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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. YesTIL more about DDOS than I knew before. TIL that the “squeak” in “bubble and squeak” isn’t named after the feeling/sound when you bite it, unlike a proper paneer or poutine.
  2. Maybe if you made the neighbor’s side opaque..they wouldn’t have seen the fence!
  3. Rhonda replied, I think her answer solved it for me.
  4. I have SL friends in Belgium who speak Dutch. They were expert SL users.
  5. Thanks, Rhonda! How the heck were we supposed to know that?
  6. The Dot appears to be a Star if you posted in/followed (?) that thread. How the heck were we supposed to know that? Thanks, Phil! Any thoughts on my other request?
  7. Good times! Like a “temporary layoff!”
  8. Some of my best birthdays were in SL. Happy birthday! ?????
  9. Someone at work posted a picture of a fish on doors leading to bathrooms. Either a hint about someone’s birthday, or some kind of scavenger hunt. After working here 20 years, it’s not that unusual.
  10. Mebbe pay someone to help wash the stink of craycray off after a traumatic encounter with SL drama, griefers, etc.
  11. I posted 2 serious posts today, and I’m exhausted! (Forum Feedback.)
  12. When you click on a link from “Unread Content”, instead of taking you to the specific post - the link takes you to the beginning of the thread! So, if you have been reading the thread - or just want to see the specific post mentioned in “Unread Content”, you have to then click “last page”, scroll to the bottom (see my other request) and hope a lot of other posts have not been made since the one you were interested in. Wouldn't it make more sense to take the user to the specific post, like how it works for “Notifications”? (So obviously it should be possible since “Notifications” work that way. Another option to consider for “Unread content”: One hyperlink to the start of the thread, another to the post. Similar to how the “arrow” icon in a quote takes you to a post, this could be done with a an icon. Thank you for your respectful consideration of my post.
  13. I learn from these posts even though I know nada about mush.
  14. If you ever want to see the last post in a thread, you have to click the “last page” button then scroll alllll the way down. For us phone users, this becomes tedious. Wouldn’t it make sense for the “last page” button to both navigate to the last thread in the page, AND scroll to the last post? (Why would anyone want to intentionally go to the last page, then read starting from the top?) Please consider my respectful request.
  15. I can see another state trying to convince you that it’s your own state or poor infrastructure..but the danger of a state doing it to its own people is high if caught.
  16. I had to read between the lines, there. Obviously, a state wouldn’t do DDOS to its own citizens (well, except Chinese maybe). I assume you mean, “they do it to us because we do it to them”?
  17. “AB, cd goldfish!” ”Lmno goldfish..” ”SAR, cmpn?”
  18. After we rename contact cards to friendship cards and ban them, maybe we should ban notecards because malicious coders with wet brains write scripts to use notecards.
  19. I came to this post hoping to see nipples, and did not disappoint!
  20. oh. Oh. OH! Well, *ahem*..good to know! I mean, if you ever need her head.
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