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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. That child has the biggest t*ts I ever saw. How DARE they perform surgery on one so very young, and obviously innocent. The sexualization of today’s youth will be its downfall!
  2. It would be funny if we showed Prok a picture of orderly parked pods, and she said “Don’t you see that horrible pileup? Pods everywhere! It looks like an accident with no survivors! Those techno-fascists could have killed a lot of avatars in that terrible, terrible collision. OH THE HUMANITY!!!12!12!1!”
  3. Anyone can ban for any (or no reason). Unfortunately, LL would consider this a “resident to resident dispute” so probably would not help. There was a long thread here on the forum recently discussing “ban lists”, where some landowners have a system that uses a shared “ban list”. So, with that type of system if you are banned from one place, you get banned from all land that uses that system.
  4. Yay! I do have full perm, just not original file.
  5. So, does this mean I can use an Omega applier to use my legacy custom tattoos with mesh bodies? Please say yes!
  6. ..and why is he flying through my junk, I mean family jewels?
  7. TIL to put photos in Dropbox on phone, because forum messages won’t let you attach new photos.
  8. Now I remember! It’s been a long time. I used to see it in open chat lol
  9. Yes, I got Callum’s explanation that setting it in the host file would block it. I was confused by his initial post, as out of context I couldn’t figure out why he’d want to do that with Oculus.
  10. If you stand on your principal, they have trouble breathing.
  11. It would be cool if prim babies were gestated and born like Orcs, decanted from a slimy womb attached to some random surface, bursting forth with a great effusion of rancid liquid and a terrified roar. Well, RL birth is somewhat like that, right?
  12. I stopped reading at “techno-communists”. You seem to have a mild case of Tourette’s Syndrome.
  13. Any mainland where noobs congregate in their vile, stinking masses, voicing and gestures, and griefing and being griefed and..oh, the humanity!
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