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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Heard at a fine dining restaurant, as the waiter addresses a gentleman during his meal: "How did sir find the veal?" "Oh, I just moved a leaf of salad - and there it was!" I found out about SL through word of mouth, an ex wanted us to sign up, as she reckoned it would be a more visual relationship than the MSN chat and the MMORPG we were playing together. After our relationship broke down, I stuck around as I'd made a few friends and got curious about SL.
  2. I don't generally congregate with the kind of women, with whom I'd have to be concerned about 'rival' men. I don't have very high standards, but one will have to be a little more civilized than a primate to rouse my interest.
  3. Days I do not give a damn about, other than getting to laugh at the pitiful state of our species. If someone has earned my affection, it's there 365.25 days per year - cheap tat and too much candy I can live without. But they're not quite interchangeable; Valentine's is on a Friday, and Halloween on a Saturday. So, in 2020, I have to favor Halloween.
  4. Hm, I can still identify traits in men that I find attractive - as a heterosexual man. But it isn't sexual attraction, and it's not the same traits that women tend to get all aflutter about. It's rather the perception of maturity, responsibility and intelligence - and yes, those traits are visible, in both men and women.
  5. If you're feeling sad and lonely on Valentine's day ... ... Remember that no one loves you the other 364 days of the year either.
  6. She's quite fond of flowers actually, and may be planning either a garden or greenhouse in her back yard. ... At my expense, of course. Silly alts. But I'd be careful about having at her with red roses, as she may perceive it as an invitation for her to nibble at your jugular.
  7. GA.EG also make male heads, that I think come with all the expected blows and whistles. I do own one, but I think I've worn it for less than an hour in total - a sub-brand (I think) of theirs also make bento beards ('Magnificent'). Might be worth giving them a look and see what you think at least.
  8. They say, in the name of your love Cheap trinkets and chocolates shove On whomever you fancy Be it Linda or Nancy Or both! We could profit thereof! Pendrop.
  9. I reckon most languages have something similar, as the expression is from the Bible (Pericope Adulterae), when Jesus tells a crowd who wants to stone (i.e. execution through throwing stones, not feed cannabis) an adulteress: "Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her". In Sweden we say 'Kasta inte sten i glashus' (don't throw stones in houses of glass). Alternatively 'Kasta inte bäver i timmerstugor' (don't throw beavers in log cabins).
  10. I usually do an anti-Valentine's shoot, haven't thought of what to do this year though. But yeah, in short I perceive Valentine's day as yet another consumerist frenzy, fueled by idiotic social convention which puts irrational expectations on people, of material validation and displaying affection through giving them gifts which are rarely good for anyone; inferior chocolate, over-priced trinkets and flowers .. Don't get me started on how I abhor the flower industry. "Thirty-four million tons of mine waste occurs creating Valentine’s jewelry. The roses generate 9,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide and shipping them (mostly from South Africa) wastes fossil fuel. And Valentine’s Day has the highest suicide rate of all of the holidays." https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/obesely-speaking/201602/valentine-s-day-love-and-the-broken-soul
  11. Groups can opt out of the limits, I think I managed to cram a few shots into 120-ish groups with just scrolling down the list and trying to put it in everything I could. It's just not worth the effort for me. I'm not on Flickr to hoard 'faves'.
  12. Uhm. Not sure why a 9 year old thread was revived to ask about something that doesn't directly have to the topic to do.
  13. No, no. You post in 400+ groups, most of which only allow you to post 1-2 pics per day or week, so you'd best join something like 3,000-4,000 to make sure that you can carpet bomb good.
  14. "Your avatar complexity is 23,221. You may not be rendered by more than half the people in the region." Looks around my currently empty neighborhood.
  15. In Sweden it's illegal to be employed with a 'tip based' income, and restaurants have already accounted for the staff's salaries in the price of the food. At the very most, you might round off the bill at a finer restaurant; if the bill comes in at 312:- you might make that 320:- to avoid having to use coins or because you don't want the hassle of waiting for the waiter to bring back your change (if you're using cash) - and if you're using a credit card, you may do the same just because it looks neater in your bank report (especially if you tell the tax agency that it was an 'important business meeting' and want to try to use it as an excuse to increase your VAT-payback). But to outright throw money at staff might just be seen as grossly condescending. So, coming into SL, seeing a tip jar was a bit weird. The only times you'd come across one here, is when a store has a charity jar at the check-out counter where you might drop your change, or if someone is sitting on the street with a paper cup in their hand (which we didn't use to have a whole lot of when our welfare system wasn't broke, but thanks to the EU travel laws we now have Romanians on every other street corner in the cities - which we still haven't figured out how to deal with or adapt to). Naturally, my first reaction was to scoff and wonder why the venue's owner didn't pay their staff properly. I'm not really adverse to tipping as a concept in SL, but I'm still reluctant to do it in general. If I want to make a song request I might tip the DJ as a sign of gratitude (the few times they actually play the right song, rather than nabbing the first hit off of YouTube that's either a live version someone taped on their phone next to an obnoxious screamer, or a amateurishly made 'Hard Bass remix'), and if there's a host or hostess I might throw them a coin as well just because - even though I rarely see any hosts or hostesses who I'd consider worthy of it; spamming gestures telling you to tip the DJ every 5 minutes or to donate to the venue, I feel more inclined to just block you. And how 'welcome' I feel when you greet me with a gesture so that my name (that you never get right anyway) ends up in a separate message - and even then, you haven't bothered to even punctuate or capitalize your pre-made greetings: 'welcome to <venue xyz>!!' 'ornwr' Aw, and your tip jar's default values go from L$250 to L$1,000? I bloody think not. Last time I threw a tip at a club, the staff didn't thank me, and a few minutes later someone else apparently had the same as they openly inquired why the staff didn't say 'thank you', and the hostess went off their rails ranting about how a L$100 tip wasn't worthwhile thanking for (I'd tipped L$250, so I'm not sure where they'd put the bar) - suffice to say I haven't revisited the venue since.
  16. Sporadically, but I don't actively (or passively, really) 'follow' any blogs or vlogs related to SL. Occasionally when I Google something SL-related, a YouTube video might appear and if the title seems to address my query and as long as it wasn't uploaded on a potato in 1824, I may skim through it.
  17. I heard that if you publish your credit card details online, your neighbor might elope with your cat. I think we need more whipped cream.
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