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Profaitchikenz Haiku

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Everything posted by Profaitchikenz Haiku

  1. Colour me confused, but I can't understand your objection? There is a piece of information stored in the database for Avatar A, is friend avatar B allowed to see their online status? The new function tests to see if it needs to request permissions of Avatar A to let Avatar B see if they are on their friends list IFF Avatar A has allowed avatar B to see if they are online, permission is implicitly given. No need to ask Otherwise, popup asks avatar A "Can Avatar B see if you are on their friends list?"
  2. Several TPV's offer a tickbox to enable/disable texture fetch via HTTP, and also inventory fetching. I haven't found a reason to turn off http (yet) but it sounds like I ought to go play... If this translates to "I don't have to see the two dozen 1024-sized textures that woman's parading around in" then I for one will not weep.
  3. Why not just use the already-available "friend can see if I'm online" tickbox from the profile? If the person has said it's Ok for you to know they're online then it's also ok for your script to check if they're a friend of yours. If they have some privacy concerns and haven't ticked the box then they also don't want your probing their internals vie a bit of LSL. There is of course a teensy problem here, you can use this to determine if a friend of yours has or hasn't ticked that box, but to be honest you can work this out for yourself by seeing if you ever bump into them without having been notified they're online. (Just saying this because if I don't I know somebody(s) who will
  4. The physics engine might be disregarding what it considers "negligeable quantities". As an test, try firing arrows at targets with the wind and across the wind, and see if wind effects are being accounted for by the physics engine. If not, then I suspect low-velocity avatar sideways motion is also going to be disregarded.
  5. It often happens in a region where the physics memry allocation has exceeded a high figure (900M for example) View stats to check, and request a region restart
  6. My immediate thoughts here were the ISP was bandwidth throttling them, HTTP was being targetted because it is how almost all web-content is delivered, UDP was not being affected because it' not used for the same thing? Back when Oz was still attending the server user group meetings I queried something about UDP once, a few months after it had been turned off for things like inventory fetching and clothing (and the mobile client). When asked why UDP was still around after LL had supposedly killed it off he responded along the lines of "We're still using UDP, only now just for the things it's meant to be used for". Coffee mentioned something in another thread about UDP being how the region gets essential data to the client, I suspect this is what he was referring to.
  7. This is progress. Back in the dial-up days the first thing they would ask you to do was "re-install Windows TCPIP"" "But, I'm on Linux" "We don't support Linux"
  8. I suggest checking with the official LL viewer first to determine if it's a problem with Firestorm itself or your PC/OS/router in general.
  9. I didn't watch it live, but I am impressed with the achievement. It's a proper private-enterprise rocket that doesn't waste tons of resources by letting booster stages tumble destructively back to the ground or water. Branson's enterprise is laudable but not really a rocket and with less potential for working in low-earth orbit. To put this in context, I think this new rocket development is as epoc-making as the period back in the 1820s when private enterprise began constructing steam-engines to do the work of horses hauling coal around. The world is about to change again, quite rapidly.
  10. My thoughts are that being in SL is already elitist, just compare the userbase with Farcebook. I do actually agree with the OP's thoughts on TP, I've had problems in the RP place I ran where people would TP into the middle of scenes, invite their friends to come tumbling down from the air onto our heads... Taking SnowCrash as the most likely inspiration for SecondLife, there was no TP, no flying (without a valid flying-apparatus), travel was by monorail, motorcycle, possibly cars. I can understand the Point of view that TP and flying abilities in SL are distracting from the immersive experience. I hope I'm not spoiling your fun with my views, I'd hate to be the downpour in this current spell of sunshine.
  11. Start off with Qavimator, it's simpler and doesn't include the bento bones so as a learning-tool it's ideal. You'll need to get a login to the beta grid to upload and test your bvh files without incurring costs (trivial I know, but I often go through 5-10 iterations before I get a result I'm happy with)
  12. A drop in the number of crash-to-desktop. I actually like the idea of having inter-sim transportation as an alternative, but it's going to suffer from a few problems, the major one being region-crossings. I'd favour a hypersonic-rocket approach: you choose your destination, a rocket lands beside you, in you get, up you go, then maybe you get there, maybe you explode in mid-air and CTD.... Not much difference
  13. I remember discussing this with somebody ages ago, possibly the medieval Dee RP sim, they had realised the same thing. We couldn't think of an easy solution. My only suggestion is of a cheat monitor. Assuming everybody wears the hud, and when the hud is pressed by a user, it outputs the message in the form you give. If the Hud keeps track of the times and numbers when it issues such a dice roll but also monitors channel 0 for messages of the form "Dice Hud : (wearer name) rolled..." and hears such a message that it has no record of issuing that message, it announces that It didn't say that and that the roll is invalid. Klutzy, I know, and potentially a bit laggy with the listen on channel 0. Going back to your other point about sim lag and regionSayTo, I have no practical observations that reegionSayto is in any way lag-inducing. It is very reliable, in a recent test where I was looking for events and communications that might get upset by region-idling, I saw no missed messages at all in the regionSayto or regionsay messages that were sent at 15-second intervals. Not a single one got dropped, and there was no obvious change to region performance. Try it as aa solution.
  14. Yes, this was how certain recordings of the Emerald dev discussions by somebody who obviously wasn't close enough to make them be circumspect in what they said made their way to Youtube, wasn't it?
  15. I don't think it's Windows-specific. I'm seeing slowdowns on my Linux machines , my Windows 10 laptop, the pi400; things like googlemail take much longer to finishing waiting for the hangers-on to finish loading before giving you full access to your mailbox, several forums I frequent are noticeably slower to load (most of them are using CloudFlare? as a DDOS protection which might be a actor), and the grey textures problem in SecondLife seems more prevalent on weekends, when I suppose the demand for traffic soars. Broadband speed-checkers show no drop in speed so the problem isn't a local one.
  16. I remember a few places sometime ago that had something against people flying and would nag arrivals. Trouble was, whatever they were using was differentiating between avatars actually flying and avatars on phone connections who seem to bob gently half a metre above the ground. Some people just get stuck on power trips, there's nothing can be done about it.
  17. I have a similar system where the linkset word position and rotation are stored in the description field by a script. When rezzed, a similar script reads the description field and if the position an rotation are valid, repositions the linkset. The rotations are stored as degrees, so you can examine an object in your inventory and see where it is going to go in world. I have a feeling I posted the two scripts in the script library sub-forum, but I can't quite remember what name I used. ETA https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/437023-store-and-restore-rezzed-linkset-positions/
  18. It might be worth trying the old practice of shooting up to 4000 metres to empty the video card's memory and dropping back to the ground to ee if this improves things?
  19. Why would they when they have "Blender Game Engine" ? (OK, I heard they were thinking of dropping it but all my versions of Blender come with BGE)
  20. Uuhh, you realise you're just incentivising the tiny avatars?
  21. I've never used it but I have a similar reaction to the Timeless door scripts.
  22. I really wish this was a mandatory click-to-accept popup every time somebody deploys these nagging script-counter devices. (Even though they'll probably just click-through and carry on regardless.) Interesting, the less-time-sitting is easily explained because the region doesn't perform physics calculations for seated avatars, but I'm puzzled by the difference between standing on large objects and the ground. How do you measure this, and what defines "large" ?
  23. If the user has the texture in their inventory it is simple for them to get the uuid. That can then be copied into the clipboard and chatted on a channel or popped into a text box after the user has chosen such an option. That's probably the simplest and least likely to cause problems. The UUID access works regardless of permissions (something that surprised me a few months ago), but the drag to inventory option might fail if the permissions for the texture prohibit transfeer.
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