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Evah Baxton

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Everything posted by Evah Baxton

  1. Dopamine dictates. Flesh is prison. Death is freedom.
  2. Free yourself of Apple, Google SystemD, and Microsoft forever. There are ways. Enjoy the journey (if you are up for it.)
  3. All I see is this and I accept. I can't ... seem ... to let ... go ........
  4. Only one person on earth will understand that bacon is my passion and cutting records is my habit. Only one.
  5. Start all new members in AV edit mode with gray skin color. Don't allow them to continue until they've saved their AV.
  6. Also, when I think the first page of a thread is the last page because the last poster is the same on both and I wind up reacting to a comment from June. I guess it's not such a pet peeve though, since it was funny and I laughed.
  7. Stores that show a full outfit in the picture, but are only selling a single piece of it. Link to the other items in the photo and drive some sales.
  8. Even the people you mentioned as examples were thinking faster and working harder than most others at the time. If you need advice on where to start, it seems like you are already behind. If you'd come on here and said "Hey, I want to start a billion dollar business selling books on the internet out of my garage." we might have had something to talk about. Good luck!
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