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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I didn’t know he had a page. Thanks!
  2. I’ve seen avatars in Second Life with “joints”. Against TOS?
  3. Sounds like “breedables” is a lawsuit looking for a venue (figuratively speaking). Good to know!
  4. I’d post more, but in Answers, I assume they want “Good” answers!
  5. Fences with you cane-to-cane, thrust, parry!
  6. So..it turned into a serious discussion but you’re unhappy about that? How confusing! Your multi-response is incomprehensible..just sayin’. ?
  7. Hmm.., I guess by “?”, you don’t “get” my reply. That’s ok! P.S. Just remembered a report I did in college on ray tracing in the 1980’s, at the time it was on how specialty computers were required (I remember clearly). Yet today, you can buy that capability for your PC. Wouldn’t this seem like “magic” back in the 70’s?
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