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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. Try to change your spawn location by choosing one of the destinations shown on the viewer's login screen before you log in
  2. Hello, a few weeks ago I bought a complete avatar. Everything in the package are copy and mod items, they are only not transferable. A few days ago, I tried to make the clothes darker, but the base colour of the clothes are white, and the colour came from their texture. And if I changed the base colour to black, the clothes' patterns which came with the texture are covered in black and they can't be seen anymore. Are there any ways I could edit the textures? Thank you in advance :)
  3. Something like this? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BAZAR-Lounge-sofa-1L-Gift/1664521 and it's only 1L$
  4. Took me minutes to understand the joke, lol The randomness of this forum confused me sometimes.
  5. Change that image with a scarier avi just a suggestion:P
  6. Awesomely detailed and in-depth review indeed. I think I will include your review in my threads about Second Life at two of the biggest online community forums in my country. =)
  7. Well, at least we can always change our display name.
  8. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Wow, Syo. They moved your response. You now have your own toaster topic! Aww, I hope I see it before Tara move the whole thread lol, I would be lik e "Uhm.. Okay? Toaster? This person is high " But yeah, what Syo said, stop trying to run SL on a toaster:P
  9. It's far from "dead" and it's definitely not abandoned, and I think if someone can't run SL viewer even on lowest settings, they should upgrade or buy a new PC.
  10. Since you don't specifically telling us what do you mean by "not good shadow" I guess they have jagged or pointy edges? If so, make sure you enabled application-controlled Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering in the Nvidia control panel. I don't know about Exodus, but in the current official SL Viewer, you can set the Anti Aliasing level, manually enable or disable Anisotropic Filtering, and if you enabled Developer menu, you can turned on "SSAO and shadow smoothing" (or something like that) which makes the graphics look even better.
  11. Unlimited possibilities in avatar appearance lol, and it's synced to everyone!, that's my first reason, tbh. You see, there are many great mmo's out there, some allowed us to customize our avatars to some extent, TO SOME EXTENT. Or this mmo where we could customize our avatar with 'mods' but it's only client-sided, so everyone else but me sees my avatar in its default looks, except they used different mods, lol.
  12. I'll log out of Second Life and look for secret government arks while I could :smileytongue:
  13. community.secondlife.com/t5/Tips-and-Tricks/QUICKTIP-Get-less-lag-in-seconds-by-increasing-your-Maximum/ba-p/670217 based on that article, I think it's best to put it on max. Some might said 75% of your max download speed, etc, but putting it on max works best for me.
  14. I know a maze sim, the maze is made of bushes and it has invisible prims walls to avoid people jumping straight to the center, the area is no-fly for an obvious reason. And in most combat sims, flying is not allowed for a good reason.
  15. Uhh sorry, I mean here: http://secondlife.com/premium/ on my mobile and can't edit my posts, sorry for double posting.
  16. Info about premium membership can be found http://secondlife.com/premium/]here[/url] And no, you don't have to be 18 AFAIK
  17. Maybe it has something to do with your internet connection's speed? Because I've seen people who can cross-sim, teleport to a crowded sims, etc, without crashing. And I know people who occasionally crashed when doing so (like me) simply because the difference in internet connection speed.
  18. In real world, if I buy a million dollar property with an anti-air missile system and shoot down every commercial and private airplanes which fly through my property a few hundred meters above the sky for privacy's sake, I'd go to jail. Or killed by a SWAT team raiding my property.
  19. I've been playing with 500k connection all this time. Well, like others said, turn off background apps, voice chat, music streaming, etc. But if your friend's PC can handle it, set the draw distance to 200 or higher, never set it to 64 except you're planning to just sit on one spot all the time! I usually set it to 200, let everything rezzed (it could takes a minute or two depending on how many people are around) and after everything's rezzed, I can move around almost lag free and if everything has been rezzed, I can handle a quite crowdy place (Around 25+ people) without any problem Btw, I put almost all graphics settings on max. I suggest your friend to do this as well if his / her PC can handle it, since they don't affect bandwidth usage that much And even though I say my connection speed is 500k-ish, when I check my speed from the viewer's advanced menu, it never been higher than 250k, and I live far away from the server (Southeast Asia) so tell your friend that SL is pretty much playable with his / her current internet speed
  20. Start > run. Type in "cmd" and then in the black box popped out, type "tasklist" it will show the currently running process in your PC. Then type "tskil process name" (ex: tskill firefox) I've notice several slplugin process running too, is it really okay to kill them? I thought it was normal. And are they really contributes to lag?
  21. I've been following the project since its early days (well, since Google announced it to the public) I'm quite sure this thing's probably gonnb be one of the near future's "must have" stuff, just like the currently booming gadgets (iPhone, iPad, etc).
  22. Are you sure you're not wearing an invisible attachment? Try pressing ctrl+alt+t to see if you're wearing one. Sometimes worn attachment didn't go under "worn" folder, at least for me
  23. I do think you really should buy a new PC or upgrade it if your current PC can't run V3, and it's not like you do it only for running SL, go get some other games which your old PC can't run and have fun with them. I run SL with almost all settings put on max, and it's awesome (well, enjoyable, minus my below average internet speed). I'm sorry if anyone is offended by how I call SL a "game" an old SL player once told me that everyone is entitled to see SL in their own ways, and that's how I see it, a game, which I enjoy playing.
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