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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. As Alwin said, we can't give business advice here but here are some very basic figures: One full private sim at list price, not grandfathered: Startup fee: 600 USD Monthly tier: 295 USD Monthly income: Year 1: 30 USD Year 2: 50 USD Year 3: 100 USD Year 4 : 200 USD Year 5: 400 USD You want to enter a declining market with far more supply than demand and compete against established operators who paid down the initial cost long ago pay much lower monthly tier than you can get from Linden Lab today, and have a well established existing customer base. It's a no-brainer really. There are two ways that may give you a small profit eventually: you can buy up existing grandfathered sims as and when they become available with lower transaction fees and lower tier than new sims or you can build something so totally different and more amazing than the regular SL estates people are wiling to pay extra to rent from you. But even if you go for one of those options and you're lucky and a good marketer, it'll take two or three years before you break even and even longer before you recover the initial costs. Don't expect to ever make a full time living from it and as for hiring people - don't even think about it.
  2. I have an even better idea: Burn down the whole garbage and replace it with a proper online store. Linden Lab has been trying polish the turd called Marketplace for years now and the only thing they've achieved so far is to worsen the stench. Edit: On second thought, burning it down may not be enough, it might take some serious exorcism to make sure it's dead, dead, dead!
  3. ChinRey wrote: It's been two weeks now. Forum login has now been broken for a whole month and still no sign that anybody at LL is going to bother fixing it...
  4. AmberSwann wrote: Boy did most ALL OF YOU miss the point... Not sure if you include my little comment in that "ALL OF YOU" but apart from the melting computer exaggeration, you can take it quite literally: a Bento club would be a very interesting load test. Bento is supposed to be relatively low lag but relative to what? Only one way to find out. That's all really - don't try to read between the lines of that post because there's nothing but blank space there. As for elitism, I've yet to see a discussion about it that didn't deteriorate fast into "I'm better than those snotty elitists!"
  5. ChaoticFire86 wrote: I wanna say it's Catwa possibly but if it is not entirely sure what Head specifically! I don't know... looks more like a Frankenstein to me.
  6. JingleWorm wrote: What about cars? do you know of any specific brands or ones that work well when crossing borders? https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Best-Handling-Car/td-p/3088457
  7. Qie Niangao wrote: Is she though? Oh yes, I think that's clear, athought they may not have been concious about the distinction themselves. Qie Niangao wrote: but I do generally keep an eye on Mainland prices, and haven't seen increases really anywhere. I didn't check, I just assumed that the OP's claim although exaggerated had some truth to it. I had a look at a few random parcels now though and couldn't see any noticeable price increase. Prices in the inner part of Jeogeot tended to be a bit higher than they used to but that is probably because both the two big dealers who used to sell cheap there have given up and abonden their land. There may be local price inflations in places I didn't look though.
  8. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: A club doesn't have to be a dance club or night club. A group can have a place to hang out like a club house, which is obviously what he's using it for. Or a "the Sims" style family rp, that's how I interpreted it but I may be wrong of course.
  9. RazealKresh2010 wrote: The avatar limit is actually because of software, correct? I know SL is over ten years old now. Yes and no. Everything in a virtual reality simulation will add to the workload of the servers and clients. No matter how powerful the computers become and no matter how efficient the software is, there will always be limits to how much content (including avatars) it is possible to have before things start breaking down. It's easy to see that the SL software is rather inefficient - after ten years of unfocused buzzword driven patching up with no clear update strategy that goes without saying. But it's not nearly as bad as many seem to think, most of the performance issues we have are caused by too much and poorly optimized cotnent, not by the software.
  10. BilliJo Aldrin wrote:< Well obviously he's using it for a club, Actually he more or less said he's using it for some kind of private role play with a large number of NPCs: RazealKresh2010 wrote (a bit out of context): ... and want to interact with my own little fantasy group. I don't think there are any rule prohibiting that but there is still a maximum number of avatars allowed in a sim. It would be really interesting to see what LL would do in a case like that. I assume the OP has permission to create all those alts and that he didn't follow Lindal's incorrect answer in the thread Theresa mentioned. (For the record: Linden Lab's official alt policy states that you can have up to five alts per household, not per email address: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alt_account_policies ) BilliJo Aldrin wrote: Besides i thought Jelly dolls was supposed to cure the avatar generated lag problem. Client side avatar lag, yes but the avatar count limit is to keep the server load down. As I write this, we are five avatars at Coniston, three people doing some quiet, low key rp in a house here, me standing absolutely still on my work paltform and one visitor flying across. The sim server is using more than 1 ms of its 22 ms frame time quota just to keep track of what we're all up to. Add the extra physics time and script time and such required by each agent and it's easy to see why there has to be a limit. (Harder to see why the limit differ from 40 to 100 for sims that are supposed to have exactly the same server power available to them though.)
  11. queenbiish wrote: Wow, Seriously, before you comment research, sick of you people thinking yo uknow everything, i have been in SL a decade i know what i am talking about. Do a research on land prices then post a comment when you know what you are talking about. Seems to me you and mQQnie simply misunderstood each other. You're talking about sales prices, she's talking about rental prices and that's not exactly the same thing of course. I don't know of any serious landowners who have increased their rent to match the new prim limit and for good reasons, running a viable rental business is all about keeping tenants and any landowner who raises the rent will loose customers. But while a renter pays over and over again, a buyer only pays once and there's little chance of any return business so land sales are different. A land trader may well want to increase the price to get a few more Lindens out of buyers who haven't noticed the change yet. That's not going to last though. A piece of SL land is only worth more than somebody's willing to pay for it and with far more supply than demand it shouldn't take long for the prices to drop again.
  12. There is no such thing as a "Bento shape", that's just false advertising. There are avatar shapes that claim to have proportions that fit specific mesh body parts, such as Bento compatible mesh heads, better than usual but even if such a claim is true, it has nothing to do with Bento in general or any Bento functionality, it's jsut a shape that allegedly looks a bit better when combined with that specific mesh body part.
  13. I suppose this thread is half dead and off topic by now but we haven't mentioned Pro Street Cars yet. Only available in-world, not on MP, and quite expensive but quality costs and this is serious quality, even Arton Rotaru/Rubber Bunny level judging by the few cars I've seen.
  14. There is no built in function to do that, you need a separate screen video recorder. Somebody else is likely to post more specific recommendations here but a Google search for "Video Capture Software" should bring up a ferw good alternatives.
  15. AmberSwann wrote: You must be in an exclusive group I don't know about. Because MANY are not... oh well... Bento is a feature built into each and every avatar in SL and I suppose that's what Alwin means. All those extra bones aren't actually doing anything unless they have some animation to operate them though and they won't do anything useful unless there are some mesh thingies attached to them. As for a Bento club, that would be an interesting experiment: how many active Bento avatars can your computer manage at the same time before it melts...
  16. It's ahrd to say without more info but if Firestorm isn't responding, the most likely explanation is that your computer is kept busy with something else. If you're on Windows, type ctrl+alt+del or ctrl+shift+esc to open the task manager and see if there are any heavy processes running in the background.
  17. You can specify level 1 categories in search of course but to get deeper down in the hiearchy you have to first do a keyword search, then narrow it down by category. Just another example of the splendid user friendliness of MP
  18. entity0x wrote: And.. now it's waaaaaaay off topic. I think the original topic is well and truly finished and answered anyway: no permission settings will stop people from ripping your textures if they want to. As for the modify/no-modify issue, personally I want people to modify what they buy from me simply because I love to see how creative people can be adapting my builds to an amazing number of different settings and uses. But that's my view. How other content creators see it and what they choose to do with their works, is none of my business.
  19. AlexAddams wrote: I have been trying to understand how they create skins and makeup here for mesh heads Mesh heads use the same UV mapping as the head of the classic avatar so you can just use the same texture and add it to an applier. (Actually there may be some minor differences in the UV and of course you want to use higher image resolution to maximize the lag but the basics are still the same.) AlexAddams wrote: What programs they use for that (if its not ps) and do they paint it or use real picture as a texture? You buy a ready-made skin template and edit it so it doesn't look exactly the same as skins made by others from the same template. Templates typically come as psd files so Photoshop is the preferred software although many other graphics programmes are able to open psd fies too. Now, how the skin templates are amde, that's a good question. I believe most of them are based on photos but heavily modified partly to smooth out blemsihes, partly because photo realistic doesn't actually look very realistic in SL.
  20. JoelMahla wrote: ChinRey Your comment "Unfortunately usually only the creator has access to the texture used and few of them are willing to spend time and effort setting up appliers for their old outfits." brings up something I guess I'll never understand, Why would a creator not want to make more money, if they can make a mesh version of a classic outfit they made and sell it to the people using mesh that like the outfit but cant use the classic one or make an applier so the owner of one of their classic outfits can keep using it with a mesh body and not find another creator to give their lindens. Different makers have different reasons but I think the most common one goes something like this: Since it's an old work, you almost certainly don't have the textures in your inventory anymore, you've either boxed it up somewhere or you may even have deleted it. So first you'll have to actually find the texture - or even reupload it. Then you have to make those appliers of course and that takes a little bit of time, even if you're sensible enough to limit it to Omega and not any product specific appliers. Then you have to update the vendor and MP posters, the descriptions etc. etc. The only thing that is easy to make in Second Life, is mistakes and this is even more true than usual once the Marketplace is involved (isn't there even a paragraph in the TOS stating that we're not allowed to make things easy?) so even a seemingly simple task like this may well take close to an hour, maybe even more. And then, well maybe you sell one or two of the appliers, most likely you won't sell anything at all and people certainly aren't wiling to pay much for an update to an old product. It's better to spend your time making something new, find a brand new texture on the internet and add it to a brand new mesh template you bought on MP and ... well most likely you won't make much money that way either (I've heard rumours that most listings on MP never ever sell anything at all...) but at least you get a warm fuzzy feeling you're being creative somehow.
  21. Atop Seid wrote: Understood. Though I am disappointed that I could not find an easier method, If it had been easy everybody would have been doing it. Arton was too polite to mention this but if you get the max hull error for a house, you're really not doing it the ideal way. One hull for each wall and one for each floor (although you don't really want to use hull physics at all for walkable surfaces). Add two hulls for each doorway, one or two for each door and four for each staircase and then maybe two for the roof. Then maybe a few for railings and free standing columns and such and perhaps your floors and roof are so complex they need a few extra hulls, but even so, 50 hulls is a lot for a house and each and every hull adds 0.36 to the physics weight. One relatively common "cheat" is to make the whole mesh phantom and then add invisible prims for physics, the way you do it with sculpts. It's not a very efficient solution but it works and your house isn't going to be an efficient build anyway so it shouldn't make much difference.
  22. Zsigmond Alcott wrote: I thought the white dot was an idication that the person was a virgin in SL. No, that would be a halo, not just a dot. You don't receive it until you've been an SL virgin for 30 days though so it's quite rare.
  23. JoelMahla wrote: Thats what I'm trying to decide, to go all mesh or stay with my current avatar, Why choose when you can have them both? A mesh body or a mesh head is basically just a very fancy piece of mesh clothing you wear. You can put them on or take them off whenever you like and depending on whether they work with a particuar outfit and/or in a particular setting or not. JoelMahla wrote: I've got favorite outfits that I wear all the time and I'm trying to figure outr what my options are there as well, will these classic body outfits work with a newer mesh body or if there will be an omega applier that will work to make classic clothes fit or if I would need to try contacting the creators of the clothes to see if they have mesh versions A piece of classic system clothing is essentially a texture you add to the classic body. You can add the same texture (with a texturing HUD - that's what an applier really is) to a mesh body if, and only if, you actually have access to that texture. Unfortunately usually only the creator has access to the texture used and few of them are willing to spend time and effort setting up appliers for their old outfits. Fitted and rigged mesh clothing intended for a classic avatar may or may not fit a mesh body. Hard to say until you've tried a specific combination.
  24. memyselfandi2 wrote: I posted this on Answers and had one reply which wasn't the solution but there was no way for me to reply to it, so I'm on the forum now. You got a few more answers now. Generally, as Alwin said, do not repost the same question at different places (and remember nobody's watching the Answers section 24/7 so it may take a day or two to get an answer) but this is a common problem and posts in the Answers section tend to vanish out of sight fast, so in this aprticular case it may be a good idea to post it here too. To sum up my answer, the problem you describe and we all know too well can be caused by: Graphics processor overload caused by unrealistically high graphics settings (Solution: reduce the graphics settings) Data lost in transfer (Solution: check and fix your internet connection) Meshes made by amatuer builders who don't have the skills to create professional level content (Solution: never look a gift horse in the mouth ... but of course, you have to decide whether you want to use those items or not) Meshes made by people who pretend they are skilled mesh makers but aren't (Solution? ummmm..... welll.... that's a good question)
  25. ChinRey


    I have to correct Rolig a little bit here: Linden Lab did actually reintroduce an affiliate program about two years ago. You can read more about it here: http://go.secondlife.com/affiliate/ I suspect they want a little bit more from you than just mentions on social media to be interested though.
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