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Evah Baxton

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Everything posted by Evah Baxton

  1. Posting something from the previous dimension.
  2. There is this thing that pops up in my brain (and probably all of yours as well) that tells me when to re-consider a word. Like writing, "I live in America." This thing pops up and says, "You live in U.S. of America." Two things that can tip it one way or the other are alcohol and emotion, but the number one biggest thing for me is respect. Hopefully they see the message and learn from it for next time. Write "U.S. residents:" at the beginning. It has the opposite effect. It guarantees that everyone feels like they are respected and considered.
  3. Anything is possible. Build the perfect scene in the engine of your choice. Build a car with perfect physics that can drive for "miles". Invite your friends in and have races without any lag. Perfect scenery, beautiful skies, rich forests with branches swaying in the wind and bunnies hopping around in the undergrowth. I guarantee I can create a single gray cube hidden in a tree trunk that makes it all suddenly run like garbage. LL does a great job (from my outside perspective) at policing user creations, considering the variables. Creative standardization works at a corporation where you are paid to make standardized creations. It just doesn't work the same in a place where you get paid to create a platform where people expect to be able to make whatever they want. My point, you'd have to impose rules on the people before you could move to a new engine.
  4. I don't know anything about how the SL systems works and am making a few assumptions here... Cached items have to be checked to make sure they haven't been updated. This takes time with all the possible static changes that could be made to a single object (Mesh, faces, materials). Then there are dynamic changes like physics and scripts that can change the objects. All this polling between server and client (even just to check if a cached item has updated) takes a lot of time. It's probably doing some kind of checksum, but probably doing it multiple times per object. Perhaps if it finds even one change, it re-downloads the whole object. Based on the fact that an SL region can't have any idea what it's supposed to look like from one second to the next and then has to communicate your AV + vehicle's state to the possible 8 regions around it, it's fairly impressive how well it works. No other place like it. One thing I love doing in SL is going into wireframe mode. I like finding meshes that aren't optimized and zooming out to the point where the object becomes solid again because there are so many triangles. It reminds me of the world we live in now where "solid" objects are just groups of other smaller objects that are attracting and repelling each other to make the world we can see and touch. It makes me think of a future where some species will be living in a solar powered server on Mars theorizing about "wireframe theory" and wondering where they came from and why they exist.
  5. SL isn't expensive at all if you can kick a** at building and creating. You'll find that you aren't paying LL a dime for full regions. Possibly even making real cash profits. I'll assume that's not something you can do in DU.
  6. BAT is a crypto currency. It's well established on the Brave browser and can be traded on most of the exchanges. It's already available for tipping content creators on YouTube & Twitter as well as any site that has themselves registered as a content creator. It would change the entire online advertising system. Just think ... no more clickbait! Should look into it if you haven't yet. Anyways .. dropping for now. Obviously NOT looking into it [for the forums].
  7. I'm not sure. They would have to use real money to do that.
  8. It's real money. Trolls don't tend to deal in real money. The only way to put BAT in your account is to either buy it, or use Brave's advertisement system which requires work. Clicks = revenue and it shouldn't be that way.
  9. I see the concern. I'm just not sure how giving people the power to give their money to what they love and leaving the junk in the dust is a bad thing.
  10. Seems to me a great way to eliminate trolls and bring forth the new cashless digital revolution, but it's okay. I get it. We are stuck in this. It's just the way it is.
  11. Except you can't turn those into cash. It's not a big deal. I was just wondering if it was being considered.
  12. Specifically for the forums. Brave's Basic Attention Token for tipping good forum content. Not in-world.
  13. Any plans to incorporate Basic Attention Tokens in the forums for tipping good content?
  14. IM the location of the shop to me. I will take a look when I get a chance.
  15. Trees are screaming as the smoke settlesWe keep dreaming as we fly byWe keep dreaming as we fly byBy-By
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