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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. Sorry, they are in COBOL, and no one understands that any more. Besides which, they are not open source.
  2. But, but, but..... The MOLES need a pay rise!
  3. So they DO listen! Amazing response. My basic alts will be pleased....
  4. You have to understand @ItHadToComeToThis I do this for fun. Almost everything I say in the forums is a joke, or at least said with tongue in cheek. 😉 I also, unlike many people, don't care how much it costs. 💲 It's worth every dollar to get away from reality for a bit every day. 😈 Reality is full of people who tell me what to think, what to say, what to do.... Bit like SL forums really, but here I can happily say '<expletive deleted> off'. 👊☝
  5. As @ThorinIIsays, the Windows version 12.1 64bit runs under Wine okay. Bit slow. About how Firestorm Windows 64 or the SLV runs under wine - which I have to use to get HAVOK uploads of complex mesh - okay for the upload, terrible to play. Why is the Catznip wiki so terribly out of date? (no answer required, I know how hard it is)
  6. Has anyone managed to compile Catznip to run on Linux? I was thinking of trying it, but there are no pre-compiled Linux downloads.
  7. I'd settle for 3 years on the first. That would be an improvement.
  8. I'm not a snob. I am a privileged rich inherited-wealth aristocrat. My genetics is just superior to yours, sorry. So is my OS. 😄
  9. Scary Movie. But maybe the Moles get a raise? Hope so.
  10. I used to use Linux-from-Scratch, but got fed up with how complicated getting Firestorm (and other stuff I use, like blender) to run on it was. So now I slum it with Arch Linux.
  11. And while we are about it... WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO SHOUT! (in their 1st post)
  12. This is excellent when it works, but it keeps crashing Firestorm (Firestorm-Releasex64 on Linux. Shall I raise a Jira? It seems to be worse in a high-lag area. If I move to an empty sandbox, it's fine.
  13. Okay, I'm trying to tidy my inventory and copying files from it into an object. This (see title) always pops up if I try to copy more than a handful, like over 30. But as it doesn't say WHICH item, I can't fix it. Anyone know if there is a log of the copy operations anywhere. It's worse, because when I check the two lists (inv and obj) they seem identical. The name of the LL programmer who makes these useless error messages with zero content would be helpful, and his home city for missile targeting.
  14. Think of the electricity the servers would need to keep them up there. We got moles. They should dig. Tunnel homes.
  15. You don't eat Rabbit? Strange, they're delicious.
  16. Welcome to forums. We mostly eat rabbits....
  17. Not going to argue with that. Moles are best. However, as a systems programmer, I am a bit alarmed to discover that each Houseboat has been independently installed and tested. I knew SL's infrastructure was designed for another age. Fascinating. I guess this is the price we pay for having unique communities.
  18. But it just goes round and round and round....
  19. Yes. I tried that. But Quartz Mole has been in touch and is going to fix it. Moles are marvellous. (apart from the one that digs up my lawn)
  20. I noticed that when I accidentally touch the inside walls of my Windlass houseboat, I get an announcement in chat of the form: HB3: Touched Link 25( HB3 ) on face n Has anyone else seen this? It seems to be a script that I assume Ancient Mole planned to remove (Touched WHAT?) before shipping. It has no function other than to fill up the chat. Should I raise a Jira?
  21. I stand corrected. On the apostrophe at least. As to @Patch Linden, if you had read my earlier posting you would have noticed that I said he was one of the good guys, I also think the Moles are fantastic, but that this sort of marketing mistake leads to your front men being blamed. That is because Linden Lab, (see I learned that) have not committed sufficient resources. I'm done. Last post. ( sound of bugle fading ....)
  22. Calm as a very calm thing. And I got my Houseboat yesterday too. Linden Labs marketing sucks, it may not be@Patch Linden's fault, but he is the one we see. A very simple bit of market research would have identified the pent-up demand for modern homes, and would have given an approximate size to that demand. Anyone waiting on the border to the new Houseboat area yesterday, before the release, would have realized that there was at least enough demand for twice as many. Twice as many is easy if you don't mind two regions having the same map. All LL had to do was look. They didn't, or if they did, they stuck two fingers up at their best customers. I don't know who said it first, and nor does Google, but the secret of business has often been described as 'Get Customers, Keep them'. So they pass test 1, but are in danger of failing test 2. This is a crying shame, and I'm just glad I'm not a stockholder.
  23. That's the sort of thing that happens when your marketing is crap. Totally misunderstanding the demand.
  24. The big problem for @Patch Lindennow is that his reputation is shot. He may not realise it, and I personally am very sad about it as he is a good bloke, but he will never be trusted again. This is the second major misreading of the scale of the demand. Instead of one copy of the SSP region, they should immediately clone the whole thing somewhere else, that would fix the demand for both houseboats and new homes. If they change the contract now, to allow LL to move you to 'an equivalent property' at their discretion, they can even go back and fix it later.
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