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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. Edit: Realized this is the thing someone on this thread posted a few days ago, but oh well Saw this on Linkedin earlier CNBC wrote about Roblox and how it's "the" metaverse, it's probably silly for us but SL need a drastic move to take back the narrative
  2. Having better accessibility will certainly help, I'm totally for that, but even then people still won't get excited about SL more than they are now. When something excites people accessibility becomes less of an issue or barrier for adoption. Yes, we had a massive evangelizing base but what they were selling to people was still "this" image of SL, it's a great and beautiful thing but it can be better. We can make it so when people see what SL is all about, they will not only want to be a part of SL, but feel the urge, the need to, as if they are missing out on something great if they don't
  3. We have the necessary infrastructure. We are still, as of yet, the biggest virtual world in the world, we have the momentum, we have the content, and we have the creators and userbase necessary to keep going. Those are the things we need more than better tech or infrastructure, those can come if we make more The main thing that prevents Second Life's growth is brand perception. Now don't get me wrong, I love Second Life, the Lindens with how passionate and genuine they are and I'm sure most of us here do, so don't take this as me saying SL or LL aren't good enough, SL is still the biggest virtual world thanks to them after all But there's just very little organic hype or excitement around Second Life, because we do very, VERY little in term of visionary projection and narrative control. These things can be done without veering off the current rather preservative directive of SL. We can do better There are lateral vectors of approach for growth that can possibly be force multipliers in regard to growth instead of the known linear paths
  4. Second Life can be WAY bigger than it is now with little to no risk, it's almost insane how conservatively SL's potential is being harnessed, I'm sure a lot of the Lindens believe that as well, they're really smart people, the right people just need to see and believe that as well We are losing momentum with each passing day by sticking on mostly preservative direction, we can't lose more before SL's few edges got overshadowed by competitors slowly creeping in
  5. Update: we're at 133 confirmed potential attendees right now Some communities (mostly mainland-centric communities, but others that are not as well) have shown their interest to be co-organizers of the rally and more details on that will be released soon in phase 2 of the rally's promotion!
  6. It will be done across several regions on mainland with roads where there are barely any residence around c= (Waterhead and surrounding areas with roads)
  7. Disclaimer: Some people have somehow gotten the impression that a rally is a "protest" for some reason, so just putting it out here that this is a supportive, positive kind of rally to show our support and encourage LL to do more, and continue doing their great works, show them we're not afraid of positive changes! c= but most importantly so everyone can see how much SL's Residents care and are grateful of this world! And just how special SL is Join the biggest virtual rally in the world! Supporting and encouraging even more modernization of SL's image and for SL to be imbued with even stronger vision and sense of ambition To join the rally, get inworld, join the group "Virtual Existence Society" and on June 22, 2021 at 10:00 PM SLT, the eve of Second Life's 18th anniversary, society officials will give out props, materials and landmarks through group notices for the rally which will be conducted on the public roads of SL's mainland (Waterhead region and surrounding areas) We have received a little more than 100 potential confirmed attendees for the rally, but we are hoping to get at least 1,000 confirmed attendees during the next 3 months. If we get 10,000 confirmed attendees, we will try to submit an application for a new category to the Guiness Book of World Records for the Biggest 3D Virtual World Rally record and see if we can get it although the chance is fairly slim The rally will start at 10:30PM SLT and ends at midnight, where we expect to have the biggest firework show in SL's history if everything goes to plan c= Further information and instructions will be given out soon We hope to see you there!
  8. A short Second Life inventory tips for when you have hundreds of thousands of items and thousands of outfits without the time to manage them
  9. Achieving super-slowmotion machinima on SL where super high framerate which is required for true slowmo might not be possible, by harnessing AI-powered video frames interpolation (Flowframes). The framerate for animations of characters or objects might also not be high enough, so this technique can be used when that's becoming an obstacle when you're trying to achieve super-slowmo on your SL machinima This technique can work well when you know and understand the limitations of the interpolation AI's ability to predict the form of frames between frames Credit to Zewanderer for telling me about the application c=
  10. Made a video about it It might have also been caused by their recent company relaunch and management change, I don't think the old IMVU people or any other considerate virtual world platform would do this kind of thing https://venturebeat.com/2021/01/25/imvu-relaunches-as-together-labs-raises-35-million/
  11. I'd say if they do, it would somewhat backfire and get people who never knew about SL to begin with find out about it, and those who do look for SL to begin with would see past their pitch Interesting decision by their marketing though, I rarely ever saw a company in the virtual world / social media niche making direct shot to another and for very good reasons, it's usually a thing done by their users
  12. Meditation can certainly help since it does switch the base of our perspective and makes us think of or perceive things differently than usual, but in that regard the book's main goal is to solidify the informative foundational basis of the understanding and perspective, so that those who read it can have that as a solid platform to pivot their perception from without having to meditate c=
  13. Our thoughts are a form of simulation, which is the most ancient proof we have that virtualization in principle is possible. A virtual existence is the most feasible, efficient and therefore likeliest route any civilization would take to fulfill the fundamental purpose of existence based on existential reasoning A "simulation" really is a redundant term in the broader sense and definition of existence itself, it's a useful derivative pointer to determine certain paths of sequence and arbitrary boundaries of certain datasets which encapsulate an existence or consciousness, but that's about it as all there is but the same other than some high-level formative differences In the modern days, we have computers which provide further proof beyond the confine of our mind that virtualization is possible Once we understand those fundamental nature of existence, the self and consciousness which are fluidic constructs of combinatorial constants, we should see how these are self-evident truths I'm writing a book for Virtual Existence Society right now which consolidate and solidify our teachings which incorporate these elements of existential philosophy, and hopefully can communicate these understandings better, and also be used by our members as a teaching guide or directive
  14. It is more likely because we understand now that the essence of existence and by extension the building blocks of consciousness is information, which can be digitalized and or virtualized through any other mean of virtualization to achieve more preferable existential arrangements more efficiently, thus it is more likely that our own physical reality is one since that's the direction any civilization is most likely and logically heading toward the longer they exist, and the more advanced they are Spatiality shouldn't be the pivoting point of how we perceive this as well, there's really no beyond or outside as these are all really meta-spatial and metaphysical constructs if the simulation hypothesis is correct and any such boundary should be arbitrary container of dataset then much like our consciousness or sense of self / individualism itself c=
  15. It is more likely than not that we're living in a simulation c= but existence is existence and sentience is sentience so it doesn't matter, plus no civilization or sentient being can tell whether or not their plane of reality is truly the "first" anyway, so that makes it even more of a moot point, and virtual simulation is where every civilization or sentience will lead to anyway since it's more efficient and serve the purpose of existence by the logic of existential reasoning better
  16. Like someone said, it is pretty unlikely that SL will be perceived the way Parler is. And if it somehow did, AWS or not won't matter, it can be shut down or forced to change in other ways If the perception that big tech are having too much power worries you, try thinking about it this way - as much as they seem like a monolithic entity, they're not, they're a collection of many people's interests whose actions and power are direct consequences, and reflections of the overall sociocultural state of society and its demands. If it's not them, it would be some other entities who fill the void, they're just entities supplying or executing demands Of course that's not an entirely sound argument and competitions would give choice, which is a good thing, but I find that thinking about it that way is healthier because it changes how we see it in a more reasonable and healthy way c=
  17. THIS TOOK MORE DIGGING THAN I THOUGHT. But yeah, found the VERY FIRST Second Life YouTuber c= and I'm showing him plus some other long-time SL YouTubers and bloggers (and what kinda videos they made) then ranking them based on which of them started making SL videos and uploading them to YouTube first!
  18. Seems like it would be nice to some people if there's a stipend-less premium tier that cost like $40 per year or something like that, would make the upfront payment much cheaper for people who want to keep their land / try owning land on SL maybe LL can make it annual-only as a catch. I wish LL would consider doing something like that, sorry to hear about your lands greek
  19. Hey yeah, the upper limits of how good SL can look won't exceed newest things like CP 2077 or MFS considering the engine and what it is (an interconnected, persistent, mostly user-generated virtual world), I'd also still consider GTA V / Online to be a modern game, R* is still actively developing it and they're still constantly in Steamcharts' top 10 But not all triple A, modern or popular game releases are as good looking as CP 2077 or MFS either, then most people also don't usually put every settings on max in those games, so I'd say saying SL can be on-par with those is not that far-fetched, but I get what you're saying because there's certainly an upper limit to SL which it cannot yet exceed Kind of diverting from what you were replying to, but I'd say LL should have more confidence in how willing people are, especially current active users or paying users, to adapt and how much they would tolerate modernization of SL imo, especially if that makes SL even better overall and potentially attract more people. And then there are things they can do what won't impact performance, like modernizing default camera settings (which I'm sure they've tested at some point, maybe test users didn't react well to it? Idk)
  20. Hey guys, so made an in-depth and rather long video on how you can make SL look and feel on-par with a lot of triple A games out there (if you feel like it) I've posted this on other places and some of these in some threads here as well, but figured it would be better if this has its own thread just so everything's in one place and people can refer to this easily if they need it. Also to help erode the myth that SL's rendering engine limits it to the point of making it can only look as good as some old game I went through not only graphics, here's a list of the things I adjusted in the video, some through debug settings, to make SL feel more modern overall Camera Graphics UI Environment And while it is true that SL's rendering engine is rather old compared to modern game engines and lack some modern rendering features, a lot of what make good games out there look as good as they are goes beyond graphics, camera, UI, object & environment design, and quality has a lot to do with it as well, and in that regard SL can compete, I even manage to get a "bloom" effect for the viewers All this can be achieved with very usable FPS on rather budget systems too, so it's not like a photo mode where everything looks good but you're getting 10 FPS Screenshots comparing SL to GTA V / online in term of environment / object quality, showing that it is possible for SL to look just as good; Screenshot showing bloom effect, check how the lights and lighted surfaces give an impression that they reflect the lights back to the surrounding airspace, and how it gives a more sense of being / immersion and a more modern look / composition overall (not how my adjusted camera look, in case people think it is, camera is like that just for screenshot); The video; Some debug settings for the settings if you're on a viewer where the settings aren't available on pereferences; CameraOffsetRearView - adjusts rear view camera offset FocusOffsetRearView - adjusts rear view camera focus offset CameraPositionSmoothing - adjusts camera smoothness RenderGlowX/Y/Z - adjusts glow settings for "bloom" effect I hope it's useful! c=
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