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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I'm a catfish! Catwa Hair - Wokeup Bounce Fitmesh Mermaid - Purple
  2. How much lag / sim pressure / latency / script time do individual Breedables add? I noticed one of my Premium Linden home neighbors has some.
  3. Ah, I thought they were logged into SL or Marketplace ok but just buying Lindens gave errors. ?
  4. When this happens, does total group tier go down (because the non-paying member was suspended etc.), or everyone in the group is billed more, or ? Specifically, I’m asking about the group liability in situations like this.
  5. I think of a “Pose” as a “static animation”, one where your animation doesn’t move (or only makes small movements).
  6. I’m a bit confused, can you actually use mesh for particles? I thought particles were just textures.
  7. If we assume the original poster DID type in their password correctly, then filing a support ticket would be the next step (or live support if premium).
  8. Make sure you don’t have a semicolon after the If like this, not sure if LSL gives a warning or not: if (x==y); // don’t put a semicolon here! { dostuff; }
  9. Not if it was changed to login with name PLUS email address!
  10. In RL many people have the same name. Only obvious reason not to do that in SL is fraud, plus it’s used to log in. Could fix login conflict by requiring name + email.
  11. Have you noticed the pattern? Start out with land (any type - tier or islands) expensive, milk it all it’s worth, then when the market dies down run a “sale” (grandfather nao!!!1!), lower the prices, increase premium land, give free Linden Homes for premium, etc.
  12. Two more ideas: become the chaplain for groups, the two I thought of are motorcycle gangs, and military squadrons / brigades.
  13. How do you mean? You can change your Avatar however you want!
  14. This is a winner! I’d buy that for a dollar! That way, someone else could help market/sell the scripts I created all these years!
  15. Yeah, he’s not betraying a lot of emotion in my view!
  16. Here’s how to preload a sound. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlPreloadSound
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