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Evah Baxton

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Everything posted by Evah Baxton

  1. Artists that loved souls more than money & fame.
  2. Thank you @karenx0. Pro all the way.
  3. Speaking of controlling other human beings, the mind of the person who wrote this has that capacity and desire for sure. Changing the word "mandating" or "requirement" to "encouragement" is a low-key attempt at controlling other's minds. By changing the word to something non-confrontational they have purposefully made their whole thought more agreeable through a mild form of lying. Sort of like how I avoided the word "you" in this response. I wear a mask. I've read the statistics and, overall, masks help. Taxation is theft.
  4. Is it possible to multiple select the same material from duplicate meshes on a parcel? If I have a few duplicate mesh houses with a floor material, can I select all the floors at once?
  5. Depends on what you consider "the world". Sooner in some people's worlds.
  6. I think I've posted this before in the "Listening to" thread, but here we go again... It's pink all over again! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! I love 80's directors. This single scene alone made some people laugh and made some people realize it was a perfect vision of the future. If you can't understand the symbolism here, then I hope you've got a Jiminy up your sleeve for 2021.
  7. Is there any limit to how conservative clothing can be? Just curious, if someone were super worried about showing off their digital navel, would they wear a digital robe that covered their entire face and body? Asking for that other part of the rest of them.
  8. You'd have to impose rules on the people before you could move to a new engine.
  9. Wow. I was impressed that I finally got mine to go above 200 consistently in the middle of a west coast US american city. And hell, I just did a test now and I am around 98.
  10. I've noticed increased troll traffic. I was just part of a great conference IM about someone who was obviously very mad at someone else and wanted to be sure than many random people knew about it.
  11. Advertising, marketing, and buzzidioms are so first part of 2020. SL is for a special kind of person. They aren't always first person shooters, they aren't always stealing cars, they aren't always building cities. Sometimes they are simply an AV in a world that isn't a game.
  12. There is something about zooming in and out of that screen in VR while you sit with your friends and chat with each other. Not sure what it is. Some of us have it, some of us don't. I'm honestly surprised that the majority of SL residents don't have this. It's almost as though you are the gatekeepers who have failed. The children have already left and sold themselves to it while you sit back and imagine that somehow we can go back someday when electricity fails.
  13. I love it. I built a YouTube viewer that allows you and your friends to add youtube videos one after the other to a playlist that plays in sync on a parcel. Not much interest in it. I can't give away that script because I have two hosting accounts, one in Seattle and another on AWS which hosts the video streaming and it costs me money. Anyways, you can try it out in Barcola. (Just teleport into Barcola and look behind you.) I have no idea if it's worth anything, or if anyone thinks it's worth paying for.
  14. Mmmmmmmm I love tipping the DJ's, hosts, and venue.
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