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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. I admit, I am not very skilled at English, so I had to google that. What a masterful writer! Ya know... I think he's almost as bad a writer as John Norman. Almost.
  2. That's very good advice! It's way easier to adjust the included body to your likings, and then move on and make small changes to the face to personalise the look. Some basic human anatomy: Your head is 5 eyes wide. There is 1 eye width over your nose bridge. This can be difficult on some mesh heads, but do your best Your mouth corners would normally come to your inside pupils if you are caucasian/asian, and to the outside of your pupils if your avatar is african descent. A smaller mouth for a doll look is always quite acceptable The bottom of your bottom lip is exactly half way between your nostrils and chin. And a hint not many know of: For Catwa heads, the outside eye corners are rigged to your eyebrow bushiness, to stop the sideways S eye look, adjust your bushiness. It's on your hair base, under eyebrows.
  3. Yay for camera hunts! Camera control is a great skill for new residents to learn too, makes event shopping bearable
  4. Selene, it's a lovely idea for a thread. "I wish I knew this when I started" threads always are, and they do help people! On the forums, it's best to think of threads like a small bird. Hold it in your hand and guide it gently and it will flourish and be wonderful... ...Or it might just poop all over you, then peck at your fingers.
  5. Laugh, smile, count your blessings, and find joy whereever you can... ...and be thankful it's not a teletubby! Cause those antenna hurt!
  6. Love's solid foundation: Trust, honesty, communication An autumn leaf falls
  7. TIL (not just to soak my ropes but...) Some people have smurfs inside them! Look closer....
  8. There are a few ways to improve region crossings, vehicle users know them, but people new to fun things like sailing often don't. The first is to understand what happens. When you come to the edge of a region and cross into the next all of your scripts are paused, you are stood up, you are teleported to the new region, all of your clothes are reattached and all of your scripts are restarted. You are sat back down into the vehicle. All of this has to happen before the vehicle moves 64 meters, if it takes longer then that you end up on the ocean floor. To help those steps happen quickly, remove as many scripts as possible (no AO, use descripted hair). Remove as much mesh as possible, all that jewellry takes time to re-attach after the hidden teleport. And a big one try to let one region crossing complete before you start the next one - which means stay away from corner crossings. If you are riding a bike, or driving a car Firestorm also has a nifty (optional) pause mode, which healp you steer a straight line as you cross regions. It's worth trying.
  9. Oh you are so sweet but.. the fun for a kitten is in the patch-oulli hunt. This is a good trigger to make me try that game.
  10. Think one step back, from a place where you can find doors to all of those in one place.
  11. Maybe a redeemable wonka ticket to pick your property in SSP (hihi, won't happen)
  12. Oh, that's actually very good advice! Thank you
  13. hihihihi.... I will still leave patch a plate of cheese for xmas!
  14. So much this. The rigging is about the last part of the mesh data you get. So it goes like this... a little data is downloaded (a few triangles floating in space), a little more data is downloaded (brain and hands appear floating in space), a little more data is downloaded (parts of the body appear floating in space), a little more data is downloaded (some clothes appear floating in space), the body rigging is downloaded (the body snaps into place, naked, the clothes still floating), a little more data is downloaded (the clothes snap into place) What really slows this down is you can only ask for 16 or so things at a time, you then need to wait for them to download. (This is a limitation of everyones computer/modem/router, consumer gear mostly isn't strong enough to deal with downloading too many things at once) So you see a person, they wear a body, head, hair, 3 bits of clothing, some jewellry... and all of that has textures too. A person might be 40 or 50 or 100 files. And you need to wait, and wait, and wait effectively downloading 16 files of thousands at a time, then effectively moving to the next 16. Then there are 40 people there, and the building, and the vendors, and ... well, it's slow
  15. (Animesh: I am eagerly awaiting some decent creators (I am far from this) maybe Jian, maybe others, so I can have a realistic kitten. But can I do it myself, nope, I am not skilled enough *sigh*)
  16. To me the statement made by the OP was badly worded and akin to one of those "Don't talk to me unless you are 100% mesh" statements. I understand now that she didn't mean it that way, but this is a red flag to me. Those statements offend me. My partner was system body until last year, he is still system head, and the sweetest person on the planet. A lot of my friends are system heads. My favouritest sport in SL in newb hunting, and it's something I have done for a decade. I search out a newb without payment info, one who has a decent personality and I lift them up in looks and in skills. I just ask that one day when they have a sucsefful business they do the same thing at least once. This is one of my topmost favoutite past time. These statements saying "go away unless you are mesh" get my goat, and they always will. My response will always be the same "stop being a shallow arse, you just show up your own faults"
  17. New rope has that weird smell. Chains are much better!
  18. Most likely, but it would need Ebbe to eat a lot of Humble pie. Meanwhile. Thank the gods we have Grumpity and Patch to care about us.
  19. Check and double check those links in group messages https://marketplacesecondlife.altervista.scammed is not a real link, click it and you will lose your account. (That one goes to google.com, but seriously, DON'T click them without reading carefully, k?) Just be careful if you last logged out or crashed in a previously (ahem) naked state due to adult activites.
  20. Cool, another week down. I am going to call it and guess the final one next week... Free double LI on all parcels and regions (J/K) Thanks Lab for the Hunt and gifts. And it's nice to see them Mod too I hope that trend continues.
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