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sandi Mexicola

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Everything posted by sandi Mexicola

  1. My favorite live musician, Tukso Okey, charged the venue L$5,000 for a 1-hour set. Later he lowered his prices to L$3,000/hour. He did not accept tips.
  2. My understanding (based on hearing from others) is that LL generally does not get involved in monetary disputes between residents. 😔
  3. I think this is good advice. If you carry negative energy around with yourself, you will attract more of the same.
  4. Ideally, it should be "What You See Is What You Get"... but oh well. 🙄
  5. yw! Well, you might get what you see if you shoot at monitor resolution. But that's not as cool! 😎
  6. I have found that if I am capturing an image that is larger than my monitor, shadows don't look the same. DoF doesn't either, in the final image that I capture, DoF seems "muted" or "toned down." To compensate, I take test shots to see what the shadows will really look like. As for DoF, I already know I will have to turn it up higher than looks correct. Then some more test shots to make sure I have set DoF correctly. If you are not capturing larger than your monitor (5,000 x 6,000 pixels), then please disregard my answer. Also, please, trade me computers. 😁
  7. If few people are stopping by, and they are mostly friends and such, you can give them a copy of your sky to use.
  8. Latest I have read: LL is currently rolling back their login fix.
  9. This is the 2nd report of this issue I have seen.
  10. In the past, script events that were set to run immediately when the object containing the script was rezzed did so. It seems now there is a variable and up to 2 second delay after an object is rezzed before a script will do anything. I consider this a bug, but it's been a bug for a long time.
  11. LSL is a state-based programming language, which threw me at first. I imagine you likely found this site already: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal. There are a lot of good examples there. There are scripting groups online. Classes too (I think). If I find more information before anyone else does, I'll try to remember to post here. 🙂
  12. Not as far as I know. It's sometimes a hassle getting everyone to set their media settings correctly so that they can see all the cool stuff!
  13. But... but... what if I am running Photoshop at the same time, and also recording video?
  14. Well, I am trying to be patient and hoping the prices come down in a couple of years.
  15. Check what kind of performance you get in FS before investing too much time into it. Some people do not get good performance.
  16. In my experience, 4GB graphics card memory is not enough on SL.
  17. Thanks for the update. I was curious if this was still an issue.
  18. While my mind is on the subject, how do I go about deleting a post of mine here?
  19. oops, i missed the part about it being a string
  20. also maybe check out http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRound
  21. maybe something like multiplying the float by 10 and casting it into an integer, then dividing the integer by 10 and casting into a float. maybe this wil work, or give u some ideas... i didn't test it integer i = 0; float f = 0.0; ... <f gets assigned some number with a ton of decimal places> ... i = (integer)(f*10); f = i; f = f/10;
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