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sandi Mexicola

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Everything posted by sandi Mexicola

  1. No, no, it's *great* u answered your own question... now I will know when I do that too! Thank you!
  2. In Firestorm, you can go to World/Show More/Beacons - put checkmark by Beacons, Sounds Sources, and Media Sources. use World/Sound explorer to find the short, repeating sounds that might annoy you... you can zoom into sound sources and the beacons will help you. Right-click the object emitting the sound and "More/More/Mute/Block" media sources are a little harder to find. At this point, in the "Beacons" floater, unclick "Sound Sources" so that you are only seeing beacons for media sources. Then you have to cam around some. You can mute media sources the same way as sound sources. Example of a beacon... In this case, I muted the fish, which was playing a repeating sound. As for media, a starting hint is to generally look for your neighbor's TVs and such, using the beacons to help you.
  3. Could it be this? This seems to be an ongoing bug... Script (running) state is lost when logged out during forced teleport https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41379
  4. do you have RLV enabled? i assume you tried relogging Also, in your inventory, try right-clicking a HUD you are wearing and click "touch" from the drop down menu... that might tell u if the HUD is working or not. also, this: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/scripted_attachment_issues
  5. Well, definitely try in a different sim to be sure. Make sure you have rights to run scripts, (just sayin ;P) Also, what viewer are u using? If it is either FS or the default viewer, i can prolly tell u how to get out of experiences. Not sure if you tried to see transparent items, and if that showed anything? If you are in FS, and in a sim where you have rights to run scripts, you can touch your HUDs via your inventory floater. Well, if you want me to explain any of all those ideas, lemmie know.
  6. Did you look in your inventory to see what you are wearing? If you are wearing a HUD that won't come off due to an experience, have you tried banning the experience? Sorry if u already tried those ideas, it all i can think of atm
  7. try Ctrl-Alt-T (Advanced → Highlighting and Visibility → Highlight Transparent) to see if anything transparent is on ur screen blocking ur access to ur HUDS?
  8. Or are you asking how to apply an environment? If you just want to apply an environment, right-click one and then click "apply only to myself".
  9. OK, actually, you want to copy them in bulk *from* your library to another place in your inventory. I recommend here, in your "Settings" folder. Then you right-click on one and click "open"... you should be able to edit the environment from there. I might be able to help you better in-world, if you want to meet up. The main reason is I can use my translator to speak your language.
  10. What do you mean "download"? The ones in "Library/Environments" you can copy in bulk, just like normal items, to another part of your inventory, and then you will be able to modify them. You can copy them all at once. If you are wanting to convert old windlights, "World/Environments/Bulk Import..."
  11. If you are not in the presence of her avatar, she may be offline and responding via email.
  12. If you use your wall idea, see if you can use a 1-sided wall, with a nice picture on the side that faces you, and invisible/transparent facing the perpetrator. They may never know it is there, and therefore not attempt to circumvent it.
  13. Yes, try it out, hopefully that is the issue!
  14. If you have an item with the script in it, and then you wear the item, that is implied permission. That's why things like AOs don't ask you for permission to animate you, but dance floors do.
  15. If you are in Firestorm, and you can do what you need to do without an Interface - Ctrl+Alt+F1 toggles the interface on and off... so you won't see any pop-up-notices.
  16. I think if that only happened one time, you are not likely to be terminated.
  17. Well, also, just in general, LL search is the worst search known to humankind!
  18. If you are using FS, you can right-click your tag, and in the menu there is a "Scripts" option that will tell you various things about all of the scripts you are running, including the total time used.
  19. Only solution, then, is to write my own operating system! I wonder how many decades that might take me!
  20. Yes, I *am* as paranoid as you! I check daily, and therefore update when I want to.
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