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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. Not quite true. It won't let you donate more than what you ticked in the Land use Fee's options. So the most that she is allowed to donate by the system is 1024.
  2. Oh, I do it too with my animations. I always put my brand in the description field however I was referring to the fact that there is *always* someone listed as a creator, and when I look for a creator I will go to the person listed as such, not glance at the description if there may or may not be useful info there. That would explain the confusion I have felt a couple times over the years when I tried to find a product I saw in world and couldn't figure out why the creator (and yes I did check all pieces in the link set) wasn't selling that product anymore. I figured it was retired or something. Now it all makes sense! Also strengthens my point, as those creators lost out on a sale simply by not adding that extra prim (which with mesh nowadays isn't all that bad. Anyone can make a simple mesh cube thats 0.5 Li, set it to transparent and be done with it, you don't even have to do the quiz anymore as I found out recently. Now all you have to do in order to upload mesh is to tick a checkbox....)
  3. They're also really not good at reading. Although to be fair, if someone asked me who made something I own, or I see something I like and right click to inspect/edit it I only ever check the creator. Up until this very moment in time and almost 12 years in SL under my belt....it never once crossed my mind that someone would put it in the description line. So it's not a matter of not reading, or not figuring things out, its a matter of putting information into a place nobody would look for it.
  4. Not only that but if a person comes across your picture owned by someone else and wants to purchase a copy for themselves....they'll never ever be able to find you unless they go out of their way and ask that person who they got it from..which may result in no answer or the scenario Chic mentioned above, the owner of the picture will tell them to go to the mesh creator because they'll have long forgotten who they bought it from and simply go with who is listed as a the 'creator'.
  5. They don't have to do that at all. Changing thousands of items is only a couple clicks, a little copy and paste and takes about 5mins if you don't use dial up (does that still even exist?). You can mass edit listings, 100 of them at a time, and change the slurl (and only the slurl) for all 100 listings at once. Do this for 10 pages and it takes less than 5 minutes and voila, 1000+ product listings with an updated SLURL. Also, for clothing I couldn't care less if they're no mod, however as soon as it comes to home & garden stuff, that sucker better be mod or else....
  6. Is it? A large number of creators buy their meshes full perm from the MP/in world, say a tree. They add mesh grass they also bought to that tree, they had a few animations to it and maybe a couple butterflies and voila, its their product. Now it's crucial that they add that prim/mesh cube that shows them as the creator of the finished end product. If anything breaks, they are the person customers need to go to, not the grass creator, not the tree creator, not the animator and certainly not the butterfly creator! It's basically like cooking. A cook takes all of the ingredients produced by someone else and turns them into a wonderful dish. If a customer is unhappy with said dish or has questions, they don't go to the farm the cook got the potatoes from, do they? How is that silly at all?
  7. Is this inspired by "The Glade" from mazerunner or are you just randomly Trumping it up with that eyeshore wall? There is so many more sightly alternatives.
  8. Heh, not only am I using Avast but also Windows 10. What is the exact name of the anti-vir you switched to? I might look into it. Having started a little pet project of mine I am usually on two clients now and its more annoying than ever even though it shouldn't be considering my connection and specs. Might bite the bullet and switch anti-vir x3
  9. I'll be damned. I do use Avast, too. I guess I'll just continue to endure the problems and hope that one day they get fixed. I don't trust any other anti-virus software x3
  10. That's a corrupted texture and the only time I would recommend clearing your cache. Before you do that though, make sure your graphic card driver is up to date.
  11. You can't just write something like that and not let us know what your final decision was!
  12. Do we throw those people in there who get way too trigger happy with their capslock button?! I'd say weather can be nice. Snow for a snowy landscape, perhaps rain for a lush forest. I saw very very nicely done particle clouds with rain effects at two moon garden that I am very likely to get soon, once I figure out what I want to change in my parcel to make it fit. Funny how I have 11k sqm that's landscaped to death and now I'm torn between wanting to keep it that way because it was a long process....and being excited about starting all over again >.< Let me make a little list: - Weather - Environmental sounds - Mushrooms - Natural caves - Natural alcoves - Puddles - Animals (especially lesser used ones like racoons, badgers, fireflies, bugs, bears, wolves)
  13. You are right that poses are used most often by those with mesh bodies, hence why I did not mention them and talked exclusively about animations, which are used by everyone in SL, the playing fields for both are entirely different.
  14. Thank you! Please let's not start thinking about building a wall in SL
  15. Please tell me you're doing the sensible thing here and you're saying you gave them 2 lifetime bans. Otherwise you're just asking for a ton of trouble once they realize they can get back in. There's those special kind of people a perma ban was just made for, imho, if what you say is true, that applies here. Don't be nice, protect yourself and those using your sandbox.
  16. I've met tons of people who made an account way back in the day, never got into SL then years after the fact they gave it another go and suddenly it clicked. So they have accounts 10+ years old yet have only been active on it for a couple month. Plus, its kind of silly that forum age and actual account age isn't synchronized. According to the forum: Joined April 6, 2014 My actual join date: 06/04/2007 (11 years 9 months; 4296 days) There is a 7 year desync between my forum 'age' and my account age which is just utterly silly considering we are our avatar here on these forums.
  17. That's the beauty of mesh bodies. You can change your size and shape as much as you want using the sliders and the clothes for said mesh body still fit (within reason). Those standard sizes of L, M, XL and such are for system bodies where you do have to go up in sizes if you change shape. This does not apply to mesh bodies. One sizes fits all for them.
  18. I think it's a female thing. Not necessarily a RL gender thing, but a female avatar thing. With 90% of stuff being directed at females (going by events and even a lot of hunts since that topic has come up) it's only logical female avatar users end up with a lot more stuff while the poor men get to stand in a corner looking sad and forlorn.
  19. Psst store #34 is really really nice about it. But I totally get it, I have skipped Twisted before for that same reason or stopped partway through. The Steampunk Hunt is quite honestly my favorite. I don't even do it for the gifts (they are just a bonus!), I do it because a) it's like a walk down memory lane, some places haven't changed in literally a decade! and b) because some things I see just blow me away with creativity and c) the utter randomness of the stores. It features everything, the very best, the very random, and the verrrrry old.
  20. I am in favor of this. Edit: Good read
  21. Lol, was just telling a friend earlier how march is crazy with the good hunts x3 Just finished the wonderful as always Steampunk Hunt. Now I'm about to tackle Twisted. I'm a masochist.
  22. Animations are still and should still be made like this. Why? Bent backwards feet on a mesh avi is what ankle fixes are for. System feet that point into the wrong direction do NOT have any fix like this. Ergo, see my first line. At least 50% of SL avi's do not use mesh bodies, most never will so us animation makers need and -want- to cater to the whole market.
  23. Well then we don't either. How hard is it to tell us what error message you get when you try to purchase the item and it doesn't go through? We are not mind readers.
  24. It shows the prim count not the Li for some reason. It listed a 41 Li item I have as 73 Li in that list. So if you start getting rid of things, make sure the numbers match up.
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