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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. arton Rotaru wrote: I hope they didn't do it again with Sansar. Oh, I'm sure they had the sense to use HSV rather than RGB values to map the normals there.
  2. Rhonda Huntress wrote: I am still having to log in again infrequently. Me too. Does that mean the Church of the Holy Logon failed even before it started?
  3. arton Rotaru wrote: Hey Chin (or is it Rey :matte-motes-smitten:) Rey usually, but either is equally bad. (Hint to everybody: never choose a joke account name even for a minor just-for-fun alt. Before you know it, it's your main) arton Rotaru wrote: I guess you have just missread Drongles post. Oh, I was sure he wrote [X+Y+Z+] twice but yes, I must have misread. (Unless he edited the post later that is... ) arton Rotaru wrote: OpenGL normal maps are x+y+z+. While DirectX normal maps are x+y-z+. So it's a difference between OpenGL and DirectX and not LL's fault then. They really love to make things as difficult as possible, don't they? But at least we have to make sure we know who to blame. Does anybody know what standard Vulkan uses btw?
  4. This is the good old alpha bug and it's a problem with OpenGL (and I think DirectX too) so it's not Second Life specific. With two alpha textures overlapping each other, the render engine have problems determining which is the closest one and it often gets it wrong. This is especially a problem if the center of the two objects with alpha textures are close to each other since the distance between an object and the camera is always calculated from the center of the object, not from the nearest surface. One possible solution is to use alpha masking rather than alpha blending. That fixes the alpha bug but it does have some other disadvantages so it may not always be a good option. Edit: Arton is right of course: does the hat need alpha at all? If not, simply remove it and the problems is solved.
  5. Can't say I'm an expert here, I've only blocked a person once and that was temporary. But I know some viewer settings require you to restart before they take effect even though there doesn't seem to be any reason for it. Did you try that?
  6. Rosanna Ewing wrote: and i have heard that also "experienced" mesh makers work from time to time with these prims in combination with their mesh creations. Not experienced ones, no. But even the most experienced ones may have had to do it before they became experienced and later decided it wasn't important enough a problem to be worth the time and effort fixing. You can often link a lot of prims to a mesh without increasing the land impact so although it's not something you're likely to do once you udnerstand how mesh physics work, it's usually not big enough a deal to worry much about either.
  7. Drongle McMahon wrote: The "swizzle" of the normal map [X+Y-Z+] is wrong for SL. It has to be [X+Y+Z+]. I suppose you mean [X+Y-Z+] ? But more important: What you are saying is that SL got the direction of one of the channels wrong? We've had normal maps for more than three years now, am I the only one who have never heard of this issue before? Or was the whole thing just too trivial to be worth mentioning?
  8. Rosanna Ewing wrote: What i want to note: ii don't prefer the normal prim solution. Just one comment first: the prim solution is not the "normal" one, it's an emergency fix for mesh makers who don't know how to make mesh for SL. Rosanna Ewing wrote: So my question is: what is the right method in my own made physics for the 3 floors in the mesh build? If the floors are separate meshes, the easy way out is to make their physics models from cubes and use analyzed physics. Use as few cubes as possible for each floor and if a floor needs more than one, make sure there's a slight gap between them. This is not an ideal solution since you don't really want to use anayzed physics for walkable surfaces but it's fairly easy to do and the disadvantages are usually trivial enough to be ignored. It is possible to use unanalyzed mesh for individual floors - there are several workarounds to the 0.5 m limit Pamela mentioned - but that's when it gets a bit complicated. If the floors are parts of a larger mesh, well normally that's not a good solution but it is a quite common one and at least it allows us to use unanalyzed physics: Make sure the floor surfaces are positioned at exactly the same position on the physics model as on the main visual model. Make sure the overall dimensions of the visual and physics models are identical. If they are not, the uplaoder will resize the physics model and that can lead to all kind of unexpected results. Make sure the normals for the floor surfaces are pointing upwards. Unanalyzed physics is directional so this is crucial. Because of the directional nature of unanalyzed physics you probably want to include physics for the ceiings too, not just the floors but that shuoldn't affect the walkability of the floors. Make sure there are no smooth normals in the physics model.
  9. CinemaMachinima Grau wrote: I am hesitant to rent since I cannot risk a landlord shutting down the land if we are in development. That's understandable, there certainly is a lot of monkey business going on in that market. There are many serious, reliable actors too though and the trick is to find them. One thing you can do is look at the top 10 Estates list at gridsurvey.com. These are all estate owners who are in for the long haul so they can't afford to cheat their customers and they're certainly not going to close down a sim as long as somebody is paying rent for it. I do feel a bit bad for suggestion this solution, not because they don't deserve the recommendation but because there are many others who do too. Unfortunately, in an unregulated market like Second Life it's very difficult for a customer to distinguish between the serious providers and the crooks.
  10. Qie Niangao wrote: Like, it's supposed to be that a Forums login qualifies you to look at your dashboard, file support tickets, buy Marketplace junk, trade on Lindex (maybe?), but not bid on auctions, nor file a jira (I guess?) If so, that has never ever worked. Forum logon has always been separate from everything else at least for as long as I've been here. That being said, I had a look at my cookies to see which domain the forum cookies are set to and it turns out there are cookies set by the forum both to secondlife.com and secondlife.i.lithium.com. That surprised me a little bit and I'm not sure what it implies. Another anomaly is that one of the cookies expires Januray 10th 2027. That must mean it was reset two days ago and I can't think of any reason why. In any case, the recent login issue is hardly the only glitch here. Considering that Lithium costs several thousand dollars a month I really think it's fair to say that the performance of this forum is underwhelming.
  11. Hmmm... To quote that article: "The IAT, this research suggests, is a noisy, unreliable measure that correlates far too weakly with any real-world outcomes to be used to predict individuals’ behavior — even the test’s creators have now admitted as such." And Harvard still keeps the thing up on their web site? It took the experts 20 years to figure it out, I needed five minutes. Does that give me the right to feel superior? (No, it doesn't of course. The obvious and fatal flaws I pointed out were specific to that particular test, not to IAT in general. Since it turns out the racism bias test at Harvard actually was intended as a serious test, it was obviously made by incompetent people and easy to kill by anybody who actually thinks things through. But those flaws would be easy to fix and they are not inherent to IAT. So for all I know, IAT may still be a usable tool when done properly.)
  12. ChinRey


    As Alwin said, hard to say without some more info. But if you are on a Windows computer, look in the Program Files(x86) folder. There shold be a subfolder named SecondLifeViewer there and in that a program named SecondLifeViewer.exe. That's the one you want. If it's not there, uninstall and try again. On a Mac all you should need to do is open the DMG file in your download folder and drag the Second Life Viewer icon to yur program folder or wherever you prefer to store it. Edit: Oh you're talking Ubuntu. The official SL viewer doesn't support Linux anymore so you have to use a third party viewer like Firestorm.
  13. entity0x wrote: ... but C# is heavily MS-centric, (through .Net, though tolerable and workable through Mono) and Javascript is doable, and transferable from/to existing web experience. Yet at least with C#, we have a close match with Unity, Sansar and 'Mono' in SL (though I am unclear how SL uses Mono or how deep - Documentation!) C# is also very similar to Java. Bill Joy from Sun Microsystem once described C# as "sort of Java with reliability, productivity and security deleted." Sun once sued Microsoft for their incomplete implementation of Java 1.1 and C# was launched while that lawsuit was going on. Although I doubt anybody's ever going to admit it, I suspect that "incomplete implementation" is the true origin of C#. Whether I'm right or wrong there I think the way Java is used all over the interweb illustrates what we can expect from C#. It's a "minute to learn, a lifetime to master" kind of language. There are some brilliant Java applets made by very skilled programmers but also some very shoddy ones made by people who have spent a minute to learn. The multi-paradigm concept may be a key factor here. As I mentioned earlier, Object-Oriented Programming is a buzzword these days and it also happens to be very suitable for the kind of applications we are discussing here so there's going to be quite a lot of pressure for programmers and scripters to write object-oriented code. In programming there are few things quite as bad as object-oriented code written by people not familiar with the basic principles of OOP. It doesn't matter how good the programmers are, if they don't understand the paradigm they have to work with, they can't write good code. The Marketplace is of course a prime example of this.
  14. ChadUnfroyd wrote: ... and presumably Lithium have washed their hands of LL's pathetic implementation of their software. ... Cerise Sorbet wrote: This forum is Lithium's own implementation of Lithium's own software and hosted by Lithium. So it's Lithium's pathetic implementation on Lithium's software then? Qie Niangao wrote: Whirly Fizzle wrote: Yes, Lindal filed a bug report: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41134 ... which was closed as "Unactionable" yesterday. To sum it up: Lithium fails to deliver the services LL pays for and LL can't do anything about it because of vendor lock-in. Farming out auxiliary services can make a lot of sense for a company but if you do, make absolutely sure you choose a reliable provider who gives adequate service and will continue to do so. In other words: if you're looking for a host for your message board, stay away from Lithium and if you're looking for a host for your virtual showroom... In other other words: if you're offering auxiliary services to other companies and your solution causes vendor lock-in, make absolutely sure and absolutely clear you can deliver and continue to deliver. Also, make absolutely sure you have a spotless record for doing so in the past. If not, serious customers will shy away from you. They've all learned from their mistakes by now.
  15. entity0x wrote: I found out that Sansar may be using C# and Javascript as the languages. THis is something I have looked for, as proprietary languages is a waste of time, when they'r enot transferable, and all the time is wasted learning its nuances. C# actually. It's High Fidelity that uses Javascript. C# is often mispresented as an object-oriented programming language but that's mainly because object-oriented is such a buzzword these days. What it really is, is a kind of Jack of all trades that can do a decent job under just about any programming paradigm you can think of. Unity supports both C# and Javascript but C# seems to be the most popular choice and it's likely many scripts from there can be adapted for Sansar.
  16. Chic Aeon wrote: It is going to be interesting to see who goes and who stays in the content creator arena as it appears that the learning curve is kinda in that professional area and those professionals can likely make more money elsewear. There are quite a few skiled content creators who do good business with quality meshes elsewhere and still sell horribly poor uploads of the same meshes in SL. The reason they do that is - and I'm actually quoting one of them here - "People in SL buy anyway." Spending time and effort optimizing builds for SL when you could have invested it on a more lucrative market simply isn't cost effective. Some do it anyway because they can't bring themselves to present half-baked works, but many won't and some evn can't afford to do it. I mentioned in another thread that the SL version of the Grand Hall is such a bodged job and I have to make absolutely clear: that is not the creator's fault. He's just being prudent, taking the logical consequence of working within a system that tends to punish rather than reward quality improvements. This is something that'll have to be different in Sansar of course. Chic Aeon wrote: It also appears from the latest videos that the "repetition" factor is in play as it was in Cloud Party. Oh yes. I think object instancing is mandatory for any new virtualreality and has been so for a while. We do have "asset instancing" in SL of course, it's one of the most important tricks for good builders who want to keep the lag down. That helps a lot but it'll never be as effective as object instancing. Chic Aeon wrote: So you could have one tree or a hundred trees -- the tree being in a viewer's cache. I never saw Cloud Party. Did they use SpeedTree or just some similar system?
  17. ChinRey


    The prim limit per suqare meter may vary depending on what kind of sim it but for a regular mainland sim, it's aproximately 0.34 - that is 175 per 512 square meter. If you own several parcels in the same sim, you are free to reallocate prims between the parcels any way you wish. I do that myself - my tenants simply get as many prims as they want and are willing to pay for, regardless of the size of the parcel they rent. Rental price can vary a lot depending on the quality of the land and ... other factors. I suggest you try to keep it somewhere between 1 and 2 L$/week per prim and if you're renting out developed properties, remember to include the prims used for the fixed installations in the price.
  18. I'm not sure exactly what you mean but I can think of two fairly common explanations for something similar: If you are playing the Linden Realms game, there is a bug in the experience code that causes an avatar to get stuck in a horizontal position every now and then. The solution is to use the "stop animations" function. You find it under the "Me" menu, depending on which viewer you use it's in either the Movements or the Avatar Health submenu. If your avatar is stuck hovering when you log on, it's because hover is the default state of the avatar (this dates back to the early beta stage when there was no physical ground to stand on) and sometimes the avatar fails to switch to the regualr standing state during log on. The solution here is to fly briefly and then stop flying. If there is some other reason I suggest you try the stop animations fucntion first and see if that helps.
  19. As Theresa said, a more modern IMVU is pretty much what SL became when the focus shifted from continuos "continents" to isolated sims. Come to think of it, that shift happened shortly after IMVU was launched, I wonder if there was some connection there. The way I understand it, Sansar is more like Unity and Unreal Engine except that it comes in a complete package including not only the software but also hosting and quite a bit of basic infrastructure. I think that's where the real risk lies. LL is taking on the Big Guys in virtual reality there and the package solution which is the only thing that really sets them apart from the others, may well be a two edged sword since the inevitable vendor lock may be hard for many potential customers to accept.
  20. ChadUnfroyd wrote: Bait and switch. (Like Trump) I don't think LL does that ... anymore. But in any case, LL wants to not only recruit big companies as customers, they also want to keep them. An independent freelancer may decide to take the risk accepting a ToS like SL's and may well overlook the consequences of a later change. A company with a legal department and CEOs and all that, well depending on their sense of humor those will either break out in hysterical laughter or explode in rage when presented with an SL style ToS, they will notice any changes and if those changes are unacceptable, they will pack their things and leave. entity0x wrote: Do you have any links to the Sansar IP rights policies yet and how they will work? I don't think it's been published yet. I seem to remember Ebbe said that the ToS would be different from SL's but I may even be wrong there.
  21. entity0x wrote: I'm not sure what your point is, I hope this is a picture from within Second Life, because I thought the same; I didn't see anything amazing in the video, nor any improvement in looks or otherwise, that couldn't still be done in SL.. Sorry if I missed the point. You got the point exactly. This is the same building as it is in Second Life. Hyde only did a quick-and-dirty left handed job when he uploaded it to Second Life - he was probably only trying to squeeze a few extra bucks out of an old build he already had - and I would assume he did a more thorough adaptation when he transferred it to Sansar. Also of course, they must have done all they could to make the demo video look as delicious as possible while my photo is unedited and taken with an old windlight I made for a completely different scene. But even so, there must be more than that to explain the obvious difference in quality. entity0x wrote: Yeah, I'm just saying that if they want Sansar to succeed, better not lock it into VR only. Oh, definitely! A VR-only virtual world would be even more complete geekdom than SL has ever been.
  22. ChadUnfroyd wrote: There is no problem. LL has already sorted it out. LL owns ALL intellectual property in their domains. Professional content creators have no choice but to accept LL's ToS. That's SL's ToS. Sansar's will be different. I think LL has already stated that but it goes without saying. They want design studios and architect bureaus to use Sansar as a virtual showroom for their products. Freelancers can choose whether they trust LL not to abuse those extensive rights or not, big companies can't.
  23. Callum Meriman wrote: I would point out that this arbitary 200ms figure is likely a USA thoughtbubble and has no real grounding in fact. Good point. I live in Norway and I've never ever seen ping time lower than 200 ms. Works perfectly fine unless you try to run a drag race against somebody living closer to San Francisco JohnnyMM wrote: and my packet loss is around 1% but it keeps kicking me out. That may be the problem. 1% packet loss is annoying but not fatal but the figure you get from the viewer is often too low. I once had similar problems with you and with about the same packet loss according to the viewer. When I checked the line, it turned out one of the hubs my connection was routed through (in Sweden of course ) actually had 16% packet loss.
  24. A texture alignment grid is often a good alternative to a UV map. Apply the grid texture to the avatar, download a copy of the texture, open in an image editor, and paint the texture you want to sue onto it just as you would on a UV map. Ideally you want two copies of the item rezzed (or worn), one with the grid texture, one with a temporary copy of the texture you're building but if that isn't an option, you can just switch between them to check your progress.
  25. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Well that's interesting because all my posts in the "super secret section" are from vanished threads but not all my posts from vanished threads are there. None were deleted individually. The whole thread disappeared. Yes, that's interesting. As far as I can remember, I've only posted in two deleted threads before, the one we're not talking about here and one where the OP flatly refused to remove accusations against named people. None of my posts from those threads are in the Super Secret Section.
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