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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Do they sell Swedish meatballs?
  2. Interesting Necro thread, if you’re into Linux!
  3. I am quite huggy. Can’t remember biting anyone on the forum.
  4. I got the “site is being upgraded” message the other day.
  5. The avatar disappears, or the parcel disappears? Because you said "it", I assume you meant the parcel.
  6. Did you find out how to free Lindens? I hate to think about all those helpful Linden employees, locked up. #FreeTheLindens!
  7. It would appear that Mesh is driving the SL economy!
  8. Are you running 64-bit version of Second Life? You should.
  9. 1. Sculpties 2. Mesh 3. Increased LI / prims 4. Reduced Tier fees 5. LL Marketplace (no more “magic boxes required)
  10. Are you holding a roll of paper towels?
  11. Reminds me of the Dr. Seuss story, "The Pants With Nobody In Them". But with breedable panties. Still creepy.
  12. Aren't sellers with inworld stores to show buildings more likely to sell buildings than others?
  13. I'm wondering if anyone can join this thread? I've noticed a "change" in the forum lately. If you block someone, the forum still notifies you about their posts "you have chosen to hide/ignore content from XXX", and shows you their posts if you click on the "show me anyway". I don't remember it working like that awhile back; I just never saw the posts of the people I ignored, unless someone quoted them.
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