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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. This is second life. The UN have absolutely no sway over our interactions with others, so please cut the crap. This is a game, the Lab are the Gods, and to put it bluntly, we have no more rights then our Gods wish to give us. One of those rights our Gods grant us is not equality, but the absolute and unfettered ability to ban anyone from land we pay for for any reason whatever, including gender or eye-colour. In the Lab's rules those who pay the bills can decide who can use their paid space, nobody is forced to admit people they don't like, be they women or be they 5'2" realistically scaled midgets. (I add that I am realistically sized, so do get a lot of orb action) There is no if or but to this Scylla, the person who pays for the land can decide to ban anyone they want. If a land owner decides to become a petty dictator and ban everyone under 2,30 metres, then they have this right (we all know their parcel will be empty as a result, but they have the right to do it). On being told you should be taller, one can put on a different shape, leave, or be banned. More times then not I choose to leave.
  2. Ah! that's my cardio app It's a lot of fun, and a lovely clear and very readable UI. I adore how there is a water ripple like effect when you press buttons. Super responsive too. The sabres move in perfect position with your hands (unlike Sansar) and have great haptic feedback as you slice and dice. (One day I will be as good as this guy - ok, maybe not)
  3. yeah, Nah. Changes to the SL application mean these dialogs now survive a restart. Additionally, that prevents you from detaching the money stealing syphon hud|object. This is one you must deny.
  4. Immediately, although this is up to the scripter who is doing it. This is a screenshot of the warning. It's very hard to mistake. CLICK DENY and you are safe.
  5. Always check the land description, or if it's a private region the covenant (I post my rules in the covenant) Well, that's America for you.
  6. It's a money stealer, not a virus. One of the Avatars doing it is SLGifts.Resident When the person who gets the gift card adds it, they get a bright yellow warning that says (roughly) "This object wants to take your money. If you allow this it can take all of your money at any time [Allow Access] [Deny]" If they ignore this prominent warning and be an idiot that allows access to their wallet, then they lose their lindens. Correct action is to report the avatar and delete the HUD. AND DAMNED WELL READ THAT YELLOW DIALOG I have little pity for people who are foolish enough to ignore the text "...it can take all your money at any time...."
  7. Voodoo isn't harvesting IP addresses Nalates. It's just a networked ban system. This isn't redzone.
  8. I think a lot of the existing Sansar creators left steam reviews. As long as steam is still installed on their PC then they now count to this number.
  9. Not bad that a 7 year old necro can still cause so much angst. Well played Mr. Necromancer, well played.
  10. Likely Creatives who don't have the skill-set or patience to learn Unity or Unreal. They'll make their 3D homepage and be happy.
  11. I still find that the most amazingly non-conventional (I am being kind) design choice ever. It's like the devs never heard of WASD. This will annoy the flatscreeners more then the obscene lag in moving one's VR hands.
  12. Sounds like you have been listed in a networked security system. These are not against the TOS and not seen as griefing. People who own clubs have every right to use them or any means to help police who is allowed to be on there property. These devices share their ban lists with other clubs, and should you be banned in one venue you will be automatically banned in all others using the same device. Once you have been added there is not much you can do except do what is advised and to be very patient. Very patient, it can take weeks or months to be removed, if ever. You might also have some luck talking to the venue that banned you and find out what you did wrong. If you can convince them you have learnt your lesson you might be allowed back. It's super critical that you approach this like a reasonable adult as losing your temper in any way to anyone involved will ensure you remain in the database forever. But even with all that you might be stuck on the ban-list forever. Lucky for you there are a lot of places who won't use this system. It might be time to explore more and find new places to hang out. Better places that make their own decisions on who is a good guest and who is causing problems.
  13. Festivus! The aluminium* pole * using the correct spelling
  14. I wonder what Ebbe's vision is right now! Pewpew might suggest he is hoping people will create games.
  15. Mmm, and SL users are not the audience for Sansar. Creators are, but they won't use a product if it's weak in features compared to the competition, like Unity. We do know that the Lab think that Sansar can be the Geocities of VR, and that creatives will use it for their "homepage". And these creatives won't have much of an audience to expose their art to. That's a weak and small market. Doomed for failure. Institutions won't use Sansar, professionals won't use Sansar. All this money should be put into SL, we might even have 80% of the things Ebbe promised us this year if it were.
  16. Yes, a bit of a rip. The Vive is $1200, a 1070 is $700, the 2070 $899. I7 is $400, Motherboard is $300, Ram is $400.... and so on. I forgot 'Muricans get it cheaper - until the tarrifs go in. Sorry. Edit:> although I am curious, if computers are so cheap, why are so many SL people using potatoes?
  17. The market will be a client on a mobile phone. Most people simply don't have $2000 for a VR headset and $4000 for a PC to run it. But they do have mobile phones, and those phone now have AR capabilites, VR capabilities and flatscreen capabilities. Sansar, by it's fundamental design choice doesn't run on a phone, only on the computers of gamers who've spent $6K on equipment. (This thread is about SL on steam, the argument about sansar should be done in that thread)
  18. Sorry <hugs> real life infects me with huge floods. I was a little grumpy.
  19. Lots of tutorials. https://lmgtfy.com/?q=gimp+cracked+glass+effect
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