😭😿😒
  7. I have noticed this same issue and it's a pita! Thank you for noticing, OP and @Quistess Alpha !
  8. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Celzium-00-v02-Inworld-Mesh-Creation-Tool-the-cube-edition-by-Cel-Edman/3375430 This is an ideal place to start as it will make you a single cube (all one face, though) for free! It has excellent instructions and if you have any problems you can send a notecard to the Creator @Cel Edman or IM me anytime if you think there's anything I can help with. You can use this just as you would a regular prim stretching but no torturing. You can upload up to 8 faces and up to 200+/- max individual prims to make a single mesh object. I only know how to make flat sides no L shapes... only because I don't know how to make them non-physical except by using phantom (defeats the purpose of a railing or a floor!) so the items have tried as L shape have some sort of invisible wedge of physics inside the corner of all my L shapes. I just make and upload my flat sides separately and upload them usually at 0.5 LI per flat side and some have been pretty ornate and linked, 4 sides usually make 2 LI (approx). I also shift/drag a copy of my pre-uploaded project and test the textures to make sure they look okay, or can be fiddled with to look okay. Be careful to delete any extra or discarded bits as the Generate button will include any scrap bits it can detect in the area. Hope this helps @Nika Talaj 🀩
  9. @Nika Talaj I LOVE that new model and you have made it so attractive! Is the little upper deck an add-on? If it is...it's perfect !That last nighttime picture is the perfect spot for sea air with a nightcap! πŸ₯°
  10. Wow, what a beautiful venue! Thank you to all the Moles for this beautiful Town Hall Community Centre in Chippewa Junction Region 😍
  11. Will Plus members have access to Premium Sandboxes?
  12. 3 Parcels for Sale on Protected Waterway Faces West and un-blockable ocean sunset view as Humuli Region is on the Western Border of Heterocera Atoll. Only 3 other land owners in the entire Region. A rare opportunity. View on Map http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Humuli/116/34/23
  13. Douglas Douglass by Pearl and the Beard β™ͺ
  14. I created 2 Feature Requests in August 2020 before @Oz Linden retired but I think they may have slipped into obscurity. @Whirly Fizzle commented that both requests could be combined into one new Feature. No new action has been taken since Oz retired so I thought I'd mention the requests here and ask for comments, suggestions and support for any who think this feature may be useful. I recently enjoyed watching @Alexa Linden 's episode of Second Life University with Inventory advice and tips: The features I requested would allow us to right click a folder and have the option to "Open this folder in a new window" and to have a "Search only this folder" option. This could be very helpful for sorting scattered items into a particular folder and also for finding items in the future. For example if you know the item you are searching for is in your Landmarks folder, Search won't need to return results for every other folder which contains the keyword you are searching for. Here are the links to the JIRA Feature Requests: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229278 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229279 I'm not sure if I've added this to the appropriate Topic? Please feel free to move it to the right place, if so!
  15. DJ FARiday Party at Campwich Lodge!! Rocking what we got Theme! Mostly Queenβ™ͺ WoOOhOOOO!β™« Tintin @AbOrigin parties like a Rock Star! β™ͺ
  16. FAR's Friday Party! In Sakura Theme! Join Bellisseria Events Group to find out where the parties are !!
  17. FARiday Party! Join Bellisseria Events Group to find out where the parties are !!
  18. WoOoOoo! Welcome to FARiday Party! Join Bellisseria Events Group to find out where the parties are !! Every Friday DJ FAR rocks Bellisseria β™₯β™ͺ
  19. Fun at DJ FAR's Bingo & Beans at the GlastonBelli Pyramid Stage Destination !! Particle Gifts from @Regi Yifu who has a brand new art installation up in the sky over the GlastonBelli Redwood Forest Destination! Good luck finding your way through the maze πŸ˜‰ Art Installation Maze http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sevenfold/60/161/2801
  20. It Gaeta I, according to this: Ans in interesting Forum Topic here about the Gaetas:
  21. Unless the neighbour has allowed Everyone to Edit Terrain? This isn't very common and even says (use with caution) but you might be able to check if you can see their About Land Options page. 🏘️🏑
  22. FAR's Posh Frock Party on the amazing SS Galaxy FORWARD What a treat for the eyes and a scream from our pc's cooling fans!
  23. It took this forum Muppets craze to entice me to put the first picture in my forum Profile in nearly 7 years!
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