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Profaitchikenz Haiku

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Everything posted by Profaitchikenz Haiku

  1. I'm surprised they never called it MyWindows. Much nicer grammar.
  2. The main advantage I can see to a reset is that it clears memory, apart from that, I can't see any real need to reset simple scripts. Should memory ever becme an issue then I'd suggest putting that little Garbage-collection forcer that Animats came up with into the state_entry of default.
  3. I suspect not, you see, it isn't against the ToS to sell such a device, it isn't against the ToS to own such a device, it would be the way in which it is used that would cause the problems.
  4. A script with more than the default state will need a bit more memory allocated when it compiles. However, this isn't large enough to justify a reset instead. What I don't know, (and this is an @Wulfie Reanimator @Quistess Alpha @Mollymews type issue) is whether more server time or resources are consumed when fully resetting a script compared to simply switching from one state to another. In your example though, I would probably have one state, and use a timer event to trigger the transitions between phantom and non-phantom. There would be a variable timerAction which would be set to either "phantom" or "non-phantom", and when the timer event occurs, the value of that variable controls what it does. Having done it, part of is action is to then clean up, if it was "phantom" it has to change timerAction to "non-phantom" and then set the timer event for how long the phantom state is to persist. If it was "non-phantom" it changes the state back to non-phantom and sets the timer event to 0.0;
  5. I haven't the faintest, but I do know there are people who just love databases and collecting things to put in them. Speculato, ergo sum
  6. You retain the values stored in global variables which would otherwise be reset As far as memory goes states do grab a bit more memory.
  7. You don't suspect some of the <3-month old bots popping into parcels for 20 second might also be harvesting UUIDS of avatars present?
  8. Ok, so some people want SL to be a closed universe with an event-horizon. I don't know if they're the majority. There is a choice whether or not to read a forum topic, whether or not to reply to it, whether or not to react... It's not too hard to make such choices. In the final outcome it's going to be what LL decide, of course, and I expect this thread is going to be curtailed.
  9. An RFID-detector would be a more sensible option. But seriously, micro-miniaturization isn't capable of this yet.
  10. Just to chime in here about the issues with user-created content: This isn't unique to SL. Auran Trainz has faced this problem twice now (TS2009/10 then TaNE) and their solution to being unable to upgrade because of the masses of old user content was Break it Now, this isn't quite so awful as it sounds because, you can run different versions of Tarinz, You can run the old TC3 or TRS2004 to see legacy stuff you made or bought, or you can run TS2012/Tane/TS2019 to see the new stuff with things like physics-baked rendering or nostril-hairs in the train drivers. As of yet I can't see an obvious path for LL to have a legacy and shiny-new pair of programs since it would involve a repeat of San-san-san let's not go there.
  11. Because sooner or later some manufacturers are going to want to try and emulate the Google method of monitoring what you say to try and predict what you'll buy.
  12. After some of their recent experiments I fear they have no shame, but it might end up being called "Windows BD"
  13. Coming off the back of what's been happening in the UK of late, there does need to be a sea-change in the word attitudes to women. I don't see any problem with the forums here discussing such issues, the whole idea of a metaverse is that it is an extension to our RL world, not a rabbit-hole into which we all bolt to escape from the patches of awfulness that drift across the sky from time to time.
  14. How about an illegitimate reason
  15. There was a memorable on on a giant display at something like the Olympics a few years back.
  16. My take on this is that such warnings are there not so much for the end-user but more as a protection for the supplier/manufacturer against litigation. I can't help wondering though, should the UK still have capital punishment, what the warnings would be in the execution chamber...
  17. Just a heads-up, this is now the third thread on this subject, in a third forum. it really needs condensing to one. In another thread I mentioned I had cured some of the problems by clearing cookies for the marketplace but then found that was a random cure. The final cure I managed was to stop using Firefox and use Opera. I then got all the images.
  18. You've described what I expected, and what I've experienced all these years up until a few weeks ago. So if it occurs again, I think I'll go for a jiira once I've established it's not one specific viewer.
  19. I would switch to Linux, only, over the past few days on my latest machine each linux distro either lot the graphics completely or else lost important things from the screen like the taskbar. Lubuntu 18.04, Lubuntu 20.04, Zorin 16, All of them either stopped displaying anything on the monitor except a message to say the monitor didn't like the timings, or else displayed the desktop without critical components like the task bar so everything had to be done from the terminal. So I went back to Windows 7 on it. I had to revert the Windows Nvidia driver after a series of driver crashes, and surprise, the stock Nvidia driver on the install CD works fine. I'm annoyed about the lInux failures, I had each distro running fine, and as I said, one b one they failed after either a set of updates, or else when booting up from cold.
  20. Up to a few weeks ago, I had reliable behaviour with clicking. I would arrive at my place, there would be a red arrow from the TP which would be showing on top of a funicular with a click-to-sit seating. I would click on the red arrow and it would clear from the screen. I would then click on the funicular and be seated. A few weeks ago, this reliable behaviour was reversed. When I clicked on the red arrow, I would find myself seated in the funicular, with the red arrow still there and I had to click it to remove it. I had just got used to this when today's unexpected restarts occurred. When I returned after the region came back up again, I had the old behaviour back. Clicking on the red arrow once more removed it, leaving me with the second click to be seated. What I m now uncertain of is, which is the correct behaviour? When several touchable zones are coincident on the screen, is there an explicit order to them that determines how they are processed?
  21. How do you know they're real and not just trolling?
  22. "You can smoke cigarettes till the sun goes down, but I chew tobacco and I spit it on the ground..." Used to be sung by a band called Shades at the Gulval Meadhouse a while back. A long long while back...
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