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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. By saying there is no right and wrong, only opinions, you show the same type of logic that Donald Trump uses. (“There were good people on both sides”, refusing to condemn White Extremists following a violent rally in Charlottesville.)
  2. Wot? You said you had not formed an opinion on Xiola’s post. Why?
  3. What votes? Are you unable to form an opinion when you’re wrong?
  4. Thanks, I’ve wanted to post “thread lock” often, but usually resist. I totally agree that this was a “gossip thread” (in fact I stated it).
  5. But then you’ll miss all the updates on “that” thread! ?
  6. Perhaps because the US just came out of a 3-day holiday weekend.
  7. These were recommended to me also: Pink Fuel skins DeeTalez skins Ooh-la-licious skins
  8. I thought Patch’s hints were that it would be some different gaming experiences? Was that a misdirection?
  9. No. I came up with my points independently, I did not “lift” them. How rude.
  10. People also look for patterns in RL on the moon, on Mars, etc.
  11. Better have yourself checked for testes..
  12. I love BoM, it lets me use my custom system tattoos. Well done, Linden Labs!
  13. “A total mess?” So far as I can tell, you will just show with colored textures that say “BAKES ON MESH”.
  14. Eerie, ain’t it? I gave a detailed opposing viewpoint, and Phil agreed with every point! It’s almost as if he’s evolved!
  15. I actually logged in today, working on a script I started last year. Went to Belleza, nothing new I want to buy so popped down in a couch to script. Earlier, went to GYC to see how busy and, of course busy. Everybody rezzed pretty fast. Maybe furries rez faster..
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