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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I’m getting good, I can almost give right answers sometimes now with low-to-no snark!
  2. So to rephrase my question on prim vs. mesh: do you think it’s the same, and it’s really just a feature of the new accounting? @Innula Zenovka weigh in?
  3. I was also going to suggest she may end up needing a timer and a flag to make sure it stopped moving “long enough”. Just because the event fires won’t necessary mean it’s totally done, right?
  4. As a test, put moving_end event in your script and have it say something when the event runs.
  5. You may need both moving_start and moving_end events, in case you want to detect that it actually moved, then stopped moving. Others may give you a different answer. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Moving_start
  6. Yes but..is it the same with prim vs. mesh? Are these prims using old accounting, or did you do something to force new accounting? Will this apply to only “new” builds, or existing builds?
  7. Thank god she doesn’t have a lollipop, that would be a “signal”..!!
  8. That child has the biggest t*ts I ever saw. How DARE they perform surgery on one so very young, and obviously innocent. The sexualization of today’s youth will be its downfall!
  9. It would be funny if we showed Prok a picture of orderly parked pods, and she said “Don’t you see that horrible pileup? Pods everywhere! It looks like an accident with no survivors! Those techno-fascists could have killed a lot of avatars in that terrible, terrible collision. OH THE HUMANITY!!!12!12!1!”
  10. Anyone can ban for any (or no reason). Unfortunately, LL would consider this a “resident to resident dispute” so probably would not help. There was a long thread here on the forum recently discussing “ban lists”, where some landowners have a system that uses a shared “ban list”. So, with that type of system if you are banned from one place, you get banned from all land that uses that system.
  11. Yay! I do have full perm, just not original file.
  12. So, does this mean I can use an Omega applier to use my legacy custom tattoos with mesh bodies? Please say yes!
  13. ..and why is he flying through my junk, I mean family jewels?
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