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Sassy Kenin

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Everything posted by Sassy Kenin

  1. Here is a great tool that can really make landscaping a breeze! Link Make the ground Mesh with this tool! Link by turning the sculpts into mesh with this convertor! Link Expensive Yes!... it just depends on how detailed and far you want to go 🧐
  2. I think if your an Estate Owner(own 1 full region or more) but are not Premuim, you would qualify to get your name changed at no cost.
  3. I would use 3D Coat its much cheaper and works with all Adobe plugins, have you tried it?
  4. I would recommend learning with a mixed work flow as an example mine is FBX Converter Meshlab Sculptris Affinity Photo MakeHuman 3D Coat XNormal At the direction Blender is heading(not great in my view), you might be better off paying for or getting a free version of software like Modo or ZBrush
  5. I've got some ocean front property in Arizona for sale.
  6. Now that Bento is here the 3rd option is talking to everyone in sign language, maybe throw up some gang signs?
  7. Yes it will. it might hold on for many years from now, whats important is enjoying it while its here and how it improves your life and you as a person.
  8. Linden Lab could never afford the cost of keeping a paid security detail around such an embassy, due to the high probability of mass prim bombers trying to blow the pixels out of everyone while suicide script kiddies would fly in like 911😉
  9. I have no opinion one way or the other ...I just wanted to expand the OP information to better understand what it is they might be dealing with in regards to CDS.
  10. I think you might be missing a few things... some breadcrumbs from the comments and links elsewhere As a disclaimer I am only trying to help the OP get more information and i could be wrong of any connection for possible secondary support .information provided was for possible customer support for the OP regarding CDS to help resolve a possible technical issue.
  11. CPU is fine what about your GPU? if your using integrated graphics from the CPU instead you will see reduced performance..adjust viewer settings or try a different viewer http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  12. In my Imagination this would be Ebbe responding to this thread🤗
  13. They have to tell you the truth if you ask them... it's the law😁
  14. If my memory serves me right from reading NWN, CDS was somehow related to the founder of InSilico who was politely nudged by the lab to take an extended vacation from the grid a few years back?
  15. That! ... maybe a special profile badge too? ..like a star or something..profiles in general could use updating as well..maybe premium members could add GIF pictures in profiles ?
  16. Baby Sansar must be Feed...this means less resources & person power for SL.
  17. I think you might be over optimistic, half the world struggles every day to just find water/food and has no time to think about us privileged people in the west. I've been to over 100 countries that's over half the world, speaking from experience.
  18. If you say so. maybe visit Americas great ally & bff, according to our government 'Saudi Arabia' ....I'm sure they would have some kind of parade for you.
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