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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. LinuxGod4u wrote:< The SecondLife site's pc requirements are outdated. Let's rather call them over-optimistic. With the recent "blue tint" issues, maybe they should add something like: "Second Life is not compatible with graphics processors by Nvidia, AMD or Intel."
  2. Chic Aeon wrote: Would there be a "server load" advanatage to stacking the UV map all onto one texture plane rather than making them nice and neat in the manter you would for baking? Usually yes but not always. It's all about how the compression algorithm works and that can sometimes be hard to predict for a human mind. There's a practical side to it too though. If you place the windows side by side on the UV map like Aquila suggests, you can always change your mind and Add Drongle's snail tracks later. If you stack them on top of each other, they will always have exactly the same texture. Edit: Special question for Drongle: Is there an easy way to sort the vertice list in a dae file (or in Blender) in an exact specific order? There should be quite a lot of LI to save that way but it may take more work than it's worth.
  3. Rhiannon Arkin wrote: I am still exploring the art of packing as much data into a texture file as possible. Ummm... I know Chic is going to protest but this is a greenhouse and since you also have a thread about lag elsewhere in the forums, do you really need unique detailed texturing for each and every square inch of surface? How about a single low resolution tileable texture for all the window panes and another one for the framework? Or are you going to add some shading that forces you to use a laggier and more time consuming solution?
  4. A username can only be used once. Even if an account was cancelled and closed ten years ago, the name is still blocked. Even the slightest change in spelling should be ok in this case though- BIyke wrote: but apparently the username is taken and when I looked for the name on the user data base ( BLYKE user) there seemed to be no trace of any avatar that uses that name, I think that base is only for this forum so if a person never logged in here, you won't find their username in that list. (Edit: Actually, the username Blyke Resident, which is what you would have got today, can't be as old as ten years since they had last names too back then. But the principle still applies: Apart from one known special exception, a username can never be changed or reused.)
  5. Qie Niangao wrote: That may have been during the adfarm wars, when the very scummiest of the adfarmers convinced Governance to help perpetuate their extortion scams. To be blunt, Governance folks weren't the sharpest tools in the shed, so they fell for a logically flawed requirement that every parcel had to have access through a neighbor's land (so we couldn't completely encircle and block out the ad towers). I sometimes violated that and was repeatedly threatened by adfarmers, but I don't recall ever actually getting suspended for it myself, but I know it happened to others in the Arbor Project. ... ... ... ... ... No, I give up replying. I'm actually lost for words.
  6. Klytyna wrote: The Destination Highlights on the login screen come to mind... See... LL's idea of "cool places everyone wants to visit" is often radically different from everybody's idea of cool places to visit. So you'll get listings for hellakewl art installations, that get about 2 visitors a day, usually by accident. Or a hellakewl abandoned military bunker complex, thats a hellakewl place to take photos, assuming you WANT to take photos of your self against a backdrop of 50 yr old slabs of disintergrating cheap concrete... At least those are places that still exist. The place I checked from today's "What's Hot Now" closed down several years ago. Speaking of the "What's Hot Now" list. Why did they remove Sion Chicken from it?
  7. Theresa Tennyson wrote: What are these fingers you speak of, human?" Yes, I know the concept of fingers can be as confusing to computers as Blender is to humans. But it is important to learn because there can be no digital if there are no digits!
  8. Mistress69Nikita wrote: It's annoying that there are no easy ways to find people in second life. In place of a hard method, there are a number of half measures one can take that have a very small percentage of sucess. That is the key problem of course. All the official tools for finding the good places are hopelessly compromised in various ways.
  9. Alwin Alcott wrote: Also nobody here knows that land has enough real traffic to get such high score, Yes we do actually. I took a quick look at a popular beach that is nearly always full (20-22 since it's a Homestead) and hardly ever below 15. Those are people who actually do things there and if I understand correctly that means they count for more than idle avatars. Traffic count: 25,000. There is asolutely no way the sim the OP mentioned can have a 70,000 traffic count unles the avatars in the air do count. Even so, I can think of at least two ways to keep a huge bunch of idle traffic count increasing avatars in a sim without technically violating anything in the ToS.
  10. Rhiannon Arkin wrote: However, other then standing at the welcome station i didn't quite know what to do there. need to find some sort of sandbox i guess. Open the big map and search for Mesh and/or for Sandbox.
  11. Mistress69Nikita wrote: Thoughts? I've seen a similar picture before: a skybox crammed full of newbie avatars. My first thought: Linden Lab isn't very keen on doing anything about it since those avis increase their traffic count too. Second thought: As I write this there are 33,124 accounts logged on to Second Life. I wonder how many actual human (and extraterrestial) beings there are. It wouldn't surprise me if the actual number of users is less than half the official one. We'll never know of course.
  12. Alwin Alcott wrote: if it are bots or not is of no concern.. bots aren't forbidden.... True but bots are only allowed if they are registered as scripted agents and then they shouldn't count towards the traffic. Then again, an easy way around that is to use alts rather than bots. You don't need enither a human nor a computer to control an avatar that is jsut sitting still in the air.
  13. Bobbie Faulds wrote: First, how did you manage to get into the sim since most sims are set to a max of 40 players in a sim? Some sims can have up to 100 though.
  14. arabellajones wrote: If can be hard to set a particular Maximum Complexity. It uses a slider with a high and messy granularity. You can't get a simple number such as "300,000" The step-size isn't a clean 1000 or 10000. It's annoying. Yes, it can be mildly annoying if you have tendency to prefer round number (and I surely have that myself). But it has no practical significance since ARC numbers aren't that precise anyway. 300,000 and 301,342 really means the same.
  15. Hmmm... some women dared to argue against you and they didn't even speak English? How shocking! You better be prepared for some serious attacks here for such snide remarks about what is actually the majority of SL users. But I'll try to give you a serious answer before the flaming starts: This is very much a disagreement between users and Linden Lab is not going to get involved in that. What should happen to the money in a sploder if it doesn't fill up is rather interesting but as it is, the sploder's owner decides the rules and you play by them or you don't play at all. That being said, I have a very strong feeling such sploders violate the rule against money games in SL and you could try to Abuse Report them for that if you want revenge. Edit (after reading Callum's reply): If you actually choose to file an AR, you better not mention you played it yourself. Pretend you just happened to notice the sploder as you passed by the club.
  16. ChinRey

    LODs Revisited

    arabellajones wrote: Am I correct that the distances for the LOD changes depend on the size of the object? Yes. I can't find the link to the formulas right now (there are three different ones for different items) but size is a very important factor. arabellajones wrote: What really hurts are the incredibly complicated meshes some people use. I see that the Lindens are talking about how people should use normal maps to get the fine detail. I try to avoid using normal maps for essential details since they always look fake at close view and the way they are implemented in SL is rather dodgy to put it mildly. I do use normal maps a lot but only as the final little "icing on the cake". But it's amazing how detailed you can make a mesh without increasing LI or lag and without reducing LoD with a little bit of artistic skills and/or technical knowledge. Artistic skills to know which details are essential and which aren't, techincal knowledge to know how to make a mesh as easy as possible for a computer to process. The average SL mesh could easily have been amde with less than half the LI and half the lag with no visual changes whatsoever.
  17. Alwin's point is that Progeny differs from other vampire rp system in that the "vitcim" doesn't have to be asked or even told. It's a kind of role play system for people too lazy to role play. All the "vampire" has to do is get reasonably close to somebody not already in the database and register their "victim". It's a fairly safe bet that most of us already are in the Progeny database as "victims" without knowing abut it but there are always newcomers.
  18. Rhiannon Arkin wrote: Are you suggesting that the phys mesh should also consist of 3 mesh objects as the house does? Yes, one physics model for each mesh. You can sometimes use a single physics model for an entire multi-mesh model but there are so many pitfalls and rarely anything to gain from it so I suggests you don't. I don't know how to specify which physics model goes with which mesh since I never upload multiple meshes in one go myself (I always prefer to assemble in-world) but I'm sure Drongle will post the answer soon.
  19. Rhiannon Arkin wrote: thanks I do own the sim, but i can't find an option to turn off pathfinding. where would that be? I don't think that option exists anymore and besides that "performance degradation" is supposed to be bacuse you can't take full advantage of the NavMesh, not because having pathfinding enabled in itself adds to the load. (But of course, supposed to doesn't necessarily mean it actually is ) You can optimize the NavMesh performance though. If there is a yellow warning triangle in the address bar go to Build-> Pathfinding->Rebake Region. You may also want to add as much of the sim's content to the NavMesh but simply updating it with the current ground shape can make a significant performance improvement. But this is server side load and will not affect your fps. ANd that brings up a rather important question: what kind of lag do you have? Lag occurs when one of the links in the chain of computers and connections handling SL can't keep up and to reduce it, we need to focus on the factors that affect the weakest link.
  20. Rhiannon Arkin wrote: I switched it to "prim" but in my last uploads i didn't have that option anymore. strangely. That means the mesh was uploaded with no physics model specified at all. When that happens, the uploader will try to make one but it's not really meant to do that so you end up with a rather inefficient and iprecise convex hull thingy and the prim phsyics model option doesn't exist. Rhiannon Arkin wrote: I am building the collision object out of cubes, is that an issue ? It's not the most effective method for a build like this but it should be a safe way. If you make a physics model all from cubes: Make sure none of the cubes overlap or even touch each other. Keep very narrow gaps between them. Remember to click on the Analyze button Before you upload, make sure the number of Hulls (listed right above the upload button) is the same as the number of cubes you used Edit: Drognle posted his reply while I was reading mine and he has two important questions I forgot about: Are you uploading this as a single mesh or as several ones? And are the cubes you use for physics separate objects in Maya?
  21. Did you remember to change the physics shape to "Prim" after you uploaded the mesh? Also, it's hard to tell from those small images but it seems to me that the physics model you made is smaller than the visual model. That can cause problems sicne the uploader will always scale the physics model to the same overall dimensions as the visual one. I'm not sure why you keep having rpoblems with the beta grid. It is down sometimes but I've even seen that happen once recently.
  22. Moire Georgette wrote: Are Robin Sojourner old templates still useful? Oh yes. The UV map for the classic avatar is exactly the same as it always has been and that's what Robin's templates are all about. Most mesh bodies use a slightly different texture mapping for the feet and possibly hands but the difference is minor and of course only relevant if you make something that cover those body parts. Mesh clothing on the other hand, that's a very different matter. But if you use full perm templates, they wil come with their own texture map and if you make your own meshes, well you should know how the textures are mapped on them. Moire Georgette wrote: 2) Speaking of that, I am saving up to a mesh head and a body. It looks like a necessity if I am going to design stuff for them, right? (Don't say it isn't, I am trying to justify the expense to myself, I really want those ) Maybe not strictly speaking a necessity but definitely a huge time saver. You need to test the clothes of course and also model for the pcitures. It can be quite cumbersome and even expensive to get others to do that for you. Moire Georgette wrote: I've downloaded blender and I am trying to learn it by myself. I am used to 2d designing, 3d is a completely different animal, wow. Ummmm... There is one thing you probably should know first: 990 out of 1000 mesh clothes designers buy ready-made full perm meshes and concentrate only on the textures. 9 out of 1000 mesh clothes designers hire experienced professionals to make custom meshes for them. Well, I don't know the exact ratio of course but you get the idea. If you want to be the one out of a thousand, I wish you all the best luck but as Klytyna said, it's a long, long way to go.
  23. Hmmmm... you do know that a "shared account" is against Linden Lab's ToS, don't you? LL probably won't penalize you for it if you tell them but there's not mcuh chance they'll be willing to help you with any problem it has caused you either. That being said - I'm suppose you've already consider this option but who's email address is the shared account linked to? That's what really matters since you can always ask for a passowrd reset on email. One thing you can do if you want to keep your ex-partner from selling your works is to list everything in your own store at lower prcies than his. Call it you "classic collection" or something like that to distinguish it from your recent works. Make absolutely sure you are named as the creator of the items though, if you aren't you risk a DMCA filed against you.
  24. Alwin Alcott wrote: I hope you know this is just marketing talk?... there are NO class 8 server sims....it's bs. Just to split some hairs, if I understand correctly, there were 24,024 class 8 sims as of Januray 29th. But yes, it is bs since all sims are the same class these days.
  25. Rolig is right. We should answer all questions here seriously or not at all so I deleted my own "snappy" answer. Alwin gave a rather significant clarification to a point in Klytyna's answer though, so Alwin, do as I say not as I do: keep it!
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