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Tex Monday

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Everything posted by Tex Monday

  1. I don't have a FB for my avatar, but members of my SL family did. It supposedly gave them the opportunity to keep in touch when they weren't inworld. I guess they posted photos and things on it..I never really took much notice to it.
  2. On that topic, I wonder why the Lab doesn't put out gift cards for SL. Most other games do it. It would be so easy for someone to go to the store, buy one and that person would use it to buy Lindens inworld. Just curious.....
  3. Back to the topic at hand.... I disagree with "disincentives" for free accounts. I have never paid for a premium account because I don't feel that they're worth it. Giving users a $300L a week stipend and a free SL house really doesn't justify the money that I'd put into it each month. Plus, when LL runs deals for premium membership, the fine print is a real turn off (1/2 price on ONE month of a quarterly membership). I've also been lucky in the fact that I have never had to put a single RL cent into my accounts, I've gotten jobs (adult ones mostly) that have given me a pretty decent bank account. Besides that, I've never rented land in SL, as I find it too expensive...and having to work to pay rent in SL is too much like RL for me. Making free residents suffer by not paying premium would definitely hurt users. I think that if (after 8 years) LL restricted my access because I was a free account, I'd probably leave. Adding better incentives (reduction of premium costs, larger land, better stipend) might get more people to change, but I'm pretty much against paying for SL period, so I still wouldn't change. As for the whole griefer issue, I'm sorry that you're having these problems. Yes, the ability to open accounts and close them again is a problem. I run into them in groups that I'm in a couple times a week, but making everyone suffer because of a few asshats, really isn't fair or the best way to handle the problem. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming already in progress......
  4. Yes yes yes....we get the point, thank you....
  5. *Sorry, Reel Missing. Management Apologies*
  6. I guess this is a two fold topic, in my opinion.... I care in the fact that I want the person to enjoy their time with me in SL, whatever we may be doing...*laughs* I don't care in the fact of who the actual person is (unless they say something about it or want me to know). For example, if a man is playing a woman...to me, it's a woman that I"m with or visa versa. Who cares as long as you're enjoying yourself. Some (narrow minded) people get hung up on this sort of thing, but I feel as long as the person plays it right, who cares??
  7. (sorry for the long delay, I don't get here as often as I'd like) In saying you're anonymous, it's that you don't have to put out all that personal information and can still keep in touch with your "family" outside of SL. Makes sense to me
  8. Some members of my SL family had FB accounts. There is a sense of anonymity when you have your AV on FB. "Family" members have friended each other on there and didn't have to give up any personal RL information in the process. That being said, I don't have one. I have one for my RL friends and family, but not for SL
  9. I would say that I am sorry that your experience here was unpleasant and offer to help but odds are you're just a troll looking for emotional feedback and probably deleted your account anyway...so what's the point?
  10. I guess I'm the exception. I only have about 8600 items in my inventory, although it's not the fact that I shop a lot, I just never throw anything away. A purge is a good idea, I might still have to do that since I have items in there since I started in 2009 that I'm sure I never wear anymore. Thanks for the suggestions and good luck in your own purging.
  11. I think this is a big part of it. Lots of places don't want to take the chance that something might happen...even on a G rated sim. The last time my kid AV was on a kid friendly sim, some guy tried to pick her up (yes, HER) by saying that it wasn't against the ToS because we were in IMs and no one had to know...etc etc. I also think that most adult AVs don 't know what to do with kids. Better to be safe than sorry, I suppose
  12. Yes..I still have the burn marks on my soles...or is that my souls??
  13. the only advantage to being bitten in Bloodlines is that you can't get bitten again. When a vampire collects your "soul", it doesn't mean anything. Just ignore them and move on
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