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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. So..in one of the above posts, one of the two BOM enablers (I believe the Omega one) was originally enabling BOM for all parts (body and head) with no option. Now they have one that enables parts separately for BOM, so if you don’t want your Head affected, that should work for you, see this:
  2. Don’t you have a “head-only” full alpha? Or, are you trying some BOM features that change your head textures? I use different Head/Body and didn’t enable my Head for Omega for these experiments. I did have to use proper Head vs. Body alphas.
  3. Yes, capital letters use more bits, which clog the servers.
  4. Could also have used trinary or quantum values.
  5. Since there was no technical answer given on how to enable BOM via code, is it fair to guess creators reverse-engineered it by getting Prim Parameters with code after setting BOM manually?
  6. Chellyane, do you have options yet like Kitsune mentions below? The version I picked up at Omega enabled BOM for all parts. Do the additional features Kitsune mentions below (“using bake mesh on the mesh body clothing layers to prevent the shape of nipples and such”) work with the Omega yet?
  7. *sigh* It is important to me to have my real-life tattoo on my avatar. Until I can get it re-done (better, and better resolution) for Mesh, this is a compromise I have to deal with. *Edit* If you cant say something nice, come sit with me.
  8. Misunderstanding..my Head did not disappear because I used correct “body only” alpha. I had to change neck blending because it looked better.
  9. I did not have this problem with Belleza. I did have to turn off neck blending.
  10. TIL, with Bakes-On-Mesh you can only use system skin with system tattoos and clothing.
  11. I read that. That stinks for them! Note that I unboxed a fresh Belleza avatar for this, in case “going back” is difficult. Luckily, Mesh “attachment” clothing still works. Just can’t mix and match BOM clothes/tattoos and Mesh skin, etc. I see this project as drawing MORE users towards mesh, ‘cause they can use their old stuffs!
  12. Spent a couple hours sorting all my non-mesh clothing, now that I can use it with Bakes-On-Mesh W00T!
  13. After the project is done, 1) you won't need the special project viewer, and 2) some Mesh body creators may pre-enable their bodies for "Bakes On Mesh", making it easier.
  14. It's easier than you may think..the "Bakes on Mesh" thread is very long and very few of the posts actually give the details! The "Bakes on Mesh" project viewer is required, also a special Omega Bakes-on-Mesh enabler to do it the way I did (with Omega-enabled mesh avatar). Then..you remove your body alpha and can just wear system skins, tattoos, and/or clothing! However, you cannot mix Mesh skins with System tattoos. This basically "bakes" whatever your system avatar is wearing onto your mesh body. If you want help, let me know. (No one actually offered me help, just advice on steps.)
  15. Testing Bakes-On-Mesh, got my old skin and tattoo back! Too bad the tattoo seams are soo much worse with the mesh body.
  16. Odd, I don't even see it to remove. Keep in mind, I opened a brand new body for this testing - and I may have neglected to wear the alpha in the first place. Any hints?
  17. Admitting I've been a sl*t is not actually bragging, it is confessing! But you are right. The "humblebrag" is similar. I've had the same job for 20 years.
  18. Got it! So far got the "All-red" body after installing Omega on a fresh body then using your attachment., I guess that is good! Attempting system skins I have, and my tattoos..it stays "All-red" so far. This is with Belleza body. Will keep poking it.
  19. Let me know when it's in your store. (I went to the store this morning.) *Edit* I got the one from the Omega Solutions store.
  20. *is bad at maths too, can’t count how many boyfriends have had*
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