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Ona Stenvaag

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  1. I'm looking for something slow and graceful that is looped. Nothing sexual looking, but smoothing and flowing if possible (nothing like Tai Chi or what not). Any help would be appreciated. I've gone to a number of well known dance places and the closest I can find is stuff like salsa, which would possibly be ok if it were much slower. Thanks for anything!
  2. HUGE thanks to Lorraine Jupiter for finding some stuff for me!! You're awesome! :catvery-happy:
  3. Now looking for 2 things: ~a headset attached to an ipod or whatnot that could have the headset on the head or around the neck (also cool if it can't change, but would just be a perk) ~an animation that looks like im walking and dancing at the same time I know I can just dance and move at the same time, but most dance animations have the feet holding still. I actually want my avatar to look like they're dancing while walking down the street. Thanks for any help! :)
  4. That will work beautifully. Thank you so much!!
  5. I'm looking for a couch appears as though someone is sleeping on it. With a sheet/blanket and a pillow? Preferably something that looks 'middle-clas' ish. Anyone know of anything?
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