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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Prokofy Neva wrote: So he's leaving? I hadn't heard. Link? I think it's a question of perception of time. I'm willing to bet good money that Ebbe won't be the LL CEO fifty years from now and some people may well consider that as "soon".
  2. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: I'm not disagreeing with this post of Penny's, just saying that there is room to broaden the conversation out so the basic message of ADJUST YOUR CAMERA POSITION works for more people. Cause (IMO at least) it needs to work broadly for it to be adopted widely enough to truly tackle the problem of over-sized builds and avs. In that case you may be happy to read this: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-2145 Of course, an open JIRA doesn't necessarily mean anything will ever happen but at least there is hope.
  3. If you want to learn how to make mesh clothes from scratch, I suggest you learn how to make mesh in general before you try to handle weights and such. There are very few merchants who actually make their own fitted mesh in Second Life. Most buy ready made full perm templates and add their own texture to make their version unique. A few comission custom meshes with exclusive resell rights from porfessional 3D modellers.
  4. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: You realize of course that a land baron will buy your road side at 2 L per m, then immediatly set it for sale again at 2 or 3 times that amount. That's a land flipper, not a land baron. But yes it does happen.
  5. How good is your connection? This kind of problem is of course usually caused by overloaded boxes. But if they are purchases we can rule that one out and the second most common cause is a slow or unstable connection. It may also be a sim issue. Have you tried to go to a different, preferably low lag, sim and open the boxes there?
  6. Thank you Pamela, it's been a while since last time somebody mentioned that blog. I wonder if we can get LL to make this thread sticky.
  7. arabellajones wrote: I am wondering just how much of the hard-working talent is focused on Sansar... It's easy to complain when things go wrong and there are certainly lots of things that go wrong in SL. But honestly, I don't think there has been a reduction in the quality of service after Sansar was announced. It has actually improved considerably. It's not anywhere near good enough of course but the Lindens working on SL are fighting a battle against a huge army of ghosts from the past. I don't think many people realize just how badly Second Life, and especially the Second Life software, was mismanaged for a decade and how much problems that causes today. Yes, we should complain about the mess but, as I've said before, we shouldn't blame it on the cleaners.
  8. Most third party viewers support RLV and most third party viewers are available for Mac. You could try Firestorm for example.
  9. Chic Aeon wrote: So SOME folks are working towards Patch's wish. . Means you're one of the exclusive few
  10. Your viewer has nothing to do with the Marketplace so that can't explain it. Are you sure you are logged on to the Marketplace? If you aren't, you will only be able to see G rated content. If yuo are, I think the only solution si to open a support case and ask LL to fix it.
  11. Chic Aeon wrote: I don't thing the format thing is the only reason to limit. Yes, it makes perfect sense to focus on one 3D modelling program at first to reduce the number of variables at the beta stage.
  12. Chic Aeon wrote: The "tree" was just an example. Oh yes, I understood that. Object instancing can be used for all kinds of things of course. Download once, use several times - saves a lot of bandwidth. Also saves quite a bit of rendering time since the render engine can reuse data. I mentioned SpeedTree in my reply here - and the Valley Becnhmark in the vanished discussion - because they are so eminent examples of what can be achieved with object instancing and it's just a coincidence that they both use it mainly for vegetation. SL doesn't have object instancing. I take it for granted that Sansar does, if not it would be like a car manufacturer forgetting to add wheels to their latest model.
  13. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Oh and saying it's not the creator's fault (Grand Hall exampls) because he isn't properly rewarded for taking good ethical action is flawed. Good conduct should not be done because one is rewarded for it, but simply to be better. Personally I absolutely share your sentiment there. Yes, it is cynical to take advantage of ignorant customers and a system that favors mediocrity over excellence. But no, I do not want to blame the people who do it, I blame it on the conditions that allow them to. The chandeliers of the Grand Hall are a good example what I mean with a system favoring mediocrity btw. The rest of the hall is very simple, no signifcant modelling challenges at all. But the chandeliers are very detailed and require a lot of polys. They could have been uploaded at good quality and they wouldn't even have to be very laggy if they were. But they would have had a higher land impact and since people in SL tend to be so obsessed with LI that would really hurt sales. (And since that particular builder doesn't seem to have an organisation to back him up, SL sales is likely to be marginal anyway.) As I said in another thread, I'm not sure if I could have made those chandeliers with a sellable LI and if I can't, nobody can. My solution is not to do something like that unless I can figure out a way to do it properly. Others see it differently and I think we just have to agree to disagree. When the increased prim limit was launched, Patch Linden said that LL hoped people would use some of that extra LI to improve the content quality. That's a lovely thought but a forlorn hope is not enough encouragement to make any difference and so far it seems that's all LL has to offer.
  14. That's because the sim is set to route everybody to a set landing point or telehub. Two possible solutions, either change the sim/parcel settings to allow people to teleport anywhere or, if it's a landing poitn rather than a telehub, partition off your gallery as a separate parcel. (The main difference between telehubs and landing points is that the former are for an entire sim, the latter for a parcel.)
  15. If online friends show up as offline on your list, it is most likely a connection issue. That is the messages about who is online is lost in transfer between the servers and your computer. Have you checked if you have any significant packet loss? And have you checked if they realy are online? The info on your dashboard may well be a little bit old.
  16. You can file a support case about it but Linden Lab is very clear that they can not guarantee inventory items to be kept for that long so I'm afraid there's not much hope your old items can be retrieved. The cloud avatar is easy to fix though. If you use the standard viewer, look for "Choose you Avatar" in the "Me" menu. Click on one of the avatars there and you got a body in SL! It may not be the ideal one but some of them are quite good and it's a start at least. Once you have an avatar, you can start refilling your inventory with tons of overpriced garb lovely avatar components and other precious wonders of Virtual Space. Welcome back! Edit: three comments to Klytyna's very good answer: Do not got to the library folder for the new starter avatars. The library links to them are broken and won't work. You can get them from the menu I mentioned though and you can get the old starter avatars either place. As for freebies, the first two places to go are The Free Dove and GNC (German Newbie Center). Both have lots of good quality content at a single easy to find place. You can find them both with the inworld search function. Personally I would have loved to log on my 10+ year old original account complete with her old avatar. That would have been an avi that would stand out in a crowd! Unfortunately I've forgotten the username and the email account it was linekd to is long gone.
  17. Azura Lowbeam wrote: I know this may sound odd coming from the person who made a topic on how she doesn't trust the system but it is legitimate. Yes, so it seems. I discussed it with Bobbie and Pixieplumb at the CasperTech group and they missed the point that you got this message after you had tried to use the card and as Bobbie said in her edit, that's a significant point. Anyway, Casper has been notified about it. He and Sphynx and Norsk are the only ones who can give a definite answer and none of them were online when we talked about it.
  18. LinuxGod4u wrote: That is a useful post. Are Mac Os(s) anything like Linux?? A good question and not easy to answer. Mac OS X is based on FreeBSD which of course is very similar but not identical to Linux. So there are many similarities but also significant differences.
  19. Other people have asked similar questions recently but I don't think we've found a good explanation yet. One possible explanation is connection problems causing messages between your viewer and the server to be lost on the way. You can check that in Help -> About Firestorm. At the bottom of that window you'll see how many pakctes have been lost in transfer since you logged on. Another possible explanation is that the sim is overloaded and is skipping scripts. You can check that by moving to a different, lower lag, sim and see if you still have the problem there. A third explanation is that a script has been misbehaving (or that a server error cmakes it believe the script has been misbehaving) and been blocked by the server. This is highly unlikely though and you should get a message about it. It does happen that a script simply stops working and needs to be reset or replaced. It's hard to believe that can have happened with all those scripts at the same time but if you can't find any other explanation go and get some redelivieries and see if fresh copies of some of the HUDs work. Btw, reinstalling or changing the viewer won't do anything in this case. Scripts are all run server-side.
  20. ChinRey


    When you ordered the Linden dollars, did you choose Instant Buy or Best Rate Buy? You do not buy Lindens directly from Linden Lab but from other users who have some to sell. If you choose Instant Buy, you buy at whatever price is available on the market right there and then and you should receive the Lindens immediately. But if you choose Best Rate Buy, you set the price you are willing to pay and if that price is lower than the market rate, it may take a while before a seller who are willing to accept that price turns up. If you set a price much lower than the market rate, you may never find a seller. You can cancel a Best Rate Buy any time you like though and go for Instant Buy instead.
  21. Azura Lowbeam wrote: Thank you for the replies, everybody. Just to be sure I edited the pic to blank out the name. A bit too late since othes already have mentioned it in their replies. But this is a very reputable store and seller and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to trust her. So if you are sure the card is genuine, go ahead. Azura Lowbeam wrote: But even if I trust the store, I don't trust this giftcard system. Me neither and I find it very strange that anybody uses a system like this. All gift cards I've seen work in conjunction with a vendor so if there is a price difference to cover, you pay the vendor the regular way. That being said: Azura Lowbeam wrote: The way it is worded suggests I open a security hole the size of Texas to my money. I have the idea somebody else will now be able to access my funds forever, or until the grid shuts down. It's not as bad as that. No matter what the card does, it can only do it while it's rezzed or worn. It can't do anything while it's in your inventory and any permissions you grant is to that specific object and cancelled the moment you delete it.
  22. A few questions: Are you going to integrate/replace outdated web pages like the Destination Guide and the old parcel/sim info pages in this new system? Will it be possible for visitors to post snapshots from the place? (And is that a good idea or would it be too easy to abuse?) Is the 250 character limit for the custom description really a good idea? Will there be adequate search functions? (No offense but that is a weak point with all existing SL functions and services) Will the major search engines be able to spider even the M and A rated pages? Do you have good enough routines for monitoring and moderating those pages? What took you so long? (Edit: No, not you personally - or any other current Linden for that matter. I know that none of you were decision makers at LL back in 2005 when it would have been natural to add a feature like this )
  23. Lexia Moonstone wrote: It might be related to people cheating by using mutiple copies of the same damage script to cause extra damage. Are you suggesting that role players in SL are cheating??? Yes, that would be another possible reason why somebody would add multiple scripts to an arrow, but nobody would actually do that, would they?
  24. Prokofy Neva wrote: One wonders why such a grand thing wouldn't have lots more press though, leaked press if nothing else. Lack of interest. I can't find the quote right now but I think Ebbe once mentioned how hard it was to get the general media and even VR oriented media outside SL to show much interest in Sansar.
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