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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Loli Lusch wrote: When you searched "Loli Lusch" it doesn't find me? I certainly want to be found! I got the same message as Qie when I tried. Your place and your group show up though, it's just your personal profile that is calssified as top secret.
  2. pfifo Firelyte wrote: I click the 'Copy' permissions box when im searching, gacha stuff is never copyable. That's right. And no MP seller will ever mark a listing as copyable if it isn't. Not by accident and certainly not on purpose.
  3. JingleWorm wrote: Not when you're inworld. When you're using blender. How can you tell if you're using mesh? With Blender you always work with mesh, never sculpts. There are ways to convert Blender mesh to SL sculpts but you would definitely know if you did that.
  4. ChinRey

    LODs Revisited

    Pamela Galli wrote: The fact is, in SL and RL, a lot of people are happy owning ugly items (including avatars), of which bad LODs are just one variety. I have wondered why that is -- do they just not notice that some things are ugly and some are beautiful? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are even people in SL who think a dolphin rotating endlessly in and out of the water is beautiful. But apart from that, when it comes to measurable qualities, who's gonna tell them what they should expect? Or more precisely: who's going to tell them what quality level it is possible to achieve in Second Life? This question applies both to buyers and to creators.
  5. I agree with all you say except for one thing: the situation is just as bad for private sims, the gridsurvey.com statistics are very clear there. The only real difference is that you don't see abandoned private sims because they aren't there anymore.
  6. Loli Lusch wrote: Thank you for the great insight and suggestions. I've removed the Sakura Trees and noticed that the "Scripts Run" improved to as high as 25%. It was around 7% before. Physics time is around 9-13ms. !!! That must mean the tree even without the physics was trying to use 10-15 ms of frame time just for a simple particle function!!! I've heard about and seen poorly written scripts before but that must be the ultimate record. The worst thing is, that tree is still for sale on MP and it has a five star rating. Loli Lusch wrote: At the $1L apartment rentals, each apartment has a livingroom (448kb running scripts) and a bed (668kb running scripts). Would this contribute to the lag? There are as many as 80 livingrooms and 80 beds rezzed. I would assume the livingroom scripts are mono compiled while the bed ones are lso. The big difference here is that mono scripts can be instanced while lso ones can't. So 80 448 kb identical mono scripts still only use 448 kb of memory combined while 80 668 kb lso scripts use about 53 MB. But I can't imagine that is relevant at all. Once the scripts are loaded script memory only matters if it's so high the server is running out of memory to store them all and it's hard to even comperhend how that can happen these days. Idle scripts shouldn't add any lag either. Even if they're technically running, if they're just waiting for input and not actually doing anything they're - well they're not actually doing anything. That shows just how bad the script in that tree is btw. Particles don't need a script at all to run, only to be turned on or off or changed so unless it's rezzing those physical objects or somebody is operatign the menu, there's absolutely no reason why it should cause any measurable load at all. So apparently that script is trying to hog half the sim's allocated resources for doing nothing useful whatsoever. Is it possible to AR a creator for Excessive scripted objects or is that only for land owners?
  7. Qie Niangao wrote: the overall "AI Step Time" statistic for the region is 8 or 9 milliseconds, which seems a huge chunk of the frame time, yet these four forlorn little specimens are the only AI characters on the sim. I'm not sure where the AI Step Time fits in the frame time overview but I believe it's included in the Physcis Time. In any case, 8 ms is more than half the sim's allocated computing power so there's no doubt they are by far the biggest single contributor to sim lag. It would be sooooo sweet if they belong to one of the neighbors who complained.
  8. Freya Mokusei wrote: Education is a tricky wicket. I'd definitely agree it should end up on the autopsy, but if I'm reading your impromptu investigation correctly, 3/10 isn't bad. In reality it's 0/10. The three that still exist are ten-years-or-so old builds. Visit counts were 38, 0 and 12 respectively. In other words, the installations are still in SL but they're not actually used. Seems somebody just forgot to cancel the tier bill. Freya Mokusei wrote: Maybe technologically, but not socially. When SL starts to 'feel' empty, that's going to be a heavy knock. Oh. That happened long ago. Freya Mokusei wrote: Graphics efficiency... I don't know if I buy it. To use a car metaphor, It costs as much as a Bugatti Weyron, it uses as much fuel as a Bugatti Weyron and it runs as fast as a Toyota Yaris. I do believe that a low threshold virtual reality with basic graphics like SL could do well. And I do believe a high threshold virtual reality with advanced graphics might be a good idea although the competition is rather fierce there. But a high threshold one with basic graphics isn't going to cut it and that's exactly what SL is today. Freya Mokusei wrote: I don't see new users being impressed by the jellybabies project, nor project Interesting. Project Interesting went off to a bad start because it was launched long before it was ready. But I do believe it turned out to be a genuine improvement once the most serious bugs were sorted out. It's not going to impress anybody of course, if only because it's an under-the-hood upgrade not directly noticeable to the users. I'm not sure what to say about the jellybabies. At first glance it looks like a crude patch trying to cure the symptoms rather than the disease. That's exactly what it is of course but the question is, could it have been done much better? There is something fundamentally wrong with how mesh was implemented in Second Life. It's a classic example of copy-and-paste programming and as this article says, it must be a nightmare for the current LL programmers. It may well be that the disease is incurable by now and that the jellybaby project was the best way to reduce the damage at least a little bit. Freya Mokusei wrote: Maybe you're re-iterating my first point? The slow march of technology has finally plodded on, leaving legacy users with a tough call: upgrade or move on... and they're moving on. Indeed.
  9. Loli Lusch wrote: My main area is 2000m above land. They don't like that there are sometimes up to 14 people on my sim and say that I am causing them lag. I went over and had a look and happened to meet and have a quick chat with Loli there. There are lots of people tp'ing in and out and that causes lag peaks (I saw up to 104 ms frame time) but they shouldn't cause any significant problems since they are so short. The main problem with the sim seems to be physics. Even with only seven people in the sim, the physics time stays in the 12-13 ms range most of the time. Does anybody have a suggestion what can cause this? The sim is also seriously overloaded with scripts - 6-8 ms script time and well over 90% script failure - but it's hard to see how that can contribute to lag.
  10. This is a very good question and I recommend you repost it in the merchant's forum here so we can discuss it in depth. But a few quick answers: Belzebubble wrote: I asked a few buyers they all told me they didnt find my products through the adds but through search. In that case, cancel the listing enhancements. Even if the ads are displayed every now and then, if they don't generate enough sales, they're a waste of money. Belzebubble wrote: Is there really some kind of system behind how the advertisemnets are selected or is this pure random? It's not pure random but as far as I know, there are no indications of foul play either - at least not recently. One thing that is certain, is that selection is semirandom, that is once an ad has made it to the shortlist of ads considered for display, it stays there for at least a few minutes. So if you refresh the page at short intervals, you are very likely to see the same ads over and over again. With the vast number of ads and the limited number of placements there's very little chance your ad happens to be one of the favored ones at just the time you check. This is of course far from ideal but in theory it should even out in the long run so it's not necessarily unacceptable either. Belzebubble wrote: is it a service or a lotery? Neither. It's a way for LL to squeeze a few extra dollars out of the merchants. With serious web page ad services you pay for the number of impressions, not a fixed fee with no guarantees.
  11. Freya Mokusei wrote: Maybe relevant:- https://www.technologyreview.com/s/511846/an-autopsy-of-a-dead-social-network/ Didn't get to read that article before I responded to the rest of your post. Yes, I think it's very relevant. If I understand correctly, SL has a very poor cost-to-benefit ratio but it still hangs on because of a reasonably good k-core distribution.
  12. Freya Mokusei wrote: My personal opinion is that it's probably a wide bunch of factors... Here's another one: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Education_Directory That is the official list of the c. 300 educational institutions in SL. Click on a few SLURLS and see how many actually exist. I checked the first ten. Three of them were still technically there but none of them showed any signs of recent activities, they were all relics of the past. Freya Mokusei wrote: The.. Sansar problem (and, to some extent, the struggle for purpose that SL's always had, which is now... 'worse') Maybe but interestingly, when LL first announced the news about Sansar, SL's decline actually slowed down a little bit for a while and the same has happened recently when Sansar again has become a - if not hot at least lukewarm - topic. Freya Mokusei wrote: Oh, and FYI, I'm just answering the question posed. I don't think SL's in a particularly bad state, and it can definitely afford to shrink a good deal further before it reaches 'hobbyist'/'wind-down' territory. There's no real limit. A grid based virtual reality is very scaleable. I still think the graphics quality, or rather graphics efficiency is one of the most important factors though because it's an important reason why SL fails to recruit new users. I've already mentioned Valley Benchmark and I have to say it was quite an eyeopener for me first time I saw it. That is the current state of real time 3D graphics and what newcomers are likely to expect. Second Life can afford to be a little bit outdated since it has a few other unique qualities but it's ten years behind and that's far too much. There's not much hope of improvements either. The current SL team is doing their best - and they're beginning to be quite good at it - but they're still trying hard to avoid falling even further behind. It'll take long before they can even begin to start catching up - if they ever can. This is also a bit worrying for Sansar. Sansar can't afford to be behind in graphics, it can't even afford to match what others can offer. It has to set a new standard far enough ahead of the big names it has time to establish itself before the rest of the virtual world can catch up. I've yet to see or hear anything that suggests Sansar is up to that challenge. Remove all the PR language from the official statements and the extensive use of the candlelight trick from the pictures and videos and you have something that may match the existing competition and it may even be a fraction of an inch ahead. But there's nothing yet that should give any of the big names in virtual reality reason to worry.
  13. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: Could it be that a lot of the chat has moved to groups? Yes, you may well be right. But that means SL is becoming more and more a text-only chat room service... Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: But how is a noob to know? And why should they be interested? There are lots of good chatrooms that don't require special software on the internet. It's different if you already are in Second Life and have friends there of course but how many people want to join for that good old irc experience?
  14. Aethelwine wrote: ChinRey, maybe you have your graphics settings higher now? No but to be fair, maybe my expectations are a bit higher. I also noticed the development of this thread https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/At-my-wits-end-Mesh-avatar-and-the-SL-Viewer/td-p/3096154 Nobody told me when I bought a new computer specially for SL that SL only supports Nvidia so guess what I bought? But oh well, too late to do anything about that. I'm not going to waste more money on SL and LL shows no signs of being interested in fixing the Radeon incompatibilities. In any case, the point in this context is that the hardware requirements for using SL effectively increases, excluding more and more potential users, the graphics you get is too old and outdated to interest people who are into top level computer graphics and fewer and fewer people are willing to spend money on hardware only for Second Life. It is quite telling that a computer that can handle the advanced and detailed graphics of Valley Benchmark with ease still struggles seriously with the much cruder Second Life.
  15. AkumaShadowWolf wrote: Does anyone happen to know, if I were to equip 2 separate avatars whether I would have access to two skeletons? I have to clear up a misunderstanding here: you can't have two skeletons. The skeleton is part of the system body you wear and you only have one of them. Everything else are attachments to the base avatar. Fitted mesh, Bento or not, can use the bones of the skeleton but they don't have any themselves. AkumaShadowWolf wrote: Example, a stand alone avatar and a separately purchased set of bento wings. As long as two animations don't try to animate and/or lock the same bones at the same time, you should be fine. If there is a conflict, you may have to be a bit careful how you set animation priorities when you upload. Running several animations at the same time has always been standard procedure in SL and Bento didn't change that. If you want to, select Avatar -> Animation Info in the Develop menu. That'll give you a list of all animations your avatar is running and you'll be amazed how many there are.
  16. If you happen to use CasperLet, contact me in-world. I'm working on a CasperLet compatible script that allows the renter to change the texture of a sign and I could need a beta tester or two.
  17. Dusky Jewell wrote: Do you remember when the majority of content and builds were made inworld? I do actually. I got here in 2013, right at the end of that period. Dusky Jewell wrote: Those who did not want to learn 3D modeling software to compete in the marketplace left in droves. That is what happened to the community. I don't know about marketplace. Let's face it, if all the creators want to make moeny from their builds, there simply isn't enough buyers in SL for them all and I doubt there ever was. But hobby building used to be big in SL and that is vanishing fast wihtout adequate in-world building tools. If you are a hobby builder working with Blender with no intention of making money from it, why on earth would you want to upload your meshes to SL? It's not as if there's any audience here. And if you want to make money from your work, why bother with SL when there are other more lucrative markets? It may be more than a coincidence that the decline started shortly after mesh was introduced but even so, I think that's just one of many factors. Another factor that has become critical recently, is avatar lag. I know, well made modern mesh avatars are less laggy than old avatars loaded with flexis. All the numbers prove that. All the tests prove that, and I've done some of those tests myself so I know. But even so, in 2013 all I had was a battered five year old Powerbook Pro and I could still go to clubs and beaches with 50 or more avatars, meet other people and have a good time with them. I have a much more powerful computer now but I can't even think of sharing a sim with 50 others - 20 are too many. (Actually - I'm not sure if something's happened to my computer or to the software - but the last few weeks it seems five mesh avatars are too many for it to handle.) This is probably the most important factor in the context of this particular thread.
  18. I think the general rule for M rated sims is that if it's out of public sight it's ok. It's hard to say anything for sure though. Usually LL doesn't even bother with X rated content openly on display in G rated sims and when they react, it's rather arbitary.
  19. Qie Niangao wrote: That's not my experience, so maybe that's a very recent change? Just at random, the first batch of adjacent abandoned parcels I see with wildly disjoint terraforming are from April 2016, but I didn't check for any more recent. Maybe not always then, or maybe never. All the abandoned land I've bought the last 3 1/2 year was reverted to default and the bumpy ground in much of Jeogeot certainly is default, I've spent enough hours fighting that ground to know. But that may all have been a coincidence and I haven't studied every abandoned parcel on mainland of course.
  20. Minor correction to Rolig's post: right-click on avatar/profile/name.
  21. entity0x wrote: Yes, that is true. Lovely! Let's compare traditions then, that could be really interesting allbeit a bit off topic for the thread. Oh btw: entity0x wrote: It is only a modern invention for a woman to think the ring is some sort of security, especially the more lucrative diamond ring, whose wide use in engagement and marriage was not created by tradition, but rather by a corporation, the Debeers Company. It was certainly Debeers who popularized the use of diamonds in wedding rings in the USA and possibly UK towards the end of the 19th century. But to avoid any misunderstandings: diamonds were used for wedding rings before that, although only for very exclusive ones, it's not really an international custom even today, and the wedding ring tradition as a whole dates back to the Roman empire.
  22. BlackPawWorkshop wrote: I've checked the images for conformity repeatedly. The images conform to requirements. A 142kb 700x525 picture will not show up. That wouldn't explain it anyway. A 403 means you don't have permission to access a file or directory. In other words, the images made it to the server just fine but then the server decided they were so sensitive they had to be classified as top secret! Sorry, I've never heard of anything like that before. Yes, the image uploader is dodgy even by Marketplace standards but it still shouldn't do anything like that. Maybe somebody else here can explain what is going on but it definitely looks like a server error and I suggest you file a support case and ask Linden Lab if they can fix it.
  23. Madelaine McMasters wrote: My Father never wore his, stating that it was dangerous enough to stick your hands in machinery (he was a mechanical engineer) without inviting disaster with rings or sleeves. Your father was absolutely right. My father found that out the hard way.
  24. It's a really interesting dicussion you and Pamela have. But, ummmm.... I do get a feeling you're trying to sum up about 500 years of traditions all across Europe and in European based American culture in a few sentences. That's tricky and it's easy to end up with disagreements simply because different people see different parts of that vast field.
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