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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Is the name “Talligurl” related to the Harry Belafonte “Banana Boat” Song? Come, mister Tally man Tally me bananas..
  2. Reminds me of the joke about hillbillies who didn’t like visitors..after the meal, they called the dog to lick off the plates (which were nailed to the table). The visitors never returned.
  3. Would have made a better password!
  4. Please don’t make me go back into the closet, it’s lonely in there!
  5. I find SL doesn’t pick up my local FM station very well. Maybe I need an antenna. Oh, you mean streaming music!
  6. I meant the “Time Warp” dance from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”. That may be too intense.
  7. Agreed. Making his throne room a separate parcel with only group entry is one solution.
  8. If they can cam to a place, they can sit there. This is how Second Life works.
  9. I’m loving Bakes-on-Mesh so far! (You may now return to your regularly scheduled rant.)
  10. There is no way to delete posts.
  11. Is the Hokey Pokey still ok too? Because that’s what it’s all about.
  12. Yes, we understand you are very confused.
  13. Wrong word, look at what was posted and look up the meaning online.
  14. This is not possible since you are using no-mod furniture. Even with mod furniture, there is no way in scripting to tell an avatar sat “from a distance”. All you can do with scripting is prevent sit by unsitting avatars who do not have permissions. You can just also prevent any avatars from entering your land using either 1) list of permitted avatars, or 2) setting permitted group. As a side note, I think you should be able to solve this with Borland C++ and in-line assembly, because of your previous posts.
  15. Your dog is besutiful so I pet her and she promptly puked.
  16. *Murrs, I’d guess you’d put a cat-thing saying* *Rumblepurrs*
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