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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I have enough trouble RP’ing that I’m sane. Guess it would be reverse-RP.
  2. “What do you mean, I’m naked? I guess my clothes aren’t showing up for you. Sorry!”
  3. *sits down, makes a lap, and points to it for storytime*
  4. I always expected the Venga Bus to be bigger on the INSIDE.
  5. Oddly, many drawings show different colors.
  6. But Maaaa, it feels like wearing a raincoat in the shower!
  7. We use level 3, they appear somewhat pathetic at planning and notifications.
  8. I think this is only ok if the victim wasn’t already blind.
  9. “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
  10. If the script’s only purpose is to tell the key when touched:,Could also do away with state_entry and just put this in touch_start: llSay(0, llGetKey()); For this type of thing I usually use llOwnerSay() - which does not use a channel and no one can see but you.
  11. Like Veruca Salt - she was a bad egg. oops, wrong game.
  12. I’m afraid a platypus would lay an egg.
  13. Sharks with frikken lasers mounted on their heads would be nice.
  14. Maybe make an alt and fight with them.
  15. I see there was no discussion of charm vs. glamour, but then again it’s not a thread about vampires.
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